Epilogue: The Glitch in Reality

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Epilogue: The Glitch in Reality

Y/N sat by the window, watching the sun dip below the horizon, casting warm, golden light across the living room. The house was filled with laughter—Elizabeth was chasing River and Sage around, their giggles echoing through the halls. It was a scene straight out of a dream: a perfect family, a perfect life.

But lately, something had felt off.

It was subtle at first—small details that didn’t quite add up. A phrase Elizabeth would repeat without realizing, a certain moment that played out too perfectly, like it had been rehearsed. Y/N had brushed it off as fatigue or her mind playing tricks on her.

Then, one night, she sat down at her desk, intending to check some emails, but her computer screen flickered. Lines of code raced across the display, too fast for her to read. Her brow furrowed in confusion. This wasn’t normal.

Suddenly, the screen froze, and a single message appeared, bold and unblinking:

“Do you want to exit the simulation?”

Y/N’s breath caught in her throat. What the hell was this? A joke? A virus? She clicked away from the message, but it popped back up, persistent.

“Do you want to exit the simulation?”

She stared at the words, her mind racing. This couldn’t be real… but then, why did it feel like a missing puzzle piece had just clicked into place? Slowly, she reached for the keyboard, hesitating before typing:

“What simulation?”

The response came instantly, as if it had been waiting for her.

“This life is a simulation. You are not awake. Do you want to exit?”

Y/N’s hands trembled. She pushed away from the desk, her chair scraping the floor loudly. This was impossible. Her life—her family—Elizabeth, River, Sage… They were all real, weren’t they?

The air around her seemed to thicken as if the world itself was holding its breath. She ran into the living room, where Elizabeth sat on the couch, flipping through a magazine. The kids were playing with their toys, their laughter bright and infectious.

But something was wrong. Elizabeth’s movements seemed… too smooth, too calculated. The magazine pages turned with an eerie precision, the same motion over and over.

“Elizabeth?” Y/N’s voice shook.

Elizabeth looked up, her smile soft and familiar. “Hey, babe. What’s wrong?”

Y/N’s heart raced as she scanned the room, noticing small glitches—like the way the light flickered or how the sound of the children’s laughter looped ever so slightly. She felt a wave of nausea roll over her.

“I… I don’t feel right,” Y/N muttered.

Elizabeth stood up, walking toward her, concern etched on her face. But something about her expression seemed wrong—like it didn’t quite fit. “You’re just tired,” she said soothingly, reaching out to touch Y/N’s arm.

But as her hand made contact, Y/N felt a strange, cold sensation, like Elizabeth wasn’t really there. She pulled back, panic setting in.

“Y/N?” Elizabeth’s voice glitched, repeating her name. “Y/N… Y/N…”

Everything around her started to flicker—the walls, the furniture, even Elizabeth. It was as if the entire house was unraveling. Y/N stumbled back, her heart pounding in her chest.

And then, through the glitching doorway, Dua appeared. She looked calm, almost too calm, as if she knew exactly what was happening.

“Y/N,” Dua said softly, walking toward her. “It’s time to wake up.”

Y/N stared at her, wide-eyed. “Wake up? What are you talking about?”

Dua gave a gentle smile, the kind that sent chills down Y/N’s spine. “This isn’t real. It’s a simulation. You’ve been living in this world for years, but it’s not real. None of it is.”

Y/N shook her head, backing away. “No, this is my life. I’m married to Elizabeth. We have kids! River and Sage… they’re real!”

Dua’s expression softened with pity. “They’re not. They’re part of the simulation, part of a program designed to give you a perfect life. But it’s not the real world, Y/N. You’ve been asleep, trapped in this dream. Now, it’s time to wake up.”

Y/N felt her world crashing down. She glanced around the room, her vision blurring as reality itself seemed to distort. Elizabeth stood frozen, her figure glitching in and out, as if the program was struggling to hold together. The kids—River and Sage—flickered too, their laughter now distant, hollow echoes.

“No…” Y/N whispered, tears filling her eyes. “This can’t be true…”

Dua stepped closer, her voice soothing. “I know it’s hard, but you have to wake up. The life you’re living is a lie. If you stay here, you’ll never see the real world again.”

Y/N’s mind raced. If this was a simulation, what was real? Who was she in the real world? And if she woke up, would she lose Elizabeth, River, and Sage forever?

“I… I don’t want to lose them,” Y/N choked out, her heart breaking.

Dua nodded, her gaze filled with understanding. “I know. But they don’t exist outside of this simulation. You can’t live in a dream forever.”

The room around Y/N continued to glitch, the edges of her perfect life fraying and unraveling. She could feel the weight of the truth pressing down on her—this wasn’t real. None of it was.

But waking up meant leaving everything behind. Could she do it?

With a final, deep breath, Y/N looked at Dua, her mind made up.

“I’m ready,” she whispered.

Dua nodded, stepping closer. “I’ll see you on the other side.”

And with that, everything went dark.


Y/N woke up, gasping for air, her body jerking as if it had been asleep for too long. She was lying in a sterile, cold room, wires attached to her arms, the faint hum of machines around her.

Her heart pounded as she took in her surroundings—this was the real world. The simulation was gone. Elizabeth, River, Sage… they were all gone.

Tears welled in her eyes as the crushing weight of reality set in. She had chosen to wake up, but at what cost?

In the distance, a door opened, and Dua stepped into the room. She smiled softly, her presence grounding Y/N in the harsh reality of her new world.

“Welcome back,” Dua said gently.

Y/N stared at her, the loss of her dream life still fresh and painful. But deep down, she knew she had made the right choice.

The simulation was over. Now, she would have to face the truth.

When Dreams Collide: The Story of Y/N and Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now