The new guy

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Stay amazing!

"So the deal..." I trailed off and Grayson stretched, putting his hands on his head lazily.

"I will help you get your mate to fall for you, no matter what it takes" he grinned at me and I nodded.

"What do I have to do for you?" I almost whispered and he shrugged

"Well you know how vampires feed, right?" he sounded bored suddenly. I nodded, feeling a bit scared.

"Well every now and then you will let me feed off of you. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt bad and I won't kill you" my eyes widened and I stopped walking.

"Feed off of me? Like.. drink my blood?" I gasped and he nodded.

"That's dangerous!" I glared at him and he laughed

"I've done this with many other girls. It won't hurt you. I'll only take a little each time.. you smell amazing anyways. Completely irresistible, it's no wonder tyler has taken such an interest in you" I nodded slowly, feeling tense.

he stood in front of me now, and brushed my bangs out of my face.

"And I'll protect you, from the wolves, people, whatever you need. I'll keep you safe from everything" he sounded so charming. He smiled at me mischievously and I grabbed his hand, shaking it.

"It's a deal then" I whispered and he chuckled.

"We seal the deal.. by exchanging blood" his eyes looked suddenly interested.

"W-w-what" I stammered and backed up, he grabbed my wrist gently.

"Don't worry I won't make you drink it or anything. When you make a deal with a vampire, it's like I become your little demon. Make sense?" I nodded slowly and he lifted my wrist up to his mouth

"Are you really certain you wish to do this?" he sounded so sweet. I nodded, waiting for the pain. He looked at my wrist and brushed his cold lips across it, leaving tingles.

"Are you sure?" his voice was suddenly cold, sinister. I was terrified now, but I nodded reluctantly.

He grinned and sunk his teeth into my arm, I gasped in pain and his arm went around the small of my back, pulling me Into him tightly. I wanted to scream, cry, anything.. but it was over just as fast as it had started.

I stumbled backwards and Grayson caught me. He quickly cut the tip of his thumb and pressed it to my bite wound. The pain stopped all at once, and for a split second my senses soared. I could hear everything, see so clearly.. I felt invigorated. I held tightly onto his arms and he sturdied me.

"Are you alright, Elizabeth?" He looked concerned and I stared into his eyes, nodding slowly. When he said my name, I felt strange. Intoxicated.

I looked down at my bite mark and gasped. It was gone, as if nothing had Just happened.

I looked up at Grayson in shook and he took a step back, bowing

"Well m'lady I am now at your service." He looked up at me and grinned at me.

I took in a deep breath

"Now, I'll walk you home"


I was in no way shape or form excited for school. It was monday, for one, and it would be my first time facing Chase and the others wolves since the fight.

I took in a deep breath and walked into the school. I heard whispers that made me curious

"He's so hot"

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