Chapter 38: Hearts Unspoken

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Chapter 38 : Hearts Unspoken

Six months had passed since Elizabeth re-entered Y/N's life. What started as an awkward reconnection had grown into a meaningful friendship, far deeper than either had anticipated. Their shared history-complex and layered-had softened over time, allowing them to rebuild what had once been broken. Y/N, now fully immersed in her life with Dua and River, felt like she could finally reconcile her past with her present.

River was in his superhero phase. Every day, he donned a cape, dashed through the house, and declared himself the hero. But despite his new love for superheroes, his favorite character still remained Hattie Harmony. And that love led to one of Y/N's most stressful moments yet.

It was an ordinary afternoon when Y/N, caught up in laundry, accidentally tossed River's beloved white Hattie Harmony t-shirt in with a bright red towel. She didn't realize her mistake until she pulled the clothes out of the washing machine and saw the damage. The pristine white shirt had turned bright pink.

River's eyes widened in horror as Y/N held up the shirt. His lower lip quivered.

"H-Hattie... pink?" he stammered, pointing at the ruined shirt with wide, tearful eyes.

Y/N's stomach dropped. "Oh no, River, I'm so sorry," she said, bending down to face him. "Mommy didn't mean to. I'll fix it, I promise."

River shook his head furiously, clutching the pink shirt to his chest. "Noooo!" His voice broke into a sob. "H-Hattie gone! Broke!"

Y/N felt panic rising. River was inconsolable, and no amount of distraction or reasoning worked. She tried offering him other shirts, but nothing could soothe him.

Finally, in desperation, she grabbed her phone and dialed Elizabeth.

"Lizze, I'm in serious trouble," Y/N said as soon as Elizabeth picked up. "I accidentally turned River's favorite Hattie Harmony shirt pink, and he's losing his mind. Please help me."

Elizabeth's laughter echoed through the phone. "You've got to be kidding! You did the exact same thing to my favorite band t-shirt when we were dating, remember?"

Y/N groaned, pacing back and forth. "Why am I like this?"

Elizabeth chuckled. "It's okay, I'll be over in a bit. I've got an idea."

Two hours later, River's tantrum was still in full swing. He sat in the living room, clutching the pink shirt to his chest, tears running down his cheeks. Y/N and Dua had tried everything to calm him down, but nothing worked.

Then, the doorbell rang.

Y/N opened it to find Elizabeth standing there with a giant box and, to Y/N's complete shock, wearing a full Hattie Harmony superhero costume, complete with a cape.

River, his little face streaked with tears, blinked in confusion. "H-Hattie?" he whispered, rubbing his eyes in disbelief.

Elizabeth, smiling behind the mask, knelt down to his level. "That's right, River! Hattie Harmony heard you were sad, so I came to help!"

River's mouth dropped open, his tiny hands reaching out to touch Elizabeth's cape in awe. "H-Hattie... real!" he squeaked, eyes wide.

Elizabeth opened the box, revealing 20 brand-new Hattie Harmony shirts in every color imaginable. River gasped, his tiny fingers brushing over the colorful shirts. "M-Mama! Look!" he shouted excitedly, showing Y/N the new shirts. "Hattie fix!"

Y/N breathed a sigh of relief, a smile tugging at her lips. "Lizze, you're a lifesaver. Thank you."

Elizabeth smiled. "I had to do something. He was so upset."

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