Chapter 15 : The Final Goodbye (Elizabeth's POV)

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Chapter 15: The Final Goodbye (Elizabeth's POV)

Setting: Elizabeth’s home, Los Angeles
Characters: Elizabeth, Y/N, Jarine, Robbie, Lucky the dog


Elizabeth’s POV

The Los Angeles sun filtered through the large bay windows of Elizabeth’s home as she sat on the couch, sipping a cup of coffee. Lucky, her loyal companion, lay curled up beside her, his soft snores filling the room. She absentmindedly stroked his fur, her mind wandering as it often did these days.

Her life had taken unexpected turns. Marriage to Robbie was supposed to be the happy ending—the start of a new chapter. But things weren’t as perfect as they seemed. The pressure of the relationship, the constant spotlight, the distance that had grown between them—she hadn’t anticipated any of it. She had tried to push thoughts of Y/N out of her mind, burying them under work, fame, and her new life. But they always found a way back.

A knock at the door startled her out of her thoughts. Lucky’s ears perked up, and Elizabeth set her coffee down, padding toward the front door. When she opened it, she was surprised to see her mother, Jarine, standing there, holding an envelope in her hands.

“Mom?” Elizabeth’s brows furrowed in confusion. “What’s going on?”

Jarine smiled softly, though Elizabeth could see the sadness behind her eyes. “I’ve come to give you something, sweetheart.”

Elizabeth stepped aside, letting her mother in. She noticed Lucky wagging his tail excitedly at the sight of Jarine, as if sensing the significance of the moment.

They sat down in the living room, and Jarine handed Elizabeth the envelope. “It’s from Y/N.”

Elizabeth’s heart skipped a beat. She hadn’t heard from Y/N in months, not since everything had started to fall apart. Her hands trembled slightly as she took the envelope, her eyes searching her mother’s face for an explanation.

“She came by to see me… and Lucky,” Jarine began, her voice soft and filled with empathy. “She’s been hurting, Lizzie. Holding on to you and Lucky, but… she knows it’s time to let go. She wrote you this letter.”

Elizabeth stared at the envelope in her hands, feeling the weight of it. It felt like a final goodbye, and the thought terrified her. She had always imagined that somehow, despite everything, Y/N would always be there—waiting, in the background, still holding on. But this letter meant something different.

Jarine gently placed a hand on Elizabeth’s arm. “I know you loved her. And I know she loved you. But sometimes, letting go is the only way forward.”

Elizabeth nodded, though her throat tightened. She wasn’t ready for this. She wasn’t ready for the finality.

After Jarine left, Elizabeth sat alone with the envelope in her hands. Lucky had nestled himself by her feet, unaware of the emotional turmoil swirling inside her. Slowly, she opened the envelope, unfolding the letter with shaky hands.


The Letter:

Dear Elizabeth,

I’ve thought about writing this for a long time. And honestly, I never imagined that this is how things would end between us. But sometimes, life doesn’t turn out the way we hope it will.

I came to see your mom today. I came to say goodbye—to her, to Lucky, and to everything we shared. It breaks my heart, Lizzie, but I know it’s time. Holding on to you, even from a distance, has been like carrying this weight I can’t shake. I’ve tried to move on, but every time I see Lucky, every time I hear your name, it’s like I’m stuck in the past, unable to move forward.

So this letter is my goodbye.

Lucky will be with you now. He always loved you, and I know you need him, especially with everything you’re going through with Robbie. I want you to be happy, Elizabeth. I want you to have everything you’ve ever dreamed of, even if it means I can’t be part of that dream anymore.

I’m letting go. Of you, of your family, of the life we had. I won’t be in touch with anyone in your family anymore. It’s the only way for me to heal, and for you to be free. I’ve left a wedding present for you and Robbie with your mom. I hope it brings you some happiness.

I wish you both all the best, truly. No matter what, a part of me will always love you. But this is the last time I’ll reach out. It’s time for us both to move on.

Goodbye, Lizzie.

With love,


Elizabeth felt the tears roll down her cheeks before she even realized she was crying. Her hand trembled as she placed the letter on the table. She hadn’t expected this. She hadn’t expected Y/N to truly walk away, to sever the connection they had both held onto for so long.

She wiped her tears, but they kept falling. Lucky looked up at her, sensing her distress, and nuzzled her leg. She let out a shaky breath, her mind swirling with memories of Y/N—her laugh, her smile, the way they had fit together so perfectly once. All of it, gone now.

She stood up, walking to the small table by the window where a neatly wrapped package sat. She hadn’t noticed it before, but now, she knew it was the wedding gift Y/N had mentioned. With trembling hands, she unwrapped it carefully. Inside was a small, elegant picture frame. The photograph was of her, Y/N, and Lucky—taken on one of their happiest days together.

There was a note with the gift:

For the memories.
I hope you find the happiness we once had.

Elizabeth clutched the frame to her chest, sobbing quietly as she sat back down on the couch. The weight of her choices, the pain of losing Y/N, hit her all at once. She had thought that marrying Robbie would fix everything, that moving on was the right thing to do. But now, holding that photo, she realized how much she had truly lost.



Elizabeth’s mind raced back to the times they had shared, but one moment stood out above the rest. It was a lazy Sunday afternoon, one of those rare days where neither of them had any work commitments. Y/N had stayed over, and the two of them were lounging in the living room when Lucky decided to play the role of instigator.

Y/N had a mischievous glint in her eye as she whispered something into Lucky’s ear. Elizabeth watched curiously but had no idea what was coming. Suddenly, Lucky dashed out of the room and returned with one of Elizabeth’s favorite shoes in his mouth. He looked up at her with those big, innocent eyes, and Elizabeth’s jaw dropped.

“Lucky! No!” she shouted, getting up from the couch, but Y/N was already laughing hysterically.

“Don’t blame him!” Y/N said through her laughter. “He’s just helping me with a little prank.”

Elizabeth couldn’t help but laugh too. “Oh, you’re in so much trouble,” she teased, chasing after Lucky, who was happily running circles around the living room, his tail wagging excitedly. Y/N egged him on, only adding to the chaos.

Eventually, they both collapsed on the couch in a fit of giggles, Elizabeth’s shoe miraculously unharmed. She had turned to Y/N, playfully punching her arm, and said, “You two are a nightmare together.”

Y/N had grinned at her, pulling her in for a soft kiss. “Yeah, but we’re your nightmare.”



Elizabeth wiped her face, her eyes red and puffy from crying. The weight of the letter, the wedding gift, and the finality of Y/N’s goodbye settled in her chest like a heavy stone. She realized now that Y/N had been right—they had been holding on to something that had long since faded. But it didn’t make it hurt any less.

She placed the picture frame on her bedside table, the last reminder of the love they once shared. It would stay there, a bittersweet memory of what could have been.

For now, all Elizabeth could do was accept Y/N’s wish for them to move on.

And maybe, one day, she would.

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