Question request
Author878 ©️ ™️
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Okay so this was about sins of the mouth and nose
Be prepared there's a lot of sins
Ones you never thought of
So which ones are you doing the most of and shall I do each body part?Mouth is not just in the mouth it's speech too
1.Eating non halal food
2.Drinking alcohol
3.Taking drugs
6.Seductive smiling
7.Flirting as in talking to members of the opposite sex
9.qadrafing (it's an Arabic thing I don't consider it sinful but some imams say it's like singing and in the time of the Prophet this was not done it's cultural)
10. Zina of the mouth like oral sex.
11. Kissing
12. Snogging
13. Smooching
14. Blowing kisses and it also requires the use of the hand and becomes a sin of the hand.
15. Smoking
16. Vaping
17. Mouth piercings
18. Lip piercings
19.tongue piercings
20. Not looking after teeth
21. Sex talk with a person you met
22. Phone work (sex talk to make money this is haram income)
23. Lying
25.playing the victim
26. Backbiting
28.oppresive speech
30.verbal abuse
32.aggressive speech
33.verbal threats
34.arrogant speech
35.prideful speech
36.egotistical speech
39. Tantrums (if you're not a child)
40.bad temper
44.never complimenting your partner
45. Nor being supportive
46. Being Nosey
50.peer pressure
51.bringing up people's pasts
52. Too much bad exposure (learn to let Allah expose people)
53. Denial (face up to it)
54. Beating around the bush
55.lying for others
56.protecting oppressors including backbiters
57.spitting(it's germs and makes people ill and sick
58.biting people in a fight( it causes serious life threatening infections)Okay moving on to the Nosey
Haha1.glue sniffing * a NONE MUSLIM teacher told us a story that her friend a young boy aged 14 sniffed tipex and he passed away she was almost in tears she looked 29 or perhaps 31 years of age and I could tell that it was still to the day she mentioned it PAINFUL so please don't do it!
2.sniffing cocaine...
3.smelling food and refusing to eat. * okay we have a food that has a funny smell and some kids refuse to eat it astakfirallah and Palestine are eating grass and still fasting in Ramadan and are grateful to Allah... please be grateful or better yet don't smell the food, just eat it because you know it tastes nice, mashaAllah because some foods just taste better than they smell and some smell better than they taste its how it is no need to smell it.
4.smelling members of the opposite sex especially if you're not married it is zina.
5. Going into people's homes and saying it smells bad to other people so you then commit two sins.
6.noticing odour on your body and ignoring it and thus making it two sins- your nose is there for a reason'to keep you clean' mashaAllah.So there's too many with the mouth it's like an open zestpool of major and minor sins, but the nose is pretty much just minor apart from the drugs which is considered major because the sniffing can result in DEATH! TRUST me when I tell you that you DO NOT want to
Don't pass away with haram food in your belly or lies or any of the sins I mentioned take care and just because wudu washes some of your minor sins away it doesn't mean it excuses you from Allah's punishment because He's the most Just and the most Fair and surely you will Face Hardships because He wants you to what?