The heart

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Thanks so much for all of the support and feedback! it means so much to me! stay amazing you guys!

I have thanksgiving break coming up so I'll be writing more!

I slowly opened my eyes, feeling a little groggy. Panic suddenly surged through me. What time was it!? how late had I slept in!?
I jolted upwards and practically flew out of bed. It was 10 am!!!!
I ran hurriedly downstairs. Why hadn't anyone woken me up?!
"Mom!" I shrieked angrily and she looked up at me, startled.
"What? what's wrong?" she gave me a worried look and I paused.
Today... today was a student holiday... I didn't have school...
I smacked my forehead dramatically "UGH ARE YOU SERIOUS I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT" i hung my head low in embarrassment.
"I'm going back to bed" I grumbled as my mom burst out laughing.

I sulked upstairs but stopped outside my door. Grayson must've gone home after I fell asleep...
When I walked into my room I almost pissed myself, Grayson walked leisurely out of my bathroom.
"Hey sorry I took a shower"
I had to clench my jaw to stop it from dropping open at the sight of his body. He was only wearing basketball shorts now, he body was just muscly enough for him to make anyone want to drool. He smirked at me and sat down on my bed.

"You slept for awhile" he muttered and I sat next to him
"I uh I guess. So how are you feeling?" I looked at him and he shrugged
"Much much better...I've been feeling fine since last night" he muttered the last part and I nodded.
"Don't feel bad about it. It didn't hurt too bad-"
"That's a lie" he cut me off harshly and I frowned a little.
"I know how bad it hurts and I know how much I hurt you." He spoke coldly and I simply looked away.
"I should probably get out of here before your parents walk in huh?" he laughed awkwardly and I shrugged
"My mom is probably going to work soon." His eyebrows went together in confusion
"What about your dad? I definitely don't want him to find me in here" he gave me a smile and I looked away.
"I don't have one" I whispered and he held the confused expression.
"Oh" was all he said.
I nodded slowly
"Yeah he was a werewolf, and he died fighting in a war about 2 years ago" I whispered, my chest tightened up and he nodded.

"I'm sorry. I don't have a dad I get it" he muttered slowly and I looked up at him.
"I watched Peter Pan a lot as a child. It's my favorite movie. it's comforting to me"
He smiled at me and nodded
"That makes sense. That's cute"
We both stood up and just stared at each other. He slowly wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly. When we separated we both paused, and I stared deep into his eyes. They were a sparkling blue. I was getting lost in them when I noticed him leaning closer.
Was he going to kiss me?.... Would I let him?...
Chase left my mind and I closed my eyes, waiting.

"Get dressed and make yourself decent. Today is the final day of our deal" he moved away and sounded irritated.
My eyebrows went together in confusion. So he didn't want to kiss me.. I was being silly.
"What? what do you mean?" I suddenly felt worried, and flustered.
Why would he suddenly want to break the deal off?
"The deal needs to be done soon, ok? I don't stick around with the same human for too long. Let's get this over with. We're getting Chase today."
My lips pressed into a sad line.
"You haven't been having fun?.. I'm sorry I thought we were getting along well..."I looked down and he looked away.

"Get dressed." He mumbled before walking to the window and disappearing.
I stood up and walked to it, closing it back and sighing.
He was acting weird all of a sudden..


I put my head in my hands and sighed.
"Damn it" I growled to myself as Jason laughed hysterically.
I looked up and glared
a suddenly serious look crossed his face.
"Dude... tyler has made his claim on Elizabeth."

I let out a snarl and stood up quickly, clenching my fists.
"No he hasn't! He has no right to her! she has a mate for crying out loud! he can't make a claim on her!" I yelled In Frustration and Jason's eyes widened.
"Dude you do not.." He trailed off and I looked away.
I rubbed the back of my head and he stood up quickly, anger hit his eyes.
"Grayson this is serious you cant... you can't like a.. a human"
He gave me a desperate look when I didn't respond.
He sat down and fiddled with his hands.
"When tyler finds out-"
"He's not going to find out" I cut him off and he sighed.
"Why her? why not any of those other human girls?" I shrugged and he raised an eyebrow
"Grayson I swear is it because she doesn't have any interest in you? all the other girls have tailed you and she seems to be the only one that is interested in somebody else. Why don't you use your vampire charms and cunningness to get her into bed with you?"

My body moved on instinct and I had pinned Jason up against the broken down brick wall angrily.
"Don't talk about her like that" my voice came out sounding angrier than I intended, catching myself by surprise. His eyes widened.
"What are you going to do" he muttered and I backed away, running my hands threw my hair.
"I'm going to break the deal" I started walking down the alleyway and Jason appeared next to me.
"WHAT!? you know the consequences you can't do that!"
I shrugged and stuck my hands in my pockets.
"I don't care about the consequences" I muttered and he pushed me against the wall, grabbing my collar and threatening to punch me.
"If you break that deal with her you know damn well that means you die. This is why everyone warned you about making a deal with a human! if you don't follow threw you either become a slave to her for the rest of her life or you die" he glared at me furiously and I pushed him back.
"We're going back to the house" I muttered and we began the silent walk back there.

Once we were reached the house I walked in quickly and my eyes met Tyler's furious ones. He seemed to perk up a bit when he noticed us walk in and he strolled over before I could escape.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me aside.
"I need you to do me a favor" he gave me a fake smile and I nodded.
"Of course. What do you need?" I crossed my arms and he handed me a flier.
"That school you go to , Elizabeth's. They're having a winter dance soon. I need you to convince her to spend the day with me instead, trick her away from Chase. I've had enough of her dawdling around and trailing him."
I shook my head quickly
"You know I can't screw the deal I have with her-"
"Since when did you care about screwing over a human?" a suddenly knowing look crossed his face and I took some steps back.

"By the way, Haley is coming tonight. I want you to take her out in the night of that dance so that Elizabeth and I have the night to ourselves.." he trailed off and It took everything in me to not tear him to shreds. He was planning on claiming her on the night of the dance.. which is in a few days.


I walked quickly towards the park, the cold air stinging my nose.
I glanced back at my phone and glared, Chase was coming to the park as well. I was supposed to be meeting Grayson only.
I approached the benches and noticed some girl standing next to him. She had long blonde hair and a slim figure. Jealousy surged through me...wait.. jealousy? no that can't be it...

I smiled at them when I got there. "Hey" she eyed me curiously and then looked at Grayson.
"She's pretty" she complimented me and he sighed.
"When Chase gets here, tell him you refuse to accept being rejected. Tell him he had to make a choice. He should choose you" I nodded and the girl shifted awkwardly
"I'm going to give you 2 some privacy. I'll see you back at the house" she pecked him on the cheek and his jaw clenched.

When she left I awkwardly cleared my throat
"Who's she" I mumbled and he laughed a bit
"Haley. I made a deal with her awhile ago." He looked and watched her walk away.
"You're together...?" I trailed off slowly and a shook his head.
"She had broken our deal off, and for her that meant I either get to kill her or make her my slave forever. I couldn't bring myself to kill her so I changed her and let her go. She's just now returning."
I nodded slowly
"You like all the girls you make a deal with?" I assumed and he shook his head
"No just her.. and you" he whispered the last part and I blushed a bit.

I looked away and he walked to me, touching my chin gently.
"This was a nice deal but it's time it ended. Be good" he kissed my forehead and turned to walk away. I opened my mouth to yell in protest. I didn't want the deal to end already.
Everything.. went wrong.
This deal was supposed to get me chase.. but I no longer wanted Chase. I... I wanted Grayson.
"Wait" I whispered and he paused, looking back.
"What is it?" he turned fully and I walked to him, I suddenly felt like crying.
"You can't just go. I mean we'll.. be friends still right?"
He burst out laughing and shook his head.
"Silly girl. I'm a vampire. You're a human. We'll never be friends." He whispered and I shook my head
"Don't be stupid" I muttered and he cupped my face, he felt warm again.
He pressed our foreheads together and sighed, his cool breath made my skin tingle.
"You'll be fine" he muttered and I felt tears hit my eyes.
His eyebrows went together in confusion.
"Why so sad, beautiful?" he repeated that line and I couldn't help but smile.
"I had fun. We haven't even known each other long but it feels like forever..i think that in was starting to like-"
"Don't" he cut me off quickly and I frowned.
"Chase told me humans don't always feel the mate connection. What .. what if I don't feel any pull to him anymore?.." I trailed off and Grayson touched my chin, tilting my head up.
He leaned forward and slowly pressed his lips to mine.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held onto me tightly, deepening the kiss.

My heart suddenly felt like it was soaring. I didn't want to let go but he suddenly pulled away and looked panicked.
"I'm sorry" he muttered and I shook my head
"No I -"
"I have to go, ok? be good" he repeated and I grabbed his hand
"No" I whispered and he smiled at me, kissing me on the cheek
"Goodbyes aren't forever you know" he muttered and I frowned
"You can't just ditch me" I got angry suddenly and tears streamed my face. He looked pained.
He walked to me and wrapped his arms around me tightly.
"Maybe one day I'll come back and take you to your Neverland" that was the last thing he whispered in my ear before he disappeared.
I looked around frantically but he was gone and so was Haley.

I looked around quickly and turned, hearing footsteps behind me but it was just Chase.
He grabbed my hand and I looked in the direction that Grayson had gone.
I.. I had to see him again.
What just happened?


What do you guys think about Grayson and Elizabeth?

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