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Ellie stepped out of the Portland airport, her heart racing with excitement at the thought of seeing her loved ones again. As soon as her eyes landed on Joan, a huge smile spread across her face. There he was, just a few feet away, welcoming her with that big, bright grin, as warm and comforting as she remembered. Without thinking, she rushed toward him, almost running, and before she could say a word, he scooped her up in his arms and spun her around like one of those fucking movie scenes.

"Ellie!" Joan shouted, holding her tight, his laughter ringing in the air. "You're alive!"

Ellie was laughing so hard her feet barely touched the ground.

"Joan, stop it, you're gonna kill me!"

He gently set her down and looked at her with that familiar tenderness.

"I missed you, gorgeous," he said with a smile. "Shit, you've even got some wrinkles!"

"I missed you too, idiot," Ellie replied, her eyes shining with emotion. "It was a crazy adventure, but nothing beats coming home."

Joan took the suitcase from her before she could protest, carrying it effortlessly. As Ellie started to share some stories from the tour, he cut her off suddenly.

"Oh no, stop! You remember our pact with Aubrey, right? No juicy details until we're all together."

Ellie furrowed her brow, suddenly recalling that promise.

"Fuck, I was about to make a huge mistake," she sighed, smiling. "Aubrey is gonna kill me if I start without her. I'll keep my mouth shut for now."

They headed toward the parking lot, walking side by side, and Joan glanced at Ellie.

"You look tired, but happy."

"I left my soul and body out there, but it was worth it. I took the best photos of my life," she confessed.

When they reached Joan's old Chevrolet, Ellie burst out laughing.

"Wow, this is a change from the luxury black Ubers I took every day."

"Don't start acting like a diva," Joan replied with a teasing smile as he opened the trunk. "Coming back to real life will do you good."

After stowing the suitcase, they got in the car and headed home. The drive was calm, filled with light banter, but Ellie felt the excitement building as they got closer. She was finally going to see Livaï and Aubrey.

As soon as Joan parked in front of the house, Ellie sprinted to the door. She hadn't even inserted the key when the door opened slightly, and Livaï, all excited, darted toward her. He jumped against her with such force that she lost her balance and fell back.

"Oh my God, Livaï!" Ellie exclaimed, laughing out loud as the dog covered her in kisses. "I missed you, my boy!"

She couldn't help but laugh as Livaï, completely hyper, circled her, wagging his tail like crazy. Joan, standing nearby, watched her with a smirk, amused by the scene.

"I think he's more excited to see you than I am," he joked.

Ellie struggled to her feet, tenderly petting Livaï. She stepped into the house, the dog glued to her side. As soon as she crossed the threshold, a familiar voice rang out from the living room.

"You're finally here!" Aubrey shouted, rushing over to hug her. "I thought I'd never see your face around here again!"

"I'm right here, in the flesh!" Ellie replied, squeezing her friend tight. "I missed you guys so much!"

The two girls shared a long hug, then Aubrey stepped back slightly to look her up and down.

"So, spill! You survived the tour, it seems."

Ellie glanced at Joan, who shook his head with a sly grin.

"I can't say anything, orders from the boss," she said, raising her hands in surrender. "We have to wait until we're all on the couch before I spill the tea."

Aubrey burst out laughing and turned to Joan.

"I see you're enforcing the rules. Well done!"

They all settled into the living room, and after Joan poured drinks, the conversation kicked off on a light note.

"So, how was it?" Aubrey asked, clearly eager to hear Ellie's stories. "The concerts, the cities, the team... You must've met some incredible people, right?"

"It was insane, seriously," Ellie began, a dreamy smile on her lips. "Every concert was unique, and the vibe... it's indescribable. When you're in the middle of thousands of people and everyone's singing together, it's just... magical."

"And Billie?" Joan asked with a teasing look. "She's as cool as she seems?"

"Even cooler," Ellie replied, nodding. "She's so talented, super down-to-earth, and honestly, she's a shoulder to lean on. She even forced me to watch The Office."

"Wait, what?" Aubrey exclaimed, sitting up closer. "I've been telling you to watch that show for years, and it takes Billie Eilish to get you to finally do it?!"

Ellie blushed slightly.

"Yeah, I caved," she admitted with a laugh. "Billie was shocked, it's her favorite show."

"I'm gonna sell that story to a tabloid," Joan said, shaking his head, cracking up.

"If you can make some cash, she'd be the first to encourage you," Ellie shot back, laughing.

"She seems so cool, I'm a bit jealous," Aubrey added. "Are you guys planning to see each other before the tour picks back up?"

Ellie shrugged, but a mysterious smile stretched across her face.

"We talked about it briefly. We're gonna try to meet up in Portland, you know, to introduce our two monsters."

Joan burst out laughing, crossing his arms.

"Oh, the old excuse of the dogs. Does that still work in 2024?"

"That's exactly what I told her," Ellie replied, laughing.

"Using your dog to fucked, what a shame," Joan quipped with a mischievous grin.

Ellie rolled her eyes, amused but slightly embarrassed by the implication.

"Cut the crap, it's just for the dogs," she insisted, laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, sure," Joan replied, winking.

They continued chatting, Ellie sharing more stories from the tour, like the times she had to run to keep up with the team or the moments when she captured unexpected yet incredible shots. Aubrey and Joan listened intently, laughing and reacting to each story.

"One of the craziest moments was when Billie totally wiped out on the backstage stairs. We thought it was over for her, but she got up laughing so hard she was crying."

"The vibe sounds wild. You must've really enjoyed it," Joan replied.

"Absolutely, I already miss it," Ellie agreed.

Joan nodded, thoughtful.

"It must be something, living it from the inside. You really feel like you're part of something bigger, right?"

"Exactly," Ellie said with a smile. "That's what I'll miss the most. But I'm still glad to be home. You guys are my family."

They continued sharing stories and laughter for hours. Ellie's return to Portland not only rekindled her love for her hometown but also strengthened her bonds with her loved ones. And as she cuddled on the couch, Livaï at her feet, she knew that even though the tour was incredible, nothing beat the feeling of being home.

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