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Author878 ©️

Sometimes you need to put Allah first and  put ties right with people and cut off unhealthy connections
Make the halal, halal and haram the haram and abide by it
Be real and respectful to yourself
Cut unhealthy ties
Just not the kinship
There maybe people who trigger you and you decide you don't like them subhanAllah
For whatever reason you might not even understand yourself
Why not make dua Allah changes the situation between you and this person
Instead of harbouring grudges, dirt, grime, filth and stains in your heart because the Satan wants this
Allah subhannah wa ta3lah
He doesn't want this
He wants you subhanAllah
So whatever unhealthy tie you have
For example it could be a dating app and you're not using it for marriage
Talking to members of the opposite sex in a certain way is zina
Looking at them a certain way is Zina of the eyes and to engage such people in this is haram
Kissing is zina and so is touching
Going down under is a lethal sin
We don't want to be known by others for having committed zina
Even thinking or assuming others have committed zina is very sinful
Do you want to be forgiven
If this message reaches you
You are meant to read it
if your issue is assumptions  - that leads to slander and in the worse case it turns you into a narcissist and your heart will be blocked because all you do is think you're better and everyone is not good or are doing bad things and worse case scenario it can jeopardise their livelihood and yourself =akhirah

If your issue is you don't want to get married and gave up on love - your heart is blocked and maybe you didn't ask your ex partner for forgiveness for a wrongdoing you have done or you haven't forgiven them and your heart is heavy or something or you just have a habit of hurting people so much that their  energy is sticking to you and you feel guilt, remorse or even fear or maybe even  anger - SUBHANALLAH
Clean your hearts
Sometimes companions are reserved for akhirah SubhanAllah but please be patient

If your issue is materialistic gains - ask yourself why dunya is so special to you and why we must compete for it?
Why must it be the latest when new things come out every month and you'll ger outdone anyway and why does it have to be like this
Soften your heart
Humble yourself
Aauthubilahi minal satan al rajeem

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