Judging a powerful message

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Don't judge a person
Until you a walk a mile
In their shoes
Maybe they make their jobs
When in fact they're
Maybe they make their Smile
Look easy when infact they cried to
ALLAH S.W.T at Fajr
To make things easier
Maybe they have arthritis
Maybe they have epilepsy
Maybe they have diabetes
They're going through hardships
You don't know about
Only that person and their creator
So please always be kind to those around
Because in the end you'll be a loser
Not them
Have you ever thought
Your constant JUDGING
That Maybe the problem isn't
With with the person Allah CHOSE TO ELEVATE AND TEST
That Maybe the problem is with you
Whatever problems you're facing
You have a lord and fair Him and tell Him
No need to take all your frustrations out on other people
Be kind and have gratitude
Don't be materialistic
If I have nice food I'm happy
Even if I don't I'm happy Alhamdulilah
I went through a time I lost my wealth
Nobody not even my mother knew then she knew SubhanAllah how a mother is mashaAllah
This was many years ago she did something for me like a surprise and I asked her why did you do this for me?
She said did you not make dua to Allah? I said I did! It was little but I was so grateful it was her to receive the reward my own mother mashaAllah ❤️  then Alhamdulilah I did whatever I could to make money until I found another company, but it is unfortunate with end of life you do face redundancy a lot but I'm grateful because you're there for people during their most vulnerable time but it's not an easy job at all especially when you see people want nothing to do with their families  only wealth? I've seen it happen since i was younger it's heart breaking Allahumma guide them. I'm not judging them I genuinely feel bad for them Wallah because they are lost I'm the dunya and clearly taken by the Satan almost like hostages may Allah free His Slaves from this evil Enemy Satan.
A lot of people don't get why people say we are Allah's slaves- it's not a bad word in islam Satan is satanic and taking us hostage and Allah is merciful and constantly freeing us so we Are His Slaves and we worship Him Alone so please don't judge us Muslims until you walk a mile in our shoes...
You will love our mosques and our peaceful religion and the bad people who are making a mockery you're telling me there are not people like that in every religion "some defend their people," I'm not defending the wrong ones I'm saying to you Christians who judge you should give it a rest because I met Christians TRUE CHRISTIANS who don't drink or smoke or even commit sex before marriage that's just like islam but we have Tawhid so it's we believe in one God and one God only without the son the mother or wife or anything so why are we judged as Muslims day after day when people with brown skin paid by zionists to commit crime who are not Muslims to make our religion look bad yet it keeps growing and growing because people know the truth.
Our religion is not what the zionist media is saying it is...
They do not like Muslims
Just like they're ethnically cleansing out Palestine and Lebanon and maybe my country Yemen but I think Yemen will be too strong for them they keep trying, even Britain tried and failed to colonise Yemen...
Maybe they'll try Pakistan and surrounding areas but I doubt they'll manage these countries are too strong so they're targeting vulnerable countries so you see that's what's wrong and the Christians and zionists I see who agree innocent babies should die? Why? No child or baby should die you're judging someone who can't even speak or a child who can't even defend themselves...
Anyways the true Christians and Jewish who want freedom in the middleeast shouldn't be judged for not being racist they should be aspired to because they're brave and amazing people with humanity in their hearts.
Humanity isn't dead - unfortunately society is now in the ai generation so I kindly pledge my government to stop hiring computer generated robots to answer phone calls and give the UK more jobs that they complain the immigrants and Muslims are taking away.

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