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For Billie, the past ten days had been marked by a strange tension that she desperately tried to hide, not only from others but especially from herself. That night in the caravan, when Ellie had slowly moved closer to her, emotions had taken over. The palpable tension, that silent game between the two of them... everything had come to an abrupt halt with Finneas's arrival, but the confusion lingered. Billie had done her best to simply set it all aside, as she often did with things that unsettled her. But this time, it wasn't so simple.

She hadn't seen Ellie since that moment, at least not really. The few concerts they had done back-to-back didn't allow for much discussion. Billie shone on stage, as always, but as soon as she stepped out of the spotlight, her thoughts inevitably drifted back to what had almost happened.

Billie didn't know how to act around Ellie now. They had crossed a blurry line, and even though she hadn't addressed it, that line remained very present in her mind. She could have easily sent a message, taken the initiative, but something held her back. Perhaps it was the fear of what it would really mean, perhaps the desire not to complicate things more than they already were. So, like Ellie, Billie had chosen silence, convincing herself that it would eventually fade away.

One evening, while she was in her hotel room lost in thought, her phone buzzed. It was Zoe, her childhood friend, her confidante. If anyone could help her sort this out, it was definitely her.

"So, have you talked to Ellie since that night?" Zoe asked.

Billie sighed. "No, not really. Well, we've run into each other during the concerts, but you know how it is. There are too many people, too much to handle."

"Yeah, too much to handle... or too many excuses to avoid confronting her?"

Billie closed her eyes, feeling her friend point out the truth she was trying to escape. "It's not that simple, Zoe."

"Oh really? Because it seems pretty clear to me. Something happened between you two. You think it will just go away, but you can't ignore it forever. You should talk to her before it gets even more complicated."

Billie bit her lip, uncomfortable. "What if she doesn't feel the same? What if what happened that night ruined everything? I'd rather wait for her to react first. If she wants to talk about it, she'll come to me, right?"

Zoe burst into laughter. "Really, Billie? That's your plan? Wait for Ellie to come to you as if nothing happened? I know you too well to believe you'll stay passive about this. You know very well that it's up to you to reach out."

"Maybe..." Billie sighed, irritated. "But I'm tired. So much is going on right now, the tour, the concerts..."

"Yeah, yeah. You can give me all the excuses in the world, but you know what you have to do." Zoe sighed on the other end of the line. "Come on, be brave. And don't take too long."

Billie hung up with a slight groan, her head still buzzing from Zoe's words. She knew her friend was right, but the idea of confronting her own feelings terrified her. She wasn't ready. Not yet.

The next day, as she was getting ready for the last concert in Sydney, Finneas knocked on her hotel room door. Her brother, always attentive to her moods, had noticed that something was off.

"Hey, how about we plan something after tonight's concert?" he asked as he entered the room. "Just a little get-together with the team and close friends to mark the end of the Australian tour before heading to Europe."

Billie frowned. She wasn't sure she had the energy for a party, but the idea of unwinding after a few intense weeks had its appeal. "I don't know... do you think everyone will be up for it?"

Finneas shrugged. "Of course they will. It would be a chance to strengthen the bonds, to relax a bit before the next step. And..." He looked at her intently. "It would also be a chance for you to see Ellie in a more intimate setting. I know you're worried about that."

Billie looked away, caught off guard by her brother's insight. "Do you really think it's a good idea?"

Finneas sat down next to her, his gaze full of kindness. "I don't know everything that's happened between you two, but I know it's weighing on you. And honestly, Billie, waiting isn't going to solve anything. It would be good for you to have a chance to talk, or at least to relax together without all the work pressure."

Billie sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I guess you're right."

Finneas gave her a reassuring smile. "I'm always right, Billie, always."

Billie sighed again. "That remains to be seen, dude."

They spent the rest of the afternoon organizing the details for the evening. Finneas found a house to rent near Sydney, a perfect spot for a quiet night with the team. Away from the chaos of the fans, away from the pressure of the show.

The night of the concert arrived quickly, and with it, the apprehension grew. Billie was mentally preparing herself for the evening that would follow. If everything went well, it could be the opportunity to clarify things with Ellie.

As she got ready to go on stage, a little voice inside her whispered that tonight could change everything.

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