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As Ellie left the party, she ordered a taxi for herself and Kate, her heart still racing from the intense exchange she had just shared with Billie. She felt torn, caught between the excitement of what could have been and the reality of her best friend, who was currently sobbing her heart out on her shoulder.

It was 2 a.m. by the time they arrived at the hotel, and Ellie helped Kate into her pajamas. The breakup had driven her to drink way more than her small frame could handle, and Ellie, concerned, made sure she was comfortably settled.

She put on a calming playlist in the background, hoping the soft music might soothe Kate's swirling thoughts. As they both lay down, Kate turned her tear-stained eyes toward Ellie.

As she closed her eyes, Ellie's mind remained occupied with the events of the evening. Thoughts of Billie still lingered, but for now, all she could do was be there for her friend, ready to support her through this rough time.

"I messed everything up, didn't I?" Kate whispered timidly.

Ellie, a bit surprised, didn't immediately understand. She scanned her friend's face, trying to grasp what she meant. "What are you talking about?"

"Between you and Billie..." Kate started fidgeting with the edges of her pajamas.

Ellie couldn't help but chuckle softly, a reassuring smile on her lips. "No, not at all. You didn't mess anything up. What matters right now is you," she reassured her. She leaned in closer, wanting to get Kate's full attention. "You need to rest. We'll talk about everything tomorrow morning."

Kate rubbed her eyes, still visibly troubled. "But..."

"No, Kate. Now's not the time to worry. Just take a moment to relax, okay?" Ellie gently took her hand, hoping to pass on some of her strength.

"Okay..." Kate sighed, though the anxiety still lingered in her eyes.

"Promise, everything's going to be fine. I'm here," Ellie murmured, turning to face her friend.

The music played softly in the background, wrapping the room in a gentle, soothing atmosphere. The dim lights created a cozy cocoon around them, and Ellie hoped this moment of quiet would help Kate fall asleep.

After a few minutes of silence, Kate whispered, "Thank you for being here, Ellie. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Ellie smiled, touched. "You don't need to say that. It's what friends do, like you always say." She thought back to Billie, to the stolen moment in the kitchen. The tension, the passion, all of it now felt so distant, like a vivid dream just out of reach. She shook her head slightly, pushing those thoughts aside to focus on Kate.

"You know," Kate began, breaking the silence, "I never wanted things to end like this." She paused, and Ellie could see how much it was affecting her. "I thought he was different."

Ellie sat up a little, her gaze encouraging. "It happens, Kate. Sometimes we think we know someone, but the reality is different, especially with guys."

Kate nodded, but there was still a shadow of sadness on her face. "I know, but it's hard. I wish I were strong enough to handle this on my own."

Ellie couldn't help but smile, despite her own swirling thoughts. "No one expects you to go through this kind of thing alone. You need time to process it, and I'm here to help you through it."

She got up and went to the small nightstand to pour a glass of water, which she handed to Kate. "Drink a little. It'll help you feel better in the morning. Your body's probably 80% alcohol by now."

Kate took the glass and sipped slowly, her eyes fixed on Ellie. "And you, Ellie? What happened with Billie?" she asked, curiosity replacing some of the sadness.

Ellie, caught off guard by the question, hesitated for a moment. "I... I don't know yet. It was intense, but... with everything going on right now, I don't want to add to the complications." She forced a smile, even though she knew the situation was more complicated than she let on.

"It sounds like something special," Kate observed, her eyes sparkling with interest. "You should really explore that. Life's too short to be afraid."

Ellie let herself be swept up in her friend's enthusiasm. "Yeah, but I don't want to rush into anything, especially when you need me."

Kate sighed, clearly moved by Ellie's loyalty. "I really appreciate you, Ellie. But I don't want my situation to hold you back. If Billie matters to you, then go for it!"

"I know, but..." Ellie struggled to find the words to express what she was feeling. Conflicting emotions clashed in her mind.

Kate stared at her for a moment, then gave a soft smile. "Then do it. I promise I'll be okay. We both have things to figure out, but I don't want you to put your life on hold because of me."

Ellie felt a mix of love and admiration for her friend. "I understand. But for now, let's focus on the present."

Kate, a bit more at peace, let out a light laugh. "Maybe we could have a Hunger Games marathon tomorrow?"

Ellie smiled, grateful for the suggestion. "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea."

Finally, they fell silent, the quiet between them comforting. There was a mutual understanding in the air, and they let the soft music carry them into a calm moment together.

Kate turned onto her side, wrapping herself in the blanket. "Billie seems like a good person."

Ellie nodded. "Yeah, she is. I think there's still a lot to discover."

"And a lot of time to catch up on!" Kate replied with a playful wink, trying to lighten the mood.

They laughed softly together, the lightness of the moment bringing a spark of joy amidst the sadness. Ellie knew there would be darker days ahead, but she was grateful to share this moment with Kate.

The music continued to play, wrapping the room in a gentle ambiance as they found comfort in their friendship, ready to face whatever the next day might bring.

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