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All of your comments make me so happy ^_^ thanks so much!

Aww yeah a update in the same day HOLLAAA.

I dropped the phone in an instant. My heart was now in my stomach. I looked around my room, expecting Grayson to be standing in here laughing at me for falling for such a trick. But he wasn't. I was alone.

I hadn't even noticed the tears that were streaming my face.

"I should...." I whispered to myself like a lunatic. I frantically began talking to myself

"He's not"

"No never"

"He's just.."

I stood up and felt dazed. I walked to my bathroom and held onto the counter so I didn't collapse.

I was incredibly pale all of a sudden.

I took shallow breaths, trying not to pass out.

Grayson was not dead.

That was impossible.

He's invincible! always taunting tyler and fighting... that's how it's supposed to be. There isn't supposed to be a breaking point.

Grayson. Was. Not. Dead.

I stood up straight and forced my legs to move. I walked downstairs and absentmindedly grabbed my keys, walking out the front door. I mumbled a goodbye to my mom and got in my car.

I sat for while before I had put the keys in the ignition and slowly started to drive down the street. There was suddenly a light in the cup holder.

How was my phone in here?

Oh right I grabbed it...

I didn't answer. I simply kept driving.

I drove in silence, almost arriving at the pack house. I suddenly felt panicked. Pure terror coursed through me and I didn't know why.

I took off my seatbelt and opened the door, but before I could step out my head suddenly reeled and I gasped for air.


I froze when my name was screamed. I got out if the car and looked around but nobody was there. I quickly ran to the front door and flew it open.

Elizabeth don't

The voice in my head was now a quiet, shaky whisper.

"Hello?" I gasped out and walked into the living room. There was nobody in here.

I turned to walk back to my car and get my phone when I heard the click of heels.


My body shook when the voice was back in my mind.

Veronica walked into the living room, she held her hand out.

"This way" she whispered. I hesitantly followed her into a room I'd never been in before.

I froze at the sight before me.

My stomach lurched and I began gasping for air.

"Elizabeth" Veronica whispered, her eyes full of pain. The room was full of vampires.

She touched my shoulder and I flinched away.

"Where's tyler" I whispered but she shook her head.

I looked around the room for Haley but she wasn't here.

"Where's haley" I muttered but Veronica shook her head again.

Then the pain hit me full force.

My mate was dead.

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