truth *quick daily messages 1

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Don't cut ties of kinship but if they not spoken to you in a long long time
You don't need to tell them anything and everything
Only those who are there for you who are helping you should know your darkest moments and even husband and wife and parents don't even need to know- it's between you and Allah
Hide your sins
Cry to Allah
Stop crying in bathrooms it's sinful it's dirty there are jins in there
Cry on the sadja
You can do this 5x a day and repent and drain your guilt and do sadaqah even if you did zakat okay why not volunteer your time this is sadaqah
This will begin to purify you okay
This is my short message tonight
May Allah help you
I hope it helps someone
Out here tonight
Salam alaikum wa rahmatAllahi wa barakatohu

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