The question was do I find it hard being a divorcé and why not get married again because you represent the ummah
Salam alaikum wa rahmatAllahi wa barakatohu
Yes I did, I faced backlash to this day...
"You should try again,"
These women do not know my situation or what my ex did or what he's still doing which I'm still dealing with...
I don't have kids and if I did we'd really struggle very badly and for his sake it was best this way Allah lessened the burdens for him and I forgive him for what he has done.
I would actually get married again but I can't due to circumstances.
Allah put me through this hardship because He knew I could bear the patience of it I don't think many women could do this especially not committing zina which I have struggled with, but alhamdulilah i didn't do it, but found my way through Allah's grace.
I find the best thing is stop thinking about appearances because Satan makes you feel lust.
This issue is slowly getting sorted I would have done this sooner but it was very complicated, it cost a lot of money and my mum was sick so I chose my mum and chose to put my own issue aside.
Then I'll wait for Allah to bring the right person and if it's jennah it's Jennah I have been so long without a relationship with Allah's help alone I can continue on this path if I wish but I have to consider those who propose marriage I have prayed istikara and if I have doubts I just know they're not the ones or if it never moves forward or it gets complicated I know he's not right... see I know I represent the generation but why focus on my journey when you have your own journey with Allah s.w.t I know my own path and my journey and I'm grateful and if I never have a companion or kids I know I'll get them in Jennah and they'll be the best of the best... being divorced it's self we face isolation, we are looked down on and these are some people who do not understand Allah made it halal so we don't suffer in unhappy relationships and the only problems I'm facing with my ex is between me and Allah but it has put a barrier between me and getting married again because the issue is so complex and I don't have to discuss this matter but just know that one day I may or may not get married it does not make me less of a muslima if I did or I didn't as long as I follow 5 pillars I'm fine alhamdulilah. As Salam alaikum wa rahmatAllahi wa barakatohu.