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It had been a month since Ellie had heard from Billie. After the incredible offer to shoot at other dates on her tour, the conversation had suddenly fizzled out. No messages, no further exchanges. She found herself checking her phone more often than she would have liked, always hesitating to send a follow-up message. Yet, a small voice inside her held her back.

"What if I'm being too intrusive? She must be busy with her tour," she kept repeating to herself. The waiting was becoming difficult. Despite her doubts, her friends Joan and Aubrey never stopped teasing her about it.

"You should send her a message," Joan often said, sprawled out on their couch with his ever-present cup of coffee in hand.

"What do you have to lose? She offered you a chance to work for her, it wouldn't be weird to follow up," Aubrey chimed in, glancing quickly at Ellie during a House of the Dragon commercial.

But Ellie did nothing. She had decided to let time take its course, despite the little anxiety that rose within her every time she found herself hoping for a notification from Billie.

In the meantime, Ellie's life continued. Even though she hadn't spoken to Billie again, she had made significant strides in her photography career. The Detroit newspaper had bought a few of her concert photos, which had been a real victory for her. These images were now published in their pages and even displayed in some cafés around the city. To celebrate, Joan and Aubrey insisted on framing one of the prints and hanging it proudly in their living room.

"Check this out!" Joan would say, pointing to the photo on the wall whenever someone entered the apartment. "Our roommate is the official photographer for Billie Eilish!"

Ellie laughed every time, but a part of her felt a little strange hearing that. After all, she hadn't really worked for Billie, at least, not yet. It was just a simple exchange of a few photos. Nothing more...

That morning, Ellie had woken up early to walk Livaï. He seemed to sense when his owner needed a mental break. As usual, he trotted ahead of her with his usual energy, ears perked up and nose deep in every new scent he encountered.

The neighborhood was quiet at that hour of the day, bathed in the soft light of the morning sun. Ellie appreciated these moments of peace, far away from the chaos of her café job and the studies that didn't excite her much. It was her time, away from everything.

Lost in her thoughts, Ellie felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. At first, she didn't pay attention, assuming it was just some random notification or a message from Joan or Aubrey. She kept walking, with Livaï joyfully bounding alongside her. Then, out of curiosity, she finally took her phone out to take a look.

That was when her heart skipped a beat.

A notification from Instagram. And not just any notification. Billie Eilish had just sent her a message.

Ellie stopped dead on the sidewalk, breathless. Livaï glanced at her for a moment, looking puzzled, before returning to his olfactory exploration. Shaking, she opened the message.

Billie: "Hey Ellie, sorry for going silent, that wasn't cool. The tour has been a bit crazy lately. Hope everything's good on your end! I've been thinking of you... Would you be available to shoot at my next concert in Chicago next week? It'd be great to see you there."

Ellie stood frozen, her eyes glued to the screen. Had she read that correctly? She reread the message several times. Not only was Billie apologizing for the silence, but she was also inviting Ellie to photograph one of her concerts. Not months from now, but next week. In Chicago. It was an enormous opportunity, even more than the last time.

She felt a wave of warmth wash over her, a mix of excitement and nervousness. Without wasting a second, she started typing a response, trying to stay as relaxed as possible.

Ellie: "Hey! No worries, I figured you were super busy with the tour. I'm doing well, thanks. Chicago? Wow, that would be amazing! I just need to check my schedule, but I should be able to make it."

She bit her lip after sending the message, hoping she didn't come off as too eager. Her mind was already racing. She had to find a way to make it work. Chicago wasn't too close, but it wasn't unmanageable either. And for an opportunity like this, she would be willing to do whatever it took to be there.

A few seconds later, another vibration.

Billie: "Awesome! Let me know as soon as you're sure, and I'll arrange for you to come. It's going to be a big show, and I can't wait to see what you'll capture this time."

Ellie stood frozen for a moment, the reality of the situation beginning to hit her hard. It was real. She had just received a second opportunity to work with Billie Eilish, and this time it wasn't a vague plan but a specific date. She could already feel the excitement growing within her.

Back home, Ellie couldn't help but share the news with Joan and Aubrey, who were just as enthusiastic as she was.

"See? I told you Billie hasn't forgotten about you!" Joan exclaimed, clearly pleased with his prediction.

"And now you're off to Chicago! That's insane," Aubrey added, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Ellie nodded slowly, still a bit in shock. She was so absorbed in the news that she had almost forgotten about the upcoming logistical challenges. But it didn't matter. What counted was that she had this opportunity, and she wasn't going to let it slip away.

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