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As Sparsh is moving forward with Samrat, her eyes turn towards the back, and she looks back. Samrat holds her hand and signals her to look ahead immediately.

"Just look ahead, because in a while, Grandpa and Raghav are here to escort us. Guards have found out very well that nothing should happen with the security, which may cause even the slightest suspicion... Be aware of the situation.

"Samrat... hmmm, I love you..."

He smiles a little and tells her,

"Why? I will not reply to you, and you know very well why."

He instantly wanted to reply to her. But at this time he is being very forceful, so there is absolutely no hope of any kind of reply from him. He just holds her hand. They stay close. Sparsh looks to her left, so after a while suddenly she starts smiling and tries to smile more while looking very close to him, so Samrat holding her hand again does not share anything in any way. She tries to move away this time, but he shakes his head and holds her hand properly and quickly moves with her, but this time there is a big smile on her face, which is noticed by everyone. Raghav asks his grandfather, having seen them nearby.

"This is the first girl I've seen with such a big smile after coming to her in-laws house."

Devnarayan does not respond to any of his questions and instead begins silently observing Samrat. Soon Samrat and Sparsh are in front of him. Both touch his feet and take his blessings. Observing their happiness, Devnarayan decided not to discuss anything special and, with a smile, placed his hand on each of their heads. Everyone comes out and starts sitting in the car, then Sparsh looks at Raghav and says to him.

"You have your personal car."

"Yes, of course. Why are you asking?"

"Okay, so today, we will defeat your elder brother in the race."

Before Raghav or anyone else could speak to her, Sparsh grasps Raghav's hand and begins guiding him towards his car. Raghav looks worried and turns toward his brother, but he himself is smiling at Sparsh's action. Samrat quickly takes the car keys from the driver. Sparsh sits in Raghav's car with Raghav, and Samrat sits alone in his car, and immediately the race begins at a fast pace. Raghav, who is with Sparsh, is very scared seeing her speed, but Sparsh is constantly smiling because, despite her high speed, Samrat is driving parallel to her, and the condition is that if, by mistake, one car has an accident, then the other car can collide with the one nearby. Gradually, the car's speed has increased to such an extent that Raghav shouts loudly to Sparsh.

"Bhabhi I am feeling very scared of your speed. What are you doing? Reduce your speed a bit. I have no interest in dying right now."

But Sparsh is not affected by his words; she only knows that Samrat is running right next to her, and he has to defeat Samrat in the car race at any cost. Seeing the speed of both cars, Raghav immediately calls the security and says,.

"The speed of both the cars is very high; whatever you do, nothing should happen to Raja Sabha and Rani."

The security guards' car is coming right behind them; the security guards' car is also coming at the same speed as those people, which Raghav can also see very easily. The security guard who is sitting in the front has picked up the phone, so he tells Raghav.

“You don't need to worry, sir; as long as we are with Raja ji, nothing can happen to him.”

As soon as Raghav hangs up, he tries to stop Sparsh again, but he looks ahead and sees that the palace has arrived, so he is sure that the car will stop on its own soon, and as he had guessed, the car stops in front of the palace with a jerk, and behind it, Samrat's vehicle stops with a loud noise, and Sparsh comes out of the car smiling and winks at Samrat and gives him a flying kiss. Samrat maintains a constant smile on his face, and as he approaches Sparsh, he notices Raghav inside the car, still sitting with his hand on his chest. Upon seeing this, he laughs loudly and knocks on the car's door to inform him.

"What did you find so frightening about this situation?"

"You may think it's a joke, but just a while ago, I narrowly avoided death. Do you even have an idea how dangerously your wife drives?"

"I have a pretty good idea, but you didn't. That's why she selected you, allowing her to accurately assess your driving skills."

Samrat starts laughing loudly after saying his point, and Raghav also comes out with a frown on seeing him. Meanwhile, Sparsh approaches Jay Narayan, who is standing there, touches his feet, and begins a comfortable conversation. Jay Narayan is also smiling a lot and listening to Sparsh only.

Samrat comes near Jaynarayan and touches his feet, takes Sparsh with him, and stands at the door so that all the rituals of their Grihapravesh can be completed very well. As soon as the oldest woman of the house steps forward with a plate to perform this ritual, Menka, who is coming down the stairs from the front, addresses everyone present.

"Samrat does not have a mother, and his father has married me for the second time, so in such a situation, it is my right to welcome the new daughter-in-law; then why are my rights being taken away from me?"

Upon hearing Menaka's voice, Jaynarayan closes his eyes, attempting to control his anger. He suddenly turns around, about to say something to Menka, when Sparsh herself intervenes.

You just said that Samrat doesn't have a mother, and just because you are married to Papa, you cannot become his mother under any circumstances because just a while ago you announced it very clearly in front of everyone that Samrat does not have a mother, so when Samrat does not have a mother, then how will you do this because this ritual is exclusively performed by his mother or a very respectable woman of the house, neither of whom are you."

On hearing such words from Sparsh, all the women standing there are continuously looking at her with widened eyes, but neither Jaynarayan, Devnarayan, nor Samrat are saying anything to her which in itself is the biggest reason for them to remain silent. Due to this, they are standing there quietly without saying anything, and Menka is not able to tolerate this insult, so without any delay she turns away from there and leaves. The oldest woman of the family completes this ritual, and applying tilak to Sparsh's forehead tells her to understand the post.

"Dear, you should respect elders no matter who they are, but you should not forget that she is Jaynarayan's wife."

"My parents have taught me to respect everyone, elders and younger ones, but at the same time they have also taught me that when someone troubles your loved ones, he/she is your biggest enemy, and whatever she said as soon as she came here was going to hurt my husband, so I don't think I should give her any kind of respect, even if she is anything."

Upon hearing Sparsh's words, all the women smile lightly, confident that Sparsh has said nothing wrong. Devnarayan is also closely observing both of them, his eyes brimming with light tears after hearing Sparsh's words. However, someone is keeping a keen eye on both of them, perceiving their emotions clearly. Despite this, both of them are simply smiling without expressing any reaction.


Prakshit is sitting in a very angry mood, and Purva is trying to hide the smile on her lips with great difficulty. Which is becoming very difficult for her, due to which Aarti stares at her, but despite that, it does not affect her; she is able to stop her laughter with great difficulty. In an attempt to manage the situation, Aarti hands over a coffee mug to Prakshit and addresses him.

“I don’t understand why you are getting so angry; you are the one who says most of the time that work should be done first and everything else should be done later."

I'm not disputing that I've said anything; I'm simply stating that, given our clear understanding of Samrat's crowning ceremony, we ought to have arrived by now. However, I'm finding it difficult to comprehend the situation. Right now, all the boys have important meetings scheduled, but they're all sitting in different parts of the world. I advised Adhiraj that we should travel together, and as a result, he left for America last night. This morning, I learned that Adhidev had already left for Europe to attend some meetings."

"No one is saying that they will not go to the crowning ceremony; the only thing that will happen now is that all of them will directly go to the crowning ceremony. You are getting very angry over a small matter."

You will not understand this. I only wish we had arrived there a few days earlier, as it would have been a better experience. Sparsh would have also arrived today, and since we haven't seen her in a long time, it would have been ideal for us to be there together. Now you people can talk whatever nonsense you want to say; I am going to Sumer Nagar today itself."

As soon as Purva hears this, she widens her eyes and looks at Suman, who was already looking at him, because they have become very upset after hearing this, and Suman is not able to understand what she will do. Aarti is sitting silently in front of him when Purva suddenly falls on the ground with her closed eyes.


Prakshit immediately runs towards Purva, but she doesn't open her eyes. As a result, everyone starts splashing water on her face. Aarti then informs everyone of this.

"Please take Purva to the room; I will call the doctor right now."

When Prakshit hears Aarti and Suman approaching Aarti, he immediately scoops Purva into his arms and takes her away. Seeing both of them leaving, Suman softly tells her.

"Everything is fine."

"That's absolutely fine; both the brothers are outside the palace, but all the children have reached inside the palace as bodyguards, so there isn't going to be any kind of problem."

"Have you talked to anyone yet?"

"Yes, I have talked to Abheek. He was saying that we didn't even tell Sparsh that we were coming there, but she came to know at the airport itself, and she wanted to meet us immediately. Samrat has handled her with great difficulty."

"I just wish God that whatever problem there is, it gets fixed as soon as possible, and whatever Sparsh told us should not be true at all. I just want both of the children to return safely to Mumbai. I continue to pray for their safe return to Mumbai."

"Right now, we've taken care of Prakshit, but there's a crowning ceremony in two days; he will undoubtedly attend, and you know there's a problem there. If he sees Sparsh in any kind of trouble, he will even forget that they are married. He will compel Sparsh to accompany him, thereby separating the children from each other once more.

That is the reason why Adhiraaj has not told her anything, and everyone has planned to try to know everything before the crowning ceremony, and only after knowing everything will they plan everything accordingly.

"But now it is almost night and Sparsh will be alone in the room with Samrat, you think she will let Samrat live in peace."

Both look at each other and then laugh loudly.


Sparsh hits Samrat with a pillow on his face, and Samrat sits down to avoid it. However, everyone on the laptop in front of them is laughing, trying to explain the situation to Sparsh as they both have airpods in their ears.

"Sparsh, listen sweetheart..."

"No, papa, I listen to everything Samrat says, so he did not even let me meet you people."

"This was necessary; I know you are very intelligent; you have to understand that we have come here silently, and if you had met us, then everyone would have come to know that we have already come here. In such a situation, a lot of problems would have increased."

"But I had to meet you all."

Despite Adhiraj explaining, Sparsh starts crying a lot, due to which everyone does not like her crying at all, and Samrat is very upset, due to which he immediately tells them.

"We are coming to meet you all."

There is pin-drop silence there.

Here is an update. I hope you like it. Please let me know.

Don't go Samrat.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Please enjoy my complete work which is available on different websites and apps.





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