Lingerie and biting

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This chapter is very long to make up for my absence. I'm so sorry.
It also contains sexual content so if you want to skip it, stop reading when she's in the closet.

Thank you for staying with me c:

"Pardon?" Xavier seem appalled as he spoke. His eyes widened.

Grayson's grip on me tightened and I leaned back into his chest. I was beginning to feel a little scared. I mean... Xavier was the prince. He obviously didn't like Grayson defending me that I wasn't a 'pet' whatever that means. An upset prince is not something I want to be in the middle of, nonetheless a vampire prince.

"You heard me. She is not a pet." Grayson's voice wavered. I could tell he was losing his courage, probably realizing 'oh shit I just snapped at the vampire prince' I grabbed his hand lightly and stroked my thumb against his.

We sat in silence for a few minutes. It felt like years before Xavier finally nodded slowly "in that case, jewell would you show Elizabeth to her and...Grayson's room please? I'm sure she's tired from the flight."
He nudged Jewell forward and she nodded quickly, standing up and straightening what little clothes she had on.

I looked at Grayson and he nodded slowly, gripping my hand for reassurance.

"It's okay. If you need me just call" he spoke softly and I nodded, getting up and following the blonde out of the room. As we passed through the doors I could hear Xavier clear his throat, Jewell closed to doors behind us.

I followed a step behind her awkwardly, keeping my hands folded in front of me.

"The castle is very big. Be careful not to get lost" her voice was so quiet I almost didn't hear her. Why did she sound so intimidated?

"I'll do my best. I don't plan on wandering around here alone, ever" I tried to sound cheery and inviting but she stayed quiet. We went down numerous hallways and passed many doors before stopping at a big wooden door.

"This is where you both will be staying." She spoke quickly as she opened the door and I gasped at the sight. It had a big bed against the center wall that had four wooden posts holding up a canopy over top the bed. The walls were deep blue and the floors were the same beautiful hardwood. There was a dresser and a big glass door leading to a balcony.

"It's amazing" I gasped and she smiled, nodding.

"Master does provide only the best for his guests" she spoke a little more confidently this time. I walked into the room and turned to her.

"Can I ask you something?" I spoke quietly, afraid somebody might hear. She nodded slowly and shut the door. I felt panicked all of a sudden.

"I actually have questions for you too" she sounded shy again and I nodded, sitting down in the love seat in the corner of the room and she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Don't worry nobody can hear us talking this bedroom is quite secluded from the rest of the occupied rooms" she smiled reassuringly and I nodded.

"What exactly does it mean that you're a uh pet?" I mumbled the last part and she nodded slowly, she shut her eyes and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She looked like she was lost in thought.

"You see here.. Vampires ..well there's a lot more of them here than America. This is one of the places they originated. Even in the 21st century so many people believe in the folklore and stories passed down. Master Xavier's father holds a very very high title in the human world and is the king of the vampire world. They have vampires that catch humans after what the vampires consider to be a 'human curfew' and they essentially kidnap you. You are taken to this little shop and you are sold to the highest bidder. Most vampires keep their pets for blood and feedings. We are entertainment and to be shown off."

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