Is there a form of waswas from Satan we need to be aware of that can increase negative thoughts?
Yes I been getting many questions On hnlreviews2791@gmail.comLet's answer your question
Satan will come for you, but if your imaan alhamdulilah is kept strong...
Staying in wudu (erasing your sins through out the day)
It's why I only wear concealer- it's easy to fit into your bag and mascara with those make up wipes if I'm going somewhere nice and keep in wudu and if I'm local I won't wear any! I started this habit years ago and never stopped and my skin got better overtime ...
So if you're in wudu, constantly fighting negative thoughts; doing sadaqah, being kind, helpful and praying on time including tahajud!!!Satan will come and give you negative images and thoughts in your dreams subhanAllah and these can be subconscious too subhanAllah, get up say Authubilahi minal satan rajeem and dry spit 3 tunes to the left and don't pay attention
Satan will come in your salah and if you notice this, when you go on the sajood you make dua continously for Allah to increase your Kushoo (concentration in your salah)
Remember to always ask for forgiveness
Ask Allah to erase sins of the past and ones you may commit presently and in the future!Remember to pray for everyone and give plenty of dawah and you never know who will research or come to Islam just because of something you discussed
See I was on the bus me and this elderly lady hadn't talked in a while and she didn't know about my mum and I told her I'm the process of giving her good deeds and she asked me how? (Yes mum passed away ) so I explained to her if I gave up my clothing on her behalf and someone used it 5 years and passed it back to the charity shop in good condition and it goes on for example 40 years - my mum will get these rewards and I can do this for my dad; my uncle, my aunt, great grandparents, grandparents, a neighbour or anyone who passed away! The woman's tear immersed and I noticed an elderly man- I see him often he subhanAllah didn't understand Muslim's are just regular people not like the media portray us and his face changed he looked at me and he tried to smile, but felt remorse so out of respect I smiled at the elderly man and he smiled too I said may Allah reward my smiling mother ameen.
We can even pass on reward to them as little as a smile subhanAllah.Satan always makes you think a situation is worse than it is and in fact it is nothing like that, once a social worker wanted to see someone and the woman was scared, but her kids were not taken away they just offered her support 3 hours a week as a single mother to do shopping, cleaning and to walk the dog with her kids.
So always take a deep breath and think positive.
Breathing techniques are amazing for mental health, concentration and for wellbeing and Remember that water especially zamzam which is purified water will increase concentration by up to 40% and cure many diseases and rain is a blessing, but alhamdulilah we can still drink it, but it's better to drink bottled water and why some negative thoughts are positive
We know that tap water isn't what it used to be or can be hard like in London so we know not to drink it alhamdulilah for bottled water which is also a blessing and remember to Thank Allah for His nature here on earth everyday
Thank Him for another chance to straighten up