question for author878

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Author878 ©️
Hi 878 is talking to a woman zina

There was quite a few emails for me on

So I chose you because it's interesting
Let's say you slid into a Dm
It's wasting time when you can talk to Allah, plus the third party is always the Satan
The waswas will begin instantly and it can easily get tempting to ask for photos or you'll send photos
These situations never end well it always leads to zina of the ears and eyes
So the photos and then the ears when you start to say the wrong things and if your intentions were marriage-
Satan doesn't want this so he is messing it up for you and if you choose to meet someone without a mahram (someone they are forbidden to marry- guardian of their family ) you'll end up being tempted into a cosy night in and that take away, always ends up being a sleepover and two people together with the Satan it will lead to Zina may Allah protect us from this major sin Ameen.
So this is why talking to members of the opposite sex is zina...

If you've known them a long long time allahu alam I've known brothers a long long time and we don't have them kind of feelings, but I'm aware of the Satan and the zina thing  I'll tell you something though this was crazy it only happened once but my brother was there nearby  and I told him so I will be honest a brother we known for a long time who drove taxis offered to take all the sisters home from a charity event, but then he got really silly and saying stuff I didn't like so I told my brother and where I told the brother to  stop and we all got in my brothers car-  There are certain people who are on their deen and some people lose it like that brother may Allah guide him he wanted to do other stuff so we had to tell my brother who had words with him and he didn't come to events anymore.
I'm not sure if he's guided or not, but I do often pray for him because most brothers have good hearts and you can't judge them just based on zina alone!
I was lucky just imagine someone really vunerable like a revert or a muslim with no brothers or sisters subhanAllah
This is why talking starts to lead to zina because of the Satan and waswas
Waswas is his whispering (It's not was)
In Arabic it sounds very different  so in English it's more of a slow waa and then z sound and it Arabic it's more of a quick wa and then ssss like a snake or my mum used to say someone who can't whistle haha  😆 it sounds like they're saying shhh but not the sh just the sss sounds
If this doesn't make sense let me know haha 🙃
Anyways I guess apps making it easy to talk to people, but this is why you are not finding anyone or finding the wrong ones or talking to ones for months and their families reject you  🤧 😪 why? There's no blessing in this- not like going to her home and asking her hand in marriage! If you're meant to be pray istikara and Allah will make this path easy and it will even be easy to find her  subhanAllah...
You should lower your gaze really, but beauty is still the weakest reason to marry, but people still choose a spouse based on that reason alone and rather they marry than commit zina.
Parents often allow such marriage because zina of the eyes, speech and ears has already happened and they lessened their child's punishment by making it right.
With love you have to be patient really focus your love towards Allah and your gratitude and even with marriage it will increase the rizq and blessings...
It's tough because Satan will drag you off the path by increasing your thoughts of lust and it is natural to feel this way, but if it's dramatic it's definitely Satan waswas...
If husband and wife can have control around guests and in Ramadan then your thoughts always leading to zina is waswas from the Satan.

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