missing people author878 ©️

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I get this question a lot

You don't need to miss people from your past
They came
You were tested
That's the end of that chapter
They forgive you that's it
Chapter closed

If you're thinking of them
This is Satan
Bringing them into your thoughts
Making you feel guilty
Mourning the loss

Some of these people sending these questions are married astakfirallah hul atheem
Why are you thinking about an ex

Allah's plan was to elevate you

If you thought of marriage and it did not go through Allah hul alim the reason why He planned this
There maybe habits you will not stand about them and it will not be a good marriage so please my brothers and sisters
Do not fall into this trap
This is waswas Al khanas the whispering into the souls and minds

Then you tell your friends and that's how we have Surat an Nas

Mankind can also whisper into the hearts of mankind because they too are victims to the waswas of the Satan La hawla wala quwata
May Allah protect us All Ameen

Don't look at photos of people it gives them sins
Don't think of them Satan will then really play on your vulnerability and lead you


People have gone as far as commuting

la hawla wala quwata illah bilah may you all repent sincerely and be protected guided and may you all


people have gone as far as porn and masturbation
La hawala wala quwata I'll not delve too deep into this there is a great talk about this by Mufti Menk mashaAllah and Zakir Naik

Always go with your gut if it feels wrong it's wrong
Zakir Naik has stated masturbation causes health problems la hawla wala quwata so if this is the case
Muhammed s.a.w encouraged marriage

So it's there to protect you if you cannot hold yourself
For a man this should be easier
I'm not saying men and women are not equal no

I'm saying go do wudu and pray 2 raka and the urge goes away
When a woman is not able to pray due to menstruation
She has to find a different way may Allah help them

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