The kings proposition

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"Take a seat, pet." Richard spoke as he quietly shut the door to the study he had led me to. I hadn't been in here before. We went down many hallways to get to it, going down corridors I hadn't ventured into yet.

I reluctantly sat down at the desk that was positioned at the back of the room. Fiddling with my hands nervously I watched the metronome ticking back and forth.

I felt his hand slide across the back of my chair as he walked around the desk, taking a seat across from me. I kept my eyes on the soothing movement of the metronome.

Richard folded his hands and rested his head on them.

Why wasn't he speaking
He was just staring at me
Panic. Panic. Panic.

He watched me carefully and then abruptly leaned back, eyeing me.

"I have a proposition for you, pet." He spoke up now and I finally looked up and blinked at him.

"What is it?" I would probably regret asking.

"How would you like to live with me? With real royalty. Become my pet. I could buy you from Grayson for whatever price he may offer" he continued on and I wanted to throw up. This couldn't be happening.

My eyes narrowed involuntarily at him.

"Why would you want to buy me?" I questioned and he got an amused look on his face.

"It is a yes or no question pet" he snapped harshly and I raised an eyebrow.

"No." I stated with as much coldness as I could and he looked shocked.

"Don't take this front I have as me being mean. I am a good man. I can offer you the greatest things this world has to offer."

I shook my head this time and he leaned forward.

"And why not?" He seemed to be getting agitated. He must not be used to not getting what he wants.

Because I love my mate you fuck

I stopped myself from saying this out loud and simply smiled at him politely.

"Grayson is good to me. I am obedient to him only." I held my smile as I spoke and he laughed.

"I can assure you I can be much much better." He pressed the issue and I shook my head.
There was no way I was leaving Grayson.

We stared at each other for what seemed like forever. He stared at me like he was thinking hard.

"Take off that collar" he demanded and I reached up and touched it.

"Why?" I questioned him again and anger flashed in his eyes.

"I gave you a command, pet!" His voice boomed and he stood up. King of assholes with a temper seemed like a better title for him.

I reached to the back of my neck to take it off and froze.

My mark.

If I took off the collar he would see my mark and surely he would recognize it.
I folded my hands back on my lap and shook my head.

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