I'll kill him

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Thanks for 15k reads :D you guys rock ^-^ happy new years to everyone! (it's still not 2014 here yet lol its 9:30 but idk why I'm putting this because by time I upload this it will be 2014 hahah xD)

anyways I hope youre all doing good :D

keep on keeping on

Did I REALLY just do that? Did I seriously just kick my mate out of here?

I put my head in my hands, cursing under my breath as I finally calmed down. How could I just flip out on him like that?... it's not his fault.. I..

I'm so stupid. I got up and walked to the door, resting my hand on the doorknob. Instead I walked back to the bed and sat down, shaking my leg nervously.

"Grayson I'm sorry" I whispered, knowing he would hear me. Within a minute there was a knock at the door and it opened slowly, Grayson looked flustered. He stopped in the doorway, looking at me carefully.

"I'm sorry" I whispered again, carefully this time, so he understood that I was saying it was ok for him to come in. He nodded and shut the door, walking to me slowly. I got up and went to him, hugging him tightly. It was a few seconds before he slowly hugged me back. "I'm sorry I won't do that again I promise" He muttered into my hair and I shook my head speaking hurriedly.

"No I'm sorry I didn't mean to react like that I just.." I trailed off and looked away, trying to find out a excuse. I couldn't tell him the truth, it'd freak him out for sure..

He tilted my face up and stared at me, his eyes softened. "I won't do it again" He whispered before kissing my forehead. I bit my lip and kept my eyes focused on the ground. I couldn't force myself to look up into his beautiful blue eyes..filled with concern for me..and tell him what my own dad used to do to me.

"Uh well I'm going to go downstairs, ok?" He sounded so confused and distraught. I nodded absentmindedly and something flashed in his eyes quickly that I couldn't read. He turned and walked out of the room casually, not looking back as he shut the door.

Why am I so stupid?

Graysons POV ~~~~~~

I didn't bother going down the stairs. The steps were pointless. I appeared automatically in my office.. my office...ugh. I hated that phrase. It made me sound like Tyler. It's been so nice not having to talk to him or follow his orders.. haven't even been punched in the face in a few days. That's always a plus. Not being able to figure out was wrong with Elizabeth was frustrating me so bad.. she was hiding something, that was obvious. She even blocked me out.. whoever taught her that was looking out for her..so it was probably Stacey.

I walked to the desk slowly and put my hands on the edge for support as my head spin. I haven't gotten a chance to feed in almost 2 weeks..now I definately can't just ask Elizabeth. Hahah, that wouldn't go well.

Everything was becoming a mess. Earlier some one showed up looking for her. Of course he got away and then I find him about to kill her in the woods. Somehow Tyler is going to find out I'm still alive, and so will my father. So stressful, but, Elizabeth is my Biggest concern. I made myself stand up straight and walk out into the foyer thing, I think that's what it's called. Stacey walked in, holding a phone and looking amused.

"Guess who I just got a phone call from?" She raised an eyebrow, excitement danced in her eyes.

"Please, enlighten me, tell me who" I couldn't help but tease her. She glared before handing me the phone. "It was Haley" My mind immediately began to race. I'm sure she was doing well. She is Tyler's real mate, afterall. Maybe he's figured it out. Of course it's going to take longer because he's obsessing himself over Elizabeth and Haley isn't full vampire so their bond won't be obvious so soon.

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