what are generational curses?

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This is nothing to do with Islam
It's more to do with culture and society...
I don't regard the saying as a generational curse I just regard it as old fashioned and out dated thinking...
The term generational curses spem from polythiesm.

See a lot of people are confusing culture and traditions with Islam.
A generation of family keep a tradition for example
Now this is just an example
Let's say
A family has a tradition that if their sons are Dr's they only marry a Dr and if they're nurses they only marry a nurse or community health care worker.
Their kids also adapt these traditions until one breaks out of this tradition and in polythiesm and other such religions they cast this as a generational curse because it may have gone on for more than thousands of years until one decides to stop the tradition and marry who they are in love with.
Islam is different for those who truly trust Allah with their decision whilst they pray istikara it will truly guide them and I have to tell you about it in a different post...
Generational curses or outdated thinking can also be families who have a tradition just to marry family *cousins or close proximity like friends of friends or to marry the same castes or cultures...

Our family had some traditions, when it was in the royal bloodline perhaps, but I was not born then, but know a lot about it and during the wars and invasion of Yemen it is now gone by the french revolution and alhamdulilah because I'm not even bothered about it.
We have a bigger and better palace waiting in Al fardous in shaa Allah Ameen, but right now my parents didn't care about traditions...
Our family hold multiple cultures from Yemeni, Indian, Bengali, English, Algerian and Pakistani and there will in shaa Allah soon be more...

Some were funny about it, but because they have strong beliefs or outdated beliefs let's say...
It lead to some belief in people about how such marriages wouldn't work and the truth is We plan
Allah plans

Most of these marriages have lasted over 20 years mashaAllah
Some are nearly 20 years and some of these cross culture marriages are almost into a decade...

Generational curses is used by polythiests mainly and I just call the TERM...


Because that's exactly what it is...

You are given freedom by Allah and given istikara for Him to guide you
Not put your nafs(soul) *through oppression) *dhulm
No mum, dad or grandparent or any member of your family should ever put you through such oppression or put pressure on you - forcing is some other sin all together, but even pressure they will still be held accountable for it...
All you can do in this situation is forgive them and pray for love to grow between you ameen. The best thing is to avoid the tradition rather than to commit zina.

Ya Allah please bless those souls being oppressed and who are being forced into marriages and may you our creator Allah help us your slaves and especially those who's veils are over their hearts and their eyes and ears to finally see clearly and open their heart to every creation of yours Ya Allah and yes we are indeed  your slaves and worship you to Dwell in jannah for all eternity Ameen... lakal mulku wa lakal hamdu ameen

As Salam alaikum wa rahmatAllahi wa barakatohu

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