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I slowly picked at my food, resting my head on my hand lazily with my elbow propped up on the table.

"Picky today" Grayson grumbled and my eyes flicked up, he was laying his head on the table, looking at me sideways.

"I'm allowed to be, my body is doing a lot of work right now making our child" I shot him a playful glare and he sat up, resting his hands on his head.

"Well, yeah, but who did the work that made him happen?" He smirked at me and Xavier choked on his food, jewel burst out laughing. I felt my face heat up and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You are just sooo funny" I held back my laugh and he shrugged, raising his eyebrows.

"Just saying" he whispered, shooting me a funny glance I rolled my eyes. I turned in my chair, feeling my now quite swollen belly.

"What's that? You want me to dig my fangs into daddy's neck?" I cooed at my stomach playfully and Grayson laughed now, eyeing my stomach.

"He says absolutely not. He wants mushrooms." He joked back and I rolled my eyes.

"The nursery is finished, yeah?" Xavier spoke up, smiling widely. He had gotten really excited in the past few weeks. I didn't realize he had baby fever. I never would've expected it, actually. I always thought his work was his number one priority, since he didn't have his mate yet...

"Elizabeth and I finished it a few days ago since you two are useless." Jewel spoke up and we laughed, Grayson and Xavier glaring at us.

Jewels filter was gone around Xavier, and I loved seeing them together. There was something there, it was obvious to us. To each other it didn't seem like they noticed. They were oblivious. I knew Xavier would never make a move, it was illegal here. He took what he does so seriously, but Jewel seemed happy being able to be free around him in private now.

I watched Grayson yawn for the 4th time in the past 5 minutes. He wasn't sleeping lately. At all. Our little bean had started kicking, mostly at night. It seemed like every time it did Grayson was suddenly wide awake.

"Why don't you take a nap?" I suggested quietly and we were suddenly interrupted by an attendant stepping into the room.

Xavier straightened up and jewels demeanor changed.

"Prince Xavier pardon my interruption, your guests are here." She bowed her head to him and he nodded, dismissing her.

"A nap isn't a bad idea" Grayson muttered tiredly and we all got up. Jewel walked a few steps behind Xavier, per the usual pet rules. I watched sadly as they walked away like that.

Grayson came to my side, touching the small of my back and sending shivers down my spine.

He patted my head now, laughing quietly.

"I forgot your hormones are quick to jump my bones right now." He laughed and my cheeks heated up again.

"They so are not, you're just conceited" I grumbled, crossing my arms and following him out of the room.

He was right. I was constantly ready to pounce on him lately. It was sooo annoying.

"How many more months?" I whined and Grayson tapped his chin as we walked through the halls

"Hmm forever, maybe? He might never want to come out. You aren't even halfway done yet" He raised an eyebrow at me and I rubbed my stomach.

"First of all, stop saying he. I cannot handle a mini Grayson." I poked his side and he scoffed.

"You think I want a mini you!?" He shook his head quickly.

"Hell no" he laughed and I smacked his arm.

"Hey language!" I scolded him and he rolled his eyes.

"Always beating him up" Gloria walked towards us, smiling warmly. I hugged her tightly and laughed.

"He still has no filter" I shot him a glare as she touched my stomach, smiling even wider.

Grayson kissed my cheek quickly before walking off down the hall, leaving me alone with Gloria. He must've gone into her mind, I knew he didn't like being around her when I was present. He told me that her mind is always on if I was fighting the urges for his blood. I didn't blame him for not wanting to hear that.

"How are the urges?" She spoke gently and I sighed, brushing my hair behind my ear.

"It's much easier actually. I don't even notice it anymore. But based on the information Grayson got from the other girl like us, she said that her urges went away while she was pregnant. Something about our body focusing on the babies needs rather than ours, which goes without saying." She breathed a sigh of relief and I patted her shoulder.

"You are the best mentor I could've hoped for." I smiled at her and she laughed lightly.

"Please, Elizabeth. It all comes from your strength. With you and Grayson combined I can only imagine what this child will be capable of." She touched my stomach a last time before excusing herself.

I continued heading towards our room, I figured that's where Grayson went. One of the doors opened and Jessica stepped out sheepishly, her head down.

"Oh, hey." I greeted her, trying to keep my tone level. She was always so meek around vampires.

"Oh um hello Elizabeth." She avoided eye contact and I frowned.

"How are you today?" I started the dumb small talk, despite the fact that this girl gave me a weird feeling I didn't want her to be scared of me. I can't imagine what it's like growing up on this side of the human vs vampire battle. I was lucky to have lived in the better side. Not being enslaved and used for blood.

"I'm okay, thank you for asking. How are you" her eyes finally met mine for a quick second and she looked away, staring at my stomach. This put me on edge for some reason and I absentmindedly placed my hand over it.

"I'm good, thanks. Do you uh.." I trailed off, unsure if I wanted to offer this.

"Do you want to feel?" I asked quietly and she looked shocked.

"Oh I.." she stumbled over her words and rubbed her hands together nervously.

"It's okay if you want to, I don't mind. There's been a lot of movement lately, little bean really likes to move. And loves chips too, he turns at the sound of a bag crinkling." I trailed off, realizing I got caught up talking about this. She probably didn't even care.

"C-chips?" She stammered and my eyebrows furrowed together.

"Yeah, like bags of chips. That's all I crave really. It's weird." I smiled at her as she finally looked at me. There was confusion in her eyes.

"Not blood?" She whispered and I shook my head.

"No, not really." I spoke plainly now, feeling very uneasy.

She simply nodded and quickly dismissed herself, hurrying away.

That was weird.. right?

I shook my head and continued going to our room. The traffic here lately was insane, so many new people were in and out. Grayson said they were having issues with rogue vampires in the surrounding cities and Xavier wanted him to help take care of it. Take care of it as in well, you know..

I opened our door, Grayson was already on the bed passed out. I smiled to myself and got in bed.

It was nap time.

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