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Ellie, a 20-year-old independent photographer, quickly packs away her gear as the last note of Billie Eilish's concert lingers in the air. Tonight, she wasn't just another fan in the crowd. In fact, she barely knew the artist. Just a few songs and some conversations overheard here and there, but nothing more. Ellie was there for a different reason. For several months, she had been working on a personal project aimed at capturing the sincerity of artists on stage, but not just that; she also wanted to immortalize the energy circulating through the audience, those fleeting emotions that often go unnoticed. What she was after was authenticity, the wild energy that concerts exude.

That evening, she had tried hard not to be swayed by Billie's public image. She focused on the spectators' reactions, on what they felt. She snapped hundreds of photos of raised hands, faces illuminated by stage lights, and silent tears sliding down captivated cheeks. She wanted to show something real, something that transcended the artist.

While looking for the restroom after the concert, Ellie, slightly distracted, ended up taking a wrong turn. She walked for a few moments, quickly realizing she was lost in the depths of the backstage area. Before she could turn back, curiosity led her to push open a slightly ajar door, and she accidentally stumbled upon a small, dimly lit dressing room. There, seated on a couch, was Billie Eilish herself, barefoot, a bottle of water in hand, kicking off her shoes after what was evidently a tiring show.

For a moment, Ellie froze. She wasn't quite sure what to do, but Billie looked up and spotted her, smiling gently, neither disturbed nor surprised.

Billie: "Hey. I guess you got lost?"

Ellie nodded, suddenly aware of the situation she had found herself in. How was this even possible? But she kept her composure, even though her heart was racing.

Ellie: "Yeah, this isn't really what I was looking for. I thought this was the way to the restroom, but I guess it's not the right place."

Billie let out a soft laugh, a low chuckle that resonated pleasantly in the small room.

Billie: "Yeah, it happens a lot around here. It's a real maze."

Ellie smiled, appreciating that Billie didn't seem bothered by her intrusion. There was something comforting in her demeanor, something simple and approachable.

Ellie: "I really made a bold move ending up in your dressing room. Maybe you should have a word with your security about the holes in their system, because I'm literally anything but discreet." She added, feeling a bit more comfortable, showing the camera she still held tightly in her hands, "I'm just a lost photographer."

Billie, laughing: "I'll mention it to them. Good thing you're only armed with a camera. So, are you working for someone, or is this a personal project?"

Ellie: "No, just for me. I'm not doing this for a magazine or anything; it's more of an experiment for me right now. I'm trying to capture the authentic moments of concerts, real emotions, not just the artist posing for the camera, you know? Tonight, I took a lot of photos of the crowd. I think it's just as important to show how people react to the music."

Billie nodded, clearly interested in what Ellie was saying. She set her water bottle on the coffee table and sat up a bit straighter, her eyes shining with genuine curiosity.

Billie: "Damn, that's really cool man. Most photographers focus on me, on what I'm doing, how I'm standing. But the crowd is a huge part of the show too. They create the atmosphere, bounce back the energy. It changes everything."

Ellie smiled, touched that Billie understood exactly what she was trying to capture. She relaxed a little more, even daring to sit at the edge of the couch at Billie's silent invitation.

Ellie: "Hell yeah, that's what I wanted to explore tonight. I don't know you very well, just a few songs, so I thought I could have a fresh perspective without being influenced by what people expect from you or your image. I took some photos of you on stage, but it was really the crowd that captivated me."

Billie looked at her, clearly impressed by her approach, and flashed a sincere smile.

Billie: "I love that idea. It's rare to meet someone who isn't focused on the image I project, but more on what's happening around me. That resonates with me. What did you capture, then? Do you want to show me?"

Ellie, a bit surprised but thrilled by Billie's interest, turned on her camera and began scrolling through some photos. Billie leaned in, her eyes attentive to each image.

Billie: "These photos are fucking amazing. Seriously, it looks like you've captured something pure, you know? It's like you're showing what it feels like to be there, in the moment. It's really cool and original."

Ellie relaxed even more, delighted by Billie's appreciation.

Ellie: "Thank you, that's exactly what I wanted. I'm just trying to do things differently. I want my photos to tell an honest story, no filter."

Billie stretched slightly before giving her a genuine smile.

Billie: "You're on the right track, really. If you captured that tonight, you've got it all figured out. People often focus on the outside, but what happens on the inside is what truly matters."

Eventually, Ellie realized she had probably overstayed her welcome.

Ellie: "I don't want to keep you any longer; you must be exhausted. Thank you for this moment, and for not calling someone to drag me out of here. I really need to find those restrooms."

Billie: "No worries, really. The restrooms are just two doors down on the left. Try not to end up in my brother's dressing room."

Ellie smiled at Billie's remark.

Ellie: "I can't promise anything."

Billie waved her hand as she settled back into the couch.

Ellie left the room with a light smile on her lips. She felt buoyant, almost weightless, still slightly in shock from the encounter. She hadn't just met a star; she had met someone who understood and respected her art. On her way to the restroom, she reflected on everything that had just happened, eager to develop her photos.


If you enjoyed this first chapter, feel free to vote, it encourages me to keep going. Thanks and happy reading !! 🤗

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