The Gambler

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Hey guys so I randomly got the idea for this story earlier and I thought I'd give it a try! If you like it please vote and comment!

"Liz get up!"
My mothers shrilly voice came from downstairs, signaling that I was late for school.. Of course.
I was certain that I would end up making a world record.
"Coming!" I yelled back, hastily grabbing my backpack.
I looked one last time in the mirror.
My straight black hair went half way down my back, my bangs swept to the side. My outfit was plain as usual, my black skinny jeans grey tank top and converse. My eyes were the boring old green they always were.

I practically flew downstairs and ran outside to my car. School wasn't very far, but I drove regardless.
I had 5 minutes.
Most people like to get to school early, to socialize with their friends and what not, but I had no friends.
Today was my first day at a new school. We moved states a few months ago, me and my mother along with my older sister who was probably already at school chatting it up with her bitchy popular friends.

Erica was the popular one, she was gorgeous and perfect in EVERYWAY.
Me on the other hand... well I got the short end of the stick in the gene pool.
I parked and ran to the front doors, making a bee line for the front office. I had to give out a few apologies here and there for plowing into people.
Once handed my schedule I relaxed, making my way to my first block; economics. Ugh.

When I walked in it hit me, I felt dazed immediately. I looked around the classroom for the source and my eyes settled on a jock, who was staring back at me intensely.
I looked away awkwardly and found my way to the back of the classroom.
I knew all about werewolves and vampires.. everything.. my mom always said I could end up being a mate to one, is this what that feels like? Is one of the most popular jocks in the school a werewolf?
I certainly am not. I'm as human as they get, I only know about it all because my dad was a werewolf and my mom was his mate..

I kept my eyes forward, trying not to look at him. His name was chase I believe..

My first few classes flew by, and before I knew it I was at lunch. Last year I left at lunchtime and are off campus, I intended on keeping that tradition.
I drove to a small diner and sat at a booth in the corner.
I ordered my usual, and ate slowly. This was my half an hour of heaven.
"Hello Liz"
I looked up, startled. It was Chase.
"Hi" my voice came out hushed.
He sat down across from me and we locked eyes.
"Um" I looked out the window awkwardly and he leaned forward.
"How are you?" he tilted his head to the right a bit, as if he was studying me.
"I'm good how are you?" I responded formally, trying not to let him see how my heart was going haywire.
He nodded slowly
"I'm doing well" he grumbled.
"That's good" I muttered and we sat in silence.
How could he make such casual conversation with me so easily?
"Why are you here?" I asked, coming off a bit rude.
Irritation flashed in his eyes at the tone of my voice.
"I think we both know why I'm here, Liz" he spoke firmly and I shrugged.
"Actually I'm not sure why a popular jock is spending his free lunch period sitting at a booth with somebody like me."
I gave him a sarcastic smile and he glared
"Don't talk about yourself like that" he commanded and I leaned back into the booth, slightly frightened.
"Why don't you explain to me because I really don't understand" I played dumb and he looked angry.
"You know what I'm talking about. I saw that look on your face in first block. How your eyes screamed 'I want you'" I raised an eyebrow at him and laughed awkwardly
"I doubt my eyes said that, mr. egotistic" I retorted and he let out a small growl, he reached over and grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the booth

"What are you-" he cut me off harshly "shut up" he threw money down on the table for my Un-eaten meal and pulled me out of the restaurant.
"Chase!" I yelled in protest and he pulled me towards his car.
He pushed me up against it roughly and stood with our faces maybe an inch apart.
"I don't like the idea of my mate being such a weak human" he growled at me and my eyes narrowed.
"I don't want to be your mate anyways" I lied. He was gorgeous, it was impossible not to fall for his sandy brown hair, and hazel eyes. He was tall and built, a perfect guy, really.

He scoffed at me "please, I'm an alpha. Of course you're drawn to me. I won't reject you just yet though, that would be cruel.." he trailed off, deep in thought.
"I'll arrange for you to fight one of the girls in my pack. If you win, then I accept you. If you lose, then I reject you" he spoke with such authority that I simply nodded, my head moved on its own afraid for what he might do if I declined.

"Ok. I'll give you a week. We can have a on the down low relationship until then."
I nodded again, absorbing and hanging on every word he said. Then he simply got in his car and left, as if nothing happened. I absentmindedly got in my car.

What the hell? how could a guy do that. He had such a strong hold over me in a matter of minutes. How was I supposed to fight a WEREWOLF????
I'm just a human! and how dare he boss me around, as if I want any relationship with him at all!

Ok who was I kidding, I would love to date him. But not like this.. not by force. I sighed and looked in my rear view mirror and jumped.
There was a guy standing casually at the door of the diner, his eyes burned into mine. He was wearing a black shirt and black guy-skinny jeans, his hair was pitch black and swept up. We stared at each other for a few seconds before he went into the diner. I couldn't help but wonder who that was...

I skipped lunch and sadly went back to school, not exactly prepared to be ignored by my now known mate.
How would he manage? did he even feel what I did?

As I left my car I heard the bell ring, signaling for the end of lunch. I cursed under my breath and jogged to class.
Why was I cursed with tardiness?

The rest of the day went by filled with awkward glances exchanged between me and Chase. Jealously burned through me when I saw him flirting with my older sister Erica.
What if he rejected me and went for her? that wouldn't be the first time she's gotten what I wanted. I've never had a boyfriend before, or even had somebody like me as far as I know. Everyone always ran to her.

That night I was laying in bed when a rock hit my window causing me to almost piss myself. I slowly got up and went to it, chase was standing in my yard. I opened the window and looked at him wide-eyed
"What are you doing!?" I whispered. He quickly scaled the side of my house and came into my room.
"I came to see you" he muttered and I just stared back blankly.
"Why!?" I went and locked my door, glaring at him. Before I could speak he crashed his lips to mine, catching me off guard I fell backwards and he cursed.

"You're so clumsy! how are you going to win the fight!?" he complained and I got up, glaring.
"You didn't have to come here" I spat at him and he laughed "oh but I knew you needed to see me." He spoke like he was so sure of himself. I hated his cockiness.. And how he was right.
I looked away and he sighed "well I'll see you tomorrow. Remember our arrangement" he quickly left.
What was the point of that?
To insult me? I flopped down on my bed after closing my window and locking it.
This was all far too unfair to me!
Maybe I didn't want him.
But I did..
Dang it.
I tried to fall asleep, but every time I began to doze off even in the slightest bit, the stranger from the diner drifted into my mind.

How strange.

Ok so I know this is starting off boring and I'm sorry but bear with me it'll pick up I promise!!!! I will update regularly if I get a lot of votes and comments!

What do you guys think so far? yes? no?

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