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The next morning, Ellie woke up quietly, careful not to make any noise. She sat up in bed, glancing at Kate, who was still deeply asleep, her face etched with exhaustion and the emotions of the previous night. The dark circles under her eyes were evidence of the tears she had shed. Ellie sighed, her heart heavy for her friend. She decided not to wake her just yet, letting her rest a little longer.

Moving slowly, Ellie got out of bed and grabbed a jacket, making sure not to make any sound. She carefully avoided opening the curtains, knowing the light could be harsh on Kate's still-sensitive eyes. Gently closing the door behind her, Ellie went out to get something for breakfast that would help her friend regain some strength.

She returned half an hour later with a tray full of pastries, fresh strawberries, and most importantly, two large caramel lattes. She hoped it would be enough to wake the person still lying motionless in bed. As she set the tray on the small table, she glanced at Kate, who was slowly stirring under the covers. Her eyes were still red from crying through the night, and she looked utterly exhausted, both physically and emotionally.

Ellie approached gently, letting out a soft "Hey," without needing to ask how she was doing. The answer was clear in the heavy silence filling the room.

Kate opened her eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the dim light. Her face brightened slightly when she saw the tray. "You're an angel," she murmured with a tired smile.

She sat up with some difficulty, drawn in by the smell of chocolate pancakes. In an almost childlike gesture, she dove into the breakfast, grabbing a plate as if she hadn't eaten in days. Ellie smiled quietly, happy to see Kate find comfort in something as simple as eating.

Ellie sat beside Kate, taking a sip of her coffee before gently breaking the silence. "Do you feel ready to talk to me about that phone call?" she asked softly.

Kate nodded, slowly putting down her pancakes as if she were bracing herself for something hard. After a long pause, she sighed and blurted out, as if to get it over with, "He cheated on me with his ex."

Ellie froze for a moment, the surprise quickly turning into a simmering anger. Kate continued, her voice trembling slightly, "It's not the first time. He did it before, and... I forgave him."

Ellie immediately frowned, struggling to understand why her friend would have accepted that. She felt a surge of anger rising in her throat, but she stayed quiet, letting Kate vent.

"This time," Kate went on with a bitter smile, "he told me it was different. That he wanted to give his ex another chance. That it was more serious, that he loved her."

Ellie couldn't hold back her emotions any longer. "What an asshole!" she burst out. Kate laughed, a nervous laugh, as if she had been waiting for Ellie to say what she hadn't dared to herself.

"I knew you'd react like that," she said, shaking her head.

But Ellie wasn't backing down, outraged by the story. "He doesn't deserve a single one of the tears on your beautiful face. Seriously, Kate, you've got nothing to regret. That guy is a fucking idiot, the worst kind, and he doesn't deserve you at all."

Kate sighed, but a small smile appeared on her lips. "It's easy to say, but I feel so stupid. Like I let this happen."

Ellie took her hand and gently squeezed it. "You're not stupid. You just wanted to believe in him, and he betrayed you. He's the one at fault, not you. Don't blame yourself for his crap."

Kate seemed a bit comforted by Ellie's words and gave her a grateful look. "Thank you, Ellie. Really. I don't know what I'd do without you."

They spent the rest of the morning talking, gradually releasing the tension. Between bites of croissants and strawberries, Kate seemed to regain some semblance of inner peace. She tried to smile, though the shadow of pain hadn't completely left her.

The rest of the day passed in a strange calm, punctuated by moments of comfortable silence and quiet laughter. They ordered room service, indulging in all things greasy and comforting. Pizzas, burgers, fries... and sushi, of course, everything they needed to forget about the outside world for a few hours.

The afternoon was dedicated to their Hunger Games marathon. The movies played one after the other, and though Kate's attention wasn't fully there, Ellie could tell it was helping her distract herself, to lose herself in something other than her pain.

As the sun began to set over the city, they finished the last movie. There was a knock on the door of their room. Ellie, assuming it was more room service, got up quickly to answer.

But when she opened the door, she froze, unable to speak. Time seemed to stop as she stared at the man standing on the other side. Her throat tightened instantly, and she felt her heart race.

Kate, still lying in bed, called out from across the room, "Ellie, are the burgers finally here?"

Ellie didn't respond, her eyes wide as she stared at the man in front of her. This worried Kate, who immediately got up. She walked over to the door, still lost in thought, but the concern in her voice was clear. "Ellie? What's going on? Who is it?"

Ellie slowly turned her head toward Kate, her lips trembling. In a barely audible voice, she whispered, "It's... it's my dad."

Kate froze, shocked. She knew Ellie hadn't spoken to her father in years, but Ellie had never explained why. He was never mentioned in their conversations, as if he belonged to a past Ellie had tried to leave behind.

The man standing before them seemed just as uneasy, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his leather jacket. He looked at Ellie with a certain nervousness, as if unsure of his place here, as if he didn't really know what he was expecting.

Kate, standing next to Ellie, didn't know what to say or how to react. The silence between them was becoming almost oppressive, filled with an emotional weight only Ellie and this man seemed to understand.

Ellie remained motionless, her face marked by surprise and a hint of anger, a storm of emotions she couldn't quite name yet. She swallowed hard before asking in a broken voice, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Ellie's father looked at her, a mixture of regret and sadness on his face. "We need to talk, Ellie. It's time."

At that moment, Ellie felt like her world had just shifted.

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