don't get suspicious

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Morning lovelies
So I got a message

Hmm fake accs

I'm not sure exactly what the person is asking me, but I'll just answer  Shadia

Either one whether impersonation of you
Or watching you on private accs
Maybe guilt - so they might have assumed bad things about you and are now a fan of your content and you might have blocked them
Or they might use multiple accs because I'm not sure exactly
If they don't create on social media and don't need a backup acc then I'm honestly it might just be infatuation
It could be envy
Either way just block the acc and ignore them and get on with your day
If it is someone who knows you it's likely they will deny it if you approach them
So just keep blocking them
Having assumption and suspicion is sin
So I just like to believe they like my content and if they are doing bad things like praying on your downfall or other such bad things
Put your trust in Allah that He is indeed watching them, He is the most merciful and He is the most severe and fair in punishment and what good is punishment in dunya
Maybe Allah is testing your patience and is saving such punishments for akhirah and it appears you're having suspicion and must not look too deep into things because suspicion is sin So don't let such things get to you
It leads to harmful behaviour
Suspicion leads to shirk so I highly advise you pray 2 rakah salah for Allah to protect you and remove any suspicion from your heart immediately
Such fake accs might have made a new acc because their acc even got hacked
Or they lost their password
I'm not even on tiktok, but someone put me on there with a photo and Author878 too and I'm not sure who this person is?
I ignored it and you should too.

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