my thoughts on Chris kaba

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A FORGOTTEN world is people are not understanding this is real life not ps5
Why did 2 white people in possession of dangerous weapons get 27 years life sentence now reduced by 5 years and Chris Kaba a young 24 year old black man soon to be a dad, studying architecture gets SHOT IN HIS HEAD!
He was also seen wearing a rolex which the police Have dismissed as not seen at the time of shooting his brains out?
So If he always wore his watch where is it? Things don't just vanish? I don't care what the police say, they need to say the truth that they damaged the watch and they'll replace it or it was taken or whatever!
NOW A child is left fatherless and the officer didn't know who was driving and Kaba was unarmed, now all this stuff about his past is leaking out on the Internet...
Some of this could even be lies, he was going to get married, do architecture and become a father, he was trying to change...
It's his past he was trying to turn his life around...
Let him rest in peace it was 2 years ago he was 24 years old if he was given life sentence for 15 years he'd be out at 39 years old and trust me I think that with the support and guidance he would try to turn his life around
Who wouldn't?
There was no need for injustice or the police to be cleared of murder
He still shot him in his head
Now he's cleared of murder and now all these horrific news articles are coming out and I don't believe all of it
The past is the past and people can change
Another black man killed by police, it makes you wonder who really killed Tupac? Allahu alam and we shouldn't assume it's an inside job, but it's not just drugs affecting our streets
Armed officers were not in the uk like in America we started adapting much of their traditions, trick or treating, pumpkin carving, paper straws and bags and now more Armed officers than ever.
What makes me so angry is he's a black guy and according to news he was down for attempted murder! So why did the officers not just arrest him, taser him?
Why shoot him in the head? Why?
I remember the black lives matter campaign for George Floyd and then Kaba, but we need to be louder for those in the back.
All these racists praising the officer for murder, shame on you, if you ever have kids and end up with mixed raced kids and they get shot that would feel like torture.
We can't have Armed officers kicking and stamping people on the head like at the airport to the 19 year old Pakistani and now a 24 year old is Shot in his head...
La hawla wala quwata illa billah
I'll tell you why I feel bad for kaba...
Is he never got the guidance or the support he needed to flourish in his life.
His child will be fatherless and according to islam an orphan until the child becomes independent and if that so called hero you call the police actually cared He would not shoot a father to be in his head?
Astakfirallah this is absolutely disgusting and why not just shoot him in his arm?
If he really really couldn't help pulling the trigger?
Why his head?
If Chris was doing all the things the media MENTIONED RECENTLY then why was he not given longer sentences and support in prison to change his life around...
You never know fatherhood might sometimes change someone...
Longer prison sentences change people and shooting them in the head is nothing to be proud of at all.
My heart is broken because our justice system is broken 💔
Pray his family find relief in this really difficult time and his partner and child ate supported through this atrocity.
If they can shoot Chris kaba in the are they after everyone with brown skin ?
Or is this Tommy Robinson rubbing people up the wrong way because recently we see an Asian guy stamped on the head with steel boots and now a black guy shot in the head.
People are proud of it and happy and this world has lost humanity and lost all forgiveness in their hearts
People deserve a second chance according to sources it was attempted murder Chris didn't murder the guy, but the officer killed him.
Didn't know who drove the car and Chris was unarmed and could have easily been detained or why not shoot the tyres and he can't drive?
No they shot his head and he died in one single shot...
Shoot the shoulder man...
Why his head?
This officer was not blind? He knew where he was shooting!
Pray the family and his friends and the black community heal from this atrocity.
I'm truly heartbroken by this...
Honestly huge condolences to George Floyd and his family and friends...
Also to Chris Kaba and those who knew him and how he tried to turn his life around and wasn't given a chance
It's such a shame that people judge people's pasts actions without any regards to those involved and to murder is extremely inhumane and we should keep fighting for Chris Kaba and for George Floyd because skin colour unfortunately has always been an issue in western societies to the narrow minded and this is why some may have a past and if not given a chance to change it results in devastating effect...
The officer who killed Kaba shouldn't be cleared of murder you should be outraged and heartbroken and try to have empathy and imagine if this happened to you or your kids or grandchildren or they did a crime and nobody ever forgot for example  in the case of Kaba he was murdered, but try to imagine your child was mentally tortured for a crime that happened and they keep trying to turn their life around and nobody trusts them and they commit suicide or something or one day for example they revert back to the crime because nobody forgot their crime and they got murdered I'm pretty sure western societies would be outraged by this and you should be for Chris Kaba because it's a human life lost just like the thousands of Palestinians murdered by the idf and those war criminals get away with it time and time again by our government's and we also have the covid scam that was also a crime and some could say brexit was a crime and this inflation and the pandemic but did our government deserve death?
So those saying Chris Kaba deserved death instead of help, guidance and counselling; you really need help yourselves because you can't live your lives in toxicity it's absolutely disgraceful...
Some people can change and it's about time you realised that, like me I was unhealthy, overweight a blooming Size 24 and it come to a point I was giving up and then I turned my life around, but I was not murdered and so Chris Kaba deserves Justice.
There are so many people who disagree, but spend so much time reading things they don't care about just to make nasty comments so if you don't care about Chris he's resting in peace and we who care are fighting his justice.


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