Speak of the devil

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I dozed off, my head smushed against my fist. Little bean kicked and I jolted awake, blinking.

I glanced at the clock, 2am. I sighed and stretched my legs outward.

"What are you doing up? You were supposed to have gone to bed hours ago?" Malcolm frowned at me as he approached me in the hallway. I yawned, waving my hand.

"I'm waiting for them to return." I mumbled sleepily and he gave me a sympathetic look.

"Well, they just arrived. Come along little vamp." He held his arm out to me and I smiled. Little vamp. His nickname for me, I kind of liked it actually.

We walked slowly down the main corridor and the front doors opened, various guards came in looking sullen. I frowned at the gloominess.

"I hope they're okay" I whispered to myself, rubbing my stomach absentmindedly. Malcolm gave me a reassuring smile as we stopped.

"I'm sure they're fine." His eyes narrowed when Xavier walked in. Where was Grayson?

"How'd it go?" Malcolm spoke eagerly and I kept my eyes on the door.

"It was bad. Really bad. They tore the whole town down practically. Repairs have already begun"- he looked at me now- "wait until you see what Grayson has." We all looked at the door and my eyes widened when I heard crying.

"Is that a.." Malcolm trailed off and Xavier frowned as Grayson stepped in, my eyes widened and I immediately dropped Malcolm's arm and started walking to him.

"What are you doing up?" He frowned, obviously disappointed by me neglecting my sleep schedule.

I stared at the child with wide eyes and Grayson looked at him, shifting him in his arms.

"Clovis." He spoke gently and the kid sniffled, his shoulders shook with silent sobs. My hand with to my mouth when he looked at me with bright red eyes.

"This is Elizabeth." He turned, the child looked me over carefully.

"Hello Clovis" I whispered shakily, a child. Did they.. did they turn a child?

Malcolm came to our side, leaning down and looking at the kid.

"Hey little man. You're safe here." He spoke carefully, a look of sorrow on his face.

Clovis nodded slowly, he was shaking.

"Some people are going to take you somewhere where you can sleep and eat and they're going to clean you up." Grayson spoke firmly and set him down, he grabbed at Graysons shirt, hiding behind his leg as a couple of nurses came over.

Clovis reluctantly went with them, they took him away to the infirmary.

"sleep?" I questioned, newborns couldn't sleep.
He frowned, shrugging.

"Just some mental encouragement for him. They'll probably inject him with something like they did you."
Grayson stayed quiet now and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards our room. I didn't say a word, I just silently followed him. He kept his eyes straight ahead. I forgot how he was when things like this happened..when he was inevitably reminded of how vampires true nature was. I felt a pang of guilt for transitioning when this was the exact reason he didn't want me to. He saw firsthand countless times what vampires were capable of.

He shut our door behind us and I watched him pace a few times and then stop, rubbing his eyes he let out a big sigh.

I walked to him quietly, running my hand across his face. There was dirt and blood all over him.

"Shower" I whispered and he nodded, I followed him to the bathroom and leaned against the doorframe with my arms crossed.

"You should really-"

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