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Joan and Aubrey dropped Ellie off at the airport in the afternoon. The sun was still high in the sky, casting a soft golden light over the crowded parking lot. Ellie felt a mix of excitement and nerves. She had prepared everything: her luggage, her papers, and most importantly, Livaï, who would be joining her on this international adventure.

Joan parked the car in a spot where they could unload the bags at a relaxed pace. Aubrey, always full of energy, quickly hopped out to grab Ellie's suitcases, while Joan, more calm and collected, opened the trunk to take out Livaï's travel crate. Ellie looked at the large white crate with reinforced metal bars. She had insisted on getting the best, most spacious one, so that Livaï would be as comfortable as possible during the flight. But even with all the preparation, the thought of him being confined in there for long hours worried her.

Livaï, on the other hand, seemed completely at ease, standing next to her with his tongue hanging out and his eyes sparkling. His tricolored coat gleamed in the sunlight, and his tail wagged softly. He had no idea what was coming.

"It'll be fine, you know," Aubrey said with a reassuring smile. "Livaï is such a good dog. He's going to handle this like a champ."

Ellie smiled, but the worry was still there. "I know, but it's his first time on a plane... and being in a crate like that, in the cargo hold..." She looked at her dog fondly. "He's calm, but ten hours is a long time."

Joan bent down to give Livaï a scratch behind the ears. "Look at him, he looks ready for the adventure. As long as he has his favorite stuffed toy and some treats, he's not going to be the one staging a rebellion in the cargo hold."

Ellie chuckled softly at that. Joan was right: Livaï, as energetic as he could be outdoors, was also an incredibly well-behaved and quiet dog once in a secure environment. His rabbit-shaped stuffed toy, a gift from Ellie's mom when he was just a puppy, never left his side, and she had made sure to pack it in the crate along with a few of his favorite treats. All she could do now was trust her loyal companion and hope the flight would go smoothly.

After checking one last time that everything was in order, Ellie placed her hands on the crate, looking into Livaï's eyes. "Ready for Australia, big guy?" she asked with a smile, trying to hide her slight anxiety.

Livaï responded with a small, excited bark, his tail wagging happily.

"Of course he's ready," Aubrey laughed. "You're stressing more than he is, Ellie."

They walked toward the airport entrance, Livaï trotting happily beside them. The main hall was filled with rushing travelers, everyone dragging suitcases or hurrying to catch their flights. Ellie held onto Livaï's leash tightly, trying not to be distracted by the chaos around them.

After reaching the counter to check in her dog, a staff member from the airline came over to inspect the crate and the necessary paperwork for Livaï's travel. Ellie felt a wave of anxiety as she watched the crate being gently closed around her companion. Livaï looked at her calmly through the bars, without a trace of distress.

"He's really calm, that's rare," the staff member commented with a smile. "He's going to handle the flight just fine, don't worry."

Ellie nodded, trying to convince herself that everything would be okay. She knelt in front of the crate one last time. "I'll see you in Melbourne, okay?" she whispered, slipping her fingers through the bars to stroke Livaï's nose. "Be good."

Livaï gently licked her fingers as a sign of affection, then lay down peacefully in his crate, resting his head on his stuffed toy.

Joan and Aubrey stayed silent, giving Ellie and her dog this moment. They knew how much Livaï meant to her, and they also understood the worry she felt about leaving him in a situation she couldn't control.

Once Livaï was taken away by the airport staff, Ellie turned to her friends, trying to mask her emotions. "Well, I guess it's time to say goodbye."

Aubrey immediately pulled her into a tight hug. "We're going to miss you, but I'm so excited for you. This trip is going to be amazing."

Joan, more reserved, offered a quieter hug. "Enjoy every minute and take care of yourself," he said softly. "We're proud of you."

Ellie smiled, touched by their words. She knew how lucky she was to have such solid friends by her side, supporting her in all her decisions, even the craziest ones.

"I'm going to miss you too," she said, her throat tight. "But we'll see each other in Europe."

Joan nodded with a smile. "That's a promise."

Aubrey chimed in, "Paris, London... doesn't matter, as long as we party together when we meet up."

After a few more heartfelt goodbyes, Ellie headed toward security, turning back one last time to wave. Joan and Aubrey waved back before heading out of the airport.

Ten hours later, after an endless flight, Ellie finally landed in Melbourne. The journey had been longer than expected, and jet lag was already setting in. She felt exhausted, but the excitement of finally setting foot in Australia kept her going. Melbourne was bathed in the warm light of a summer afternoon, and Ellie immediately sensed the difference in atmosphere compared to Portland.

After collecting her luggage, Ellie made her way to the animal pickup area. Her heart beat a little faster at the thought of reuniting with Livaï. She hoped the journey had been smooth for him. When she arrived, she quickly spotted his crate, and a wide smile spread across her face at the sight of him.

Livaï was lying peacefully inside, his head resting on his stuffed toy, just as he had been when she'd left him. His eyes were half-closed, and he seemed slightly sleepy, probably still a bit groggy from the flight.

An airport staff member greeted her with a smile. "Here's your companion. He was very well-behaved during the flight. No issues at all."

Ellie immediately crouched down in front of the crate and opened the door. Livaï slowly got up, stretching his legs with a little groan of contentment. She stroked him affectionately, relieved to see him in such good shape.

"Hey, big guy," she murmured, scratching behind his ears. "You were a champ."

Livaï, clearly happy to be reunited with his owner, gave her hand a gentle lick before standing up to step out of the crate. He shook himself off slightly, as if to shake off the stiffness of the flight, then looked around curiously, sniffing the fresh Melbourne air.

Still smiling, Ellie attached his leash to his harness. "Ready to explore Australia?"

After sorting out the final details with the airport staff, Ellie called a taxi to take them to their hotel. The drive toward the city was lined with trees and wide expanses of greenery, and Livaï, pressed up against the open window, couldn't resist sticking his head out to take in the Australian air.

Ellie smiled at his obvious happiness. "Looks like you're loving Melbourne already, huh?" she laughed.

The ride to the hotel wasn't long, and Livaï stayed fascinated by every detail of the landscape passing by. The bright green parks, the modern buildings interspersed with charming old architecture, and the unique feeling of being in a completely new place far from anything they knew.

Finally, they arrived at their hotel, a beautiful building not far from the city center, surrounded by lush gardens. Ellie got out of the taxi, thanked the driver, and reattached Livaï's leash before heading toward the entrance.

Kate was already waiting in the lobby, her face lit up with a bright smile.

"Ellie!" she exclaimed, opening her arms for a hug. "How was the flight?"

"Hey, buddy, it was long, but not too bad," Ellie replied with a smile. "And Livaï was perfect."

Kate bent down to pet Livaï, who wagged his tail enthusiastically. "Hey handsome, ready for the adventure?"

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