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Ellie returned from the party later than she had planned. Her mind was still a little fuzzy from all the evening's events, the conversations with Billie, the shared laughter, and of course, the champagne incident. But as soon as she stepped into her hotel room, she fell back into her usual routine: a quick shower to wash off the fatigue and sweat, then she slipped under the sheets. Ellie had a superpower many envied: she could fall asleep in seconds. That night, as usual, it took her only a moment before sleep claimed her.

The next morning, she woke up slowly, the memories of the night still fresh in her mind. As she began to pack her things for the next leg of the tour, she found herself smiling. Baltimore was next, a new city to explore, though it felt bittersweet to already be breaking her own record for most cities visited. At 20, she hadn't had many chances to travel, but this tour with Billie Eilish was changing all of that. She was enjoying this new adventure, though she sometimes felt a slight nostalgia for her old life.

After finishing packing and double-checking that she hadn't forgotten anything, Ellie grabbed a taxi to the airport. To her surprise, Kate was already there when she arrived. Their last encounter at the Vogue concert had brought them closer, and this time, they decided not to leave things to chance.

"Hey! Kate," Ellie called out, spotting her waiting at the airport entrance.

"Ellie! It's crazy, I was just thinking we should exchange numbers so we don't always run into each other by accident!" Kate laughed.

Ellie smiled and pulled out her phone. They quickly exchanged numbers, a simple gesture that deepened their budding friendship. After passing through security, they found themselves side by side at the boarding gate again. Maybe it wasn't just luck after all.

The two young women settled into their seats, ready for the flight to Baltimore. Ellie felt lucky to be with Kate. She enjoyed her company, the lightness of their conversations, and the sincerity too. It was nice to talk with someone who understood her world, her doubts, and who was living the same adventure.

"So, what did you think of the party last night?" Ellie asked, adjusting her seatbelt.

Kate shrugged with a playful smile.

"It was a Vogue event, you know, lots of people, some overly dressed up, and a bunch of superficial conversations. But I had a good time! How about you? You looked like you were having fun."

Ellie laughed.

"Yeah, despite the champagne shower, I had a pretty good time."

Kate laughed too.

"That was an expensive shower... but seriously, you spent the whole night with Billie, right?"

Ellie blinked, a little surprised by the remark. She hadn't really noticed, but now that Kate mentioned it, it was true. She had spent most of the night with Billie, talking and laughing together.

"Yeah, we were together most of the time, but it didn't feel that special, you know?" Ellie asked, a bit puzzled.

Kate raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, but it was. It's pretty rare, you know. Billie is always nice to everyone, she's close to the team, that's for sure. But she doesn't usually spend an entire evening with someone like she did with you."

Ellie didn't know what to say to that. She hadn't paid attention to that detail. To her, it felt natural, she and Billie got along well, and the night just flowed. But now that Kate pointed it out, she started to think about it.

"You think so?" Ellie asked hesitantly. "I mean, Billie's super nice to everyone, so it didn't seem strange to me."

Kate nodded.

"Yeah, that's true, she's always smiling and kind. But this was different. I noticed how she looked at you, how she took the time to talk to you. That's not how it usually is."

Ellie felt a slight blush creep up her cheeks. She didn't know what to think of all this. She respected Billie a lot, but she had never considered there could be anything more.

"Maybe we just get along well," she replied, trying to stay humble. "And she helped me out a lot last night. I was really nervous at the beginning of the party."

Kate gave her a knowing smile.

"Billie really likes you. It's obvious. Enjoy it, you're lucky."

Ellie bit her lip, unsure how to respond. She was flattered, of course, but she didn't want to get ahead of herself. She admired Billie a lot, but she had never thought there might be something more between them.

"If you say so... Anyway, this whole adventure has been great so far. I definitely don't regret ditching those awful history classes."

"You're right, we've got a lot more ahead of us on this tour. I'm excited to see how things unfold."

They continued chatting for a while, moving from light topics like the outfits at the party to deeper ones like their ambitions and dreams. Ellie was growing more and more fond of these moments with Kate, realizing she had made a real friend.

At some point, their conversation naturally quieted down. Ellie looked out of the plane window. The sky was a clear blue, and below them, the clouds spread out like a sea of cotton. It was peaceful, almost mesmerizing. She pulled out her earbuds and played an album by Frank Ocean. As the first notes played, she felt her body relax. The calmness of the music, its soft melodies, helped her disconnect from everything.

But instead of drifting off to sleep as she had hoped, her thoughts began to wander. They took her back to Portland, to her hometown. She thought about her friends she hadn't seen in a while, and especially about her dog, Levi. She had always been close to him, and she missed his soft fur under her fingers.

Ellie sighed softly, closing her eyes, letting herself be carried by the memories. She could see Levi running in the park where she often took him, his ears flapping in the wind, his joyful eyes always looking up at her. This tour was an incredible adventure, but sometimes, it reminded her of everything she had left behind.

A smile spread across her lips as she sank deeper into the music, letting the waves of sound and memories wash over her. Fatigue gradually crept in, and although her thoughts kept her awake, she felt strangely at peace.

Baltimore was waiting, another step in this incredible journey. But for now, she savored this quiet moment, suspended between sky and earth, lost in melodies and the comforting memories that carried her through.

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