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The Weeknd's concert was in full swing. Ellie was right in the heart of the action, camera in hand, ready to capture the raw energy emanating from the stage. Every light, every note resonated within her as she clicked away frantically, immortalizing the artist from every angle. The visual universe he had created was breathtaking: red and blue light displays, extravagant costumes, and set designs evoking a dark, futuristic city. Ellie loved this atmosphere. She could almost feel the emotions vibrating around her, how each song transported the audience.

Her camera felt like an extension of her body, each click precise and instinctive. She captured moments of pure intensity: The Weeknd, the entranced crowd, hands raised in the darkness. She felt as if she was diving into a parallel world every time she pressed the shutter. This was exactly what she loved about concert photography. It wasn't just about the music; it was the emotion reflected in every face, in every movement.

The evening flew by, and before she knew it, the final song echoed through the speakers. The Weeknd left the stage to a storm of applause, and Ellie felt exhilarated by the entire experience. She had taken incredible photos, she knew it.

As she exited the concert, her camera still around her neck, Ellie stopped by the merchandise booth and bought t-shirts for Joan and Aubrey. She preferred not to think about what awaited her if she didn't pick them up. The ride home was filled with a pleasant silence, punctuated by the music still buzzing in her ears.

When she arrived at the apartment, Joan and Aubrey were already settled on the couch, eager to hear her story. Ellie walked in with a broad smile, holding the t-shirts like trophies.

Ellie: "I have gifts for you guys!"

Joan jumped off the couch, grabbing one of the t-shirts with a laugh.

Joan: "No way! A t-shirt?? I totally didn't see that coming," he said with a grin. "So this time, you didn't end up in the king's dressing room?"

Ellie laughed at his comment. The reference to her unlikely encounter with Billie Eilish made her smile. Joan never missed a chance to remind her of that moment. But this time, she had successfully avoided getting lost backstage.

Ellie: "No backstage this time! But seriously, it was amazing. The atmosphere, the lights, the costumes... I took some insane photos! It felt like stepping into another universe."

Aubrey raised an eyebrow, still calm and collected, but she reached out to grab her own t-shirt with a grateful smile.

Aubrey: "It sounded incredible. Do you have any memorable photos?"

Ellie: "Oh, definitely. Wait until you see them; I think it might be my best shoot yet."

Joan nodded, looking impressed : "We already know it's going to be great, but now that I think about it, when are you posting the photos from that other concert, huh? You know... Billie?"

Ellie: "I'm not sure yet, but it'll be soon, I promise."

This comment triggered a realization in Ellie's mind. She still hadn't posted the photos she took at that famous concert where she got lost backstage and met Billie. She hadn't dared to share them until now, perhaps out of fear that it might seem too... bold? Or maybe because of the weight of that unexpected meeting, which felt too surreal to share.

But now, lying on her bed a few hours later, Livaï curled at her feet, Ellie decided it was time to post those photos. After all, they were part of her portfolio, and the more she shared her work, the better her chances of getting noticed. She grabbed her phone, scrolled through her favorite shots from Billie's concert, selected the best ones, and began preparing them for posting.

With a sigh, she finally uploaded them to Instagram, discreetly tagging Billie in the caption. It wasn't her style to seek attention this way, but she felt proud of these shots, and that was all that mattered.

Ellie (thinking out loud): "It doesn't matter if she sees them or not. These photos are important to me."

After posting, she tucked herself under the covers, satisfied with her day but exhausted. Within minutes, she fell asleep, her eyes closing on her phone.

The next morning, Ellie woke up to a flurry of notifications on her phone. She blinked, still half-asleep, before realizing something strange was happening. Her post from the previous day had exploded with likes and shares. Dozens of fan accounts for Billie had reposted her photos, some with compliments on the quality of the shots.

Ellie (whispering): "what the hell ?"

She quickly scrolled through the comments and reposts. It was crazy. Her photos were everywhere on Instagram. She hadn't expected this at all, but the response was overwhelmingly positive. Her shots had captured something special, and the fans recognized it.

The rest of the day was a bit of a blur, juggling her job at the café and her studies, but that small victory lingered in the back of her mind, prompting her to smile despite everything. That evening, as she lay down exhausted, she decided to check her notifications one last time before sleeping.

And there, her heart stopped for a moment.

At the top of her alerts was a like on her post. Not just any like. Billie Eilish had liked her post. Her mind raced, unable to believe what she was seeing. Then, just below, she noticed something else: a direct message.


Her hands trembled slightly as she opened the notification, her heart racing. The message wasn't long, but it was enough to leave her stunned.

Billie: "Your photos are amazing. Thank you again for capturing this."

Ellie sat frozen for a moment, unable to comprehend that this was happening. She smiled, a grin she couldn't contain, feeling a wave of satisfaction and excitement wash over her.

She let her phone fall back onto her bed, her heart still racing. Maybe this moment, this little recognition, was the beginning of something much bigger than she had ever imagined.

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