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Get those trees planted in jennah for everyone of these words spoken in shaa AllahSalam alaikum remember my tasbih challenge
Let's change it up to make you do 755,328 astakfarsThis time
Let's do
Astakfirallah 36x on our fingers
SubhanAllah wal hamdulilah wa la illah illa allah walahu akbar
15x on our fingersAstakfirallah 36x
SubhanAllah wal hamdulilah wa la illah illa allah walahu akbar
15x on our fingers (total 30)Astakfirallah 36x
SubhanAllah wal hamdulilah wa la illah illa allah walahu akbar
15x on our fingers (total 45)Astakfirallah 36x
SubhanAllah wal hamdulilah wa la illah illa allah walahu akbar
15x on our fingers (total 60)Astakfirallah 36x
SubhanAllah wal hamdulilah wa la illah illa allah walahu akbar
15x on our fingers (total 75)Astakfirallah 36x
SubhanAllah wal hamdulilah wa la illah illa allah walahu akbar
15x on our fingers (90Astakfirallah x36
SubhanAllah wal hamdulilah wa la illah illa allah walahu akbar
10x on our fingers (total 100)Astakfirallah 36×
Total of Astakfirallah
after one salah 288After fajr, dhuhr, asr, maghrib and isha
It is 1,440
After shafah prayed separatelyAnd witr
It totals to 1,960
If you choose to do it at tahajud it totals to 2,248 a day
As an Imam my father was big on tasbih and some people shocked me that only elderly people do it?
La hawla wala quwata illah bilah and yes this ummah too lost in music and memorising lyrics to whatever famous singers or rappers or you watch too much football...
It's a form of idol worshipping, you drop everything and run to watch the match, but are you on this vibe with Allah yet because it's true when they say not all who wander are lost, but are you lost, these famous people won't do nothing for your akhirah...
Look at Ali Bennett SubhanAllah may Allah have mercy on his soul, he blacked out and he saw jennah and he had donated everything he owned to the poor and said his cancer was a blessing? Why did he say that?
Because he knew; Ali Bennett knew this was Allah calling him to what? To do what my dear brothers and sisters what did Allah ask from brothers Ali Bennet - nothing Allah wanted him to what?
He wanted our brother to...
it was Allah who wanted Ali Bennett and alhamdulilah our brother
😢 😭 ♥️♥️♥️♥️💓💓💓💓