King Richard

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Thank you for all of the feedback💖 I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays

I walked down the hallway holding Grayson's hand tightly. I wasn't ready to meet the king of vampires. I was terrified. My legs were shaking but I didn't know if that was because I was scared, or because of the number Grayson just did on me...hahah...

"Don't worry and keep your thoughts simple" she spoke sternly to me and I nodded. He sighed and brushed a loose strand of hair from my face and tucked it behind my ear.

"You'll be fine" he whispered and kissed my forehead, giving my hand one last squeeze before releasing it as we walked into the ballroom.

The air felt different. You could feel the tension. Were they all afraid of him like I was? Grayson tugged my leash and nodded forward and we made our way through the crowd of vampires chatting amongst themselves, everyone apparently waiting for their turn to speak to the king. We were approaching a small group that all were looking towards the middle. He must be here. I could hear Xavier laugh and then there was a much louder, boomier laugh. It was him. I stopped in my tracks and Grayson looked back.

He looked as concerned as I did.

Do you want to leave?

He mindlinked me and I nodded feverishly. He nodded back and we began to turn around.

"Grayson! Is that you!?" A loud voice shook me and we both froze.

"My god look at you boy!" They continued with a chuckle. Fear shook me. Something just didn't feel right. Grayson looked panicked and gained his composure before turning around.

"Richard" Grayson laughed lightly and I stayed frozen, facing the other direction.

I could hear the king pat Grayson back, he was laughing.

"You look great! I can't believe how you've grown. You might have surpassed Xavier eh?" He joked and Grayson laughed quietly again.
I felt the tug on my leash and I slowly turned around, stepping up behind Grayson and staying behind his back to avoid the king. Maybe he just wouldn't see me? I felt like a child hiding behind its parent.

"Where've you been hiding all this time? I miss seeing you at all of the auctions. Though I know you didn't quite partake in buying or really liked the idea of it much." He continued on with conversation and I let out a sigh of relief that he didn't notice me yet.

"I took off to Canada with my mom. Great place to live. Just recently decided for a change and we ran into Xavier at the airport." He seemed calm now.

"And by we...who is this?" The kings attention was on me and I took in a deep breath before stepping out from behind my mate and smiling sheepishly, I kept my eyes fixed on the ground.

"This is my um" Grayson started, I could tell he was unsure of what to say.

Xavier's eyes widened and he motioned discreetly for Grayson to stop.

"My pet" Grayson spoke up and the king nodded, eyeing me.

"She sure is all dolled up ain't she?" He looked me up and down and I kept my eyes on the floor.

"What's your name sweetie?" His voice softened and I spoke so quietly I almost didn't hear myself.

"Elizabeth" I whispered and I felt a very very cold hand touch my chin. Grayson tensed next to me. The king tilted my head up and stared intensely at my eyes. More fear. So much fear shook me.
There was a darkness in this mans eyes, he has done things. His laugh was warm but his eyes had such a coldness to them. He was stunningly handsome. He seemed tired, his looks were worn and rigid.

"Well hello Elizabeth" his voice came out low and I smiled shyly at him. I decided to do a little curtsy-bow type thing. This earned me a laugh from him. Xavier was watching us closely and jewel looked alarmed.

"You are quite the nervous thing aren't ya?" He laughed and the smiled stayed on his face.

"I've never met royalty before" I whispered. Grayson's stayed on the kings hand that hadn't left my face.
He ran his thumb across my cheek.

"Don't be intimidated my dear. I'm Richard. You sure are a lovely little doll" he looked to Grayson now.

"Where'd you find this one? How much was she?" He questioned and Grayson shrugged.

"I found her in the streets. No auctions for her. That's why she looks healthy and not all banged up like the rest usually-"

Grayson stopped speaking when Richard took the leash from his hand and waved his hand at one of the maids.

"Glasses of champagne please" he motioned for me to take one as the maid rushed over holding a tray of glasses.

I shook my head slightly.

"No thank you" I whispered and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Don't like drinking? Does Grayson let you drink?" He pushed further and I shook my head again.

"I'm too young" I muttered and his eyes widened as he smiled.

"Say, how old are you??" He laughed and looked back at Grayson.

"I'm 19" I muttered and he laughed even harder, patting Grayson on the back.

"Got yourself a young wild one eh?" He chuckled and Grayson forced an awkward laugh.

"Well I bet she's great for taking to bed" he turned his attention back to me and I could see Grayson's jaw clench at his words.

He reached over and stroked my cheek again.

"Mighty fine little thing you are" he spoke darkly and I stared back at him, I had to be brave.

"Only for my master" I spoke back with some determination and he looked surprised. Grayson shot me a glance of shock.

"Oh, devoted are you? Always good to find an obedient thing. You like being obedient?" He stepped closer to me. He was so close I could feel his breath on my face. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to encourage his behavior.

"Only for my master" I whispered back and he nodded.

"Well that settles it then" he stepped back and looked at Grayson.

"I'm going to speak to this one in private. Come." He immediately began walking away and yanked on my collar, making me lurch forward. Grayson moved to catch me and grabbed my arm.

"W-where are you-" Grayson stammered and tried to hold me back from the king as he continued walking, forcing me to walk with him.

I had never heard Grayson stammer, stutter, anything like that. He was...scared?

Fear immediately came back into my mind. Why did this man want to speak with me in private.

The king waved Grayson away, motioning for me to follow.

"I said come along, pet. Now. Grayson don't worry she's in good hands. I know my fair share of how to deal with pets" his voice hinted at something. I didn't like it. I tried to hold back but the collar was beginning to choke me.

"Dad hang on come on this is the ball you have guests to speak to" Xavier tried to intervene and looked panicked. Jewell was just staring at us with fear in her eyes.

"I want to speak to this guest." He turned and glared at Xavier.

"I am the king. I will do as I please" he growled at us and reached over, grabbing my arm from Grayson and pulling me with him.

"Just let her go before you get killed or he kills her" Xavier whispered lowly to Grayson.

I looked back at Grayson as we walked away. The look of fear and helplessness on his face scared me even more.

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