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The two girls looked into each other's eyes, a shared silence settling between them. Ellie, lost in the ocean blue of Billie's eyes, felt a little pang in her heart. It was one of those moments suspended in time where nothing else seemed to exist. The intensity of the scene contrasted with the relaxed tone of their previous conversation. Ellie could almost feel the weight of this nascent connection, inexplicable but very real. It was both exciting and unsettling.

Just as the silence became almost too heavy, a bark echoed from behind the door. Ellie turned abruptly, realizing that Livaï was getting impatient, probably tired of waiting alone. This familiar sound broke the tension between them.

"Oh my God, is that your dog?" Billie exclaimed with childlike enthusiasm, jumping up. Without waiting for Ellie's answer, she rushed to the door, clearly thrilled at the thought of meeting the animal. "I love dogs, you should have let him in," she added as she gently opened the door.

Livaï, who had been eagerly awaiting this moment, strutted in with his nonchalant gait, his large ears perked up and his tongue hanging out, obviously delighted to finally leave his solitude. Billie instantly crouched down to his level, her hand gently stroking the animal's fur, her face lit up by a sincere smile. "He's beautiful," she murmured, giving him a few scratches behind the ears. "What's his name?"

"Livaï," Ellie replied, a bit surprised by Billie's sudden enthusiasm.

"Like in the anime?" Billie asked, amused, while continuing to pet the dog, her eyes sparkling with joy.

Ellie nodded, a small smile on her lips. "Yeah, exactly. He was my mom's dog originally."

Billie looked up, curious. "Oh, it's so sweet that you brought him with you. Couldn't you leave him with your mom?"

Ellie felt a weight in her chest. The question was simple and natural, but she didn't know how to answer without bringing down the mood. It was a question she often faced, but saying that her mother had passed away was never easy, especially in such a light moment. She hesitated, searching for the right words.

"Well..." She paused, looking at Billie, who continued to stroke Livaï. "Let's just say it's complicated right now."

Billie gave her a gentle look but didn't press further. "I understand, don't worry. I'm sure he's super happy with you." She turned to Livaï, speaking softly to the dog. "I should bring Shark next time, you'd make a new buddy." She smiled at Ellie. "He's my dog, an adorable pit bull. He's waiting for me in Los Angeles."

Ellie was relieved that the conversation didn't delve any deeper into the details. She wasn't ready to share that painful part of her life just yet.

Billie stood up, a playful look on her face. "That reminds me, you know dogs can sense when we're stressed? Shark does it all the time when I come home after a concert. He jumps on me, like he's saying 'relax, everything is fine!'"

Ellie chuckled softly, nodding as she knelt next to Billie to pet Livaï. "Yeah, I know what you mean. Livaï does the same. He really helped me through some tough times."

Their gazes met again, this time lighter, less burdened by unspoken emotions. The moment that had paused for an instant resumed its natural rhythm. Billie seemed completely at ease, and her reassuring presence made Ellie forget the slight awkwardness she had felt earlier. Talking about their dogs, about something so simple and pure, lightened the atmosphere.

"You should really come to Los Angeles one day," Billie said, breaking the silence with a smile. "That way, you can meet Shark. And we could maybe shoot some other stuff, not just concerts."

Ellie, surprised by this proposal, felt her heart race a little faster. "That would be amazing, really."

"Then it's settled," Billie replied with a wink, before standing up completely. "We'll make it happen one of these days."

Ellie remained seated on the floor, one hand resting on Livaï's head, watching Billie head towards the corner of the room to grab a bottle of water. Everything felt surreal, as if what she was experiencing couldn't be real. But it was real. She was there with Billie Eilish, chatting and sharing simple moments as if they had known each other forever.

Livaï rested his head on Ellie's thigh, interrupting her thoughts. She leaned down to gently scratch his ears, grateful for his calming presence. But at the same time, she wondered what the future held for her. Billie had already made generous offers, but was it really something she would dare to pursue?

Billie approached again, sitting on the couch with a smile. "It's cool that you came all the way here, you know. Chicago is an incredible city, and this show was important to me."

Ellie smiled back, still a little dazed by everything that had just happened. "Thank you for inviting me, really. It was an insane experience, and I'm glad I could capture it all."

Billie nodded, taking a sip of water. "I told you that you had real talent, didn't I? So now you know." She shot Ellie a knowing glance before looking back at Livaï. "And it looks like your assistant approves too."

They burst out laughing, and the tension from the previous moment completely evaporated. It felt nice, natural, as if everything had fallen perfectly into place. But deep in her mind, Ellie couldn't help but revisit that moment, that exchanged glance, and the slight pang she had felt. Maybe it was just admiration, maybe a little more.

But for now, she preferred not to think about it too much. There was still a lot to come.

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