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Ellie and Billie had returned from their walk with Livaï and Shark, still buzzing with the fresh air from outside. They decided to prepare a nice meal, just to unwind before thinking about anything else. Joan, as usual, had anticipated everyone's needs and stocked the cupboards with a wide variety of products, including a whole bunch of vegan food for Billie.

"Joan, seriously... this is so nice of you," Billie said while inspecting the bags with a genuine smile. "I didn't think you'd go out of your way to buy so much stuff just for me."

"Oh, don't worry about it, it's the least I could do," Joan replied as she unpacked the food with a smile. "I watched a documentary about chicks ending up as McDonald's nuggets, it traumatized me, so I thought I'd give it a shot too."

"I'd be happy to welcome you to the club," Billie responded with a sincere smile.

The three of them got to preparing the meal, each taking on a role. Billie, although their guest, insisted on participating. Joan, being a good host, ended up making most of the jokes, telling absurd anecdotes that were as ridiculous as they were made up, while Ellie watched Billie and Shark effortlessly fit into the relaxed atmosphere. The fact that everything felt so natural with Billie reassured her. She found herself thinking that if someone had to shake up their daily routine, she was glad it was Billie.

Once the meal was finished, they settled around the table, and Joan, in a moment of spontaneity, threw out an idea that would disrupt their quiet plans for the evening.

"Okay, girls... what if we organized a little party? It's been a while since we've had some fun here."

Ellie, still chewing, nearly choked at those words.

"A party? Tonight?" she asked, visibly surprised.

Billie, on the other hand, didn't seem opposed to the idea at all. She looked at Joan with a smile, intrigued.

"Why not? It could be fun. I mean, as long as we keep it between us and don't invite half the town, I'm down," she replied, putting down her fork.

Ellie furrowed her brows, uncertain. The idea of a party where Billie could be recognized made her feel uneasy.

"I don't know," Ellie sighed. "I mean, you might get recognized, and... I don't want it to get complicated for you."

Joan, ever the persuader, quickly jumped in, clearly eager to convince Ellie.

"Don't worry about that, Ellie. We'll only invite close friends, super cool people you know. And worst case, we'll ban phones, so nobody takes pictures. Come on, it'll be fun," Joan promised, insisting.

Ellie bit her lip, looking at Billie. She could see how eager Billie seemed, and she suddenly felt torn. Part of her didn't want to take risks for Billie, but the other part knew Joan wasn't wrong. It was an opportunity for them to have a good time, to enjoy themselves without any stress. Deep down, she didn't want to be the party pooper refusing everything.

"Are you sure you're okay with this, Billie? You don't feel obligated or anything?" Ellie asked hesitantly.

Billie smiled and shook her head slightly.

"Seriously, Ellie, it's fine. I need moments like this, you know? Just... being with normal people, away from everything too public. And if Joan says it's safe, then I'm in."

Ellie looked at her for a few seconds, still hesitant, before finally giving in.

"Okay, fine... But if at any point it gets too complicated, we kick everyone out, alright?" she said, seeking an agreement with Billie and Joan.

"Promise!" Billie and Joan exclaimed at the same time.

Joan, clearly thrilled, jumped at the chance to start organizing everything else. She took out her phone to send messages to a few friends, while Aubrey began thinking about decorations.

"Seriously, Aubrey? Are we really going to decorate the place for a simple party?" Ellie remarked with an amused smile.

"Of course!" Aubrey replied with overflowing enthusiasm. "I have a reputation to maintain."

Billie watched the scene with an amused smile. All this hustle and bustle reminded her of the simple moments she rarely got to experience in Los Angeles. It was that kind of normalcy, away from the gazes and cameras, that she sometimes missed.

"Are you guys serious? You're actually going to make signs to point out the bathrooms?" Billie asked, laughing as she saw Aubrey working on paper signs.

"Just wait until you see the red carpet leading to Ellie's bed," Joan replied with a wink.

Hours passed quickly amid the preparations. Ellie, who had finally let go, watched with some amusement the excitement around her. Joan and Aubrey were taking the mission of organizing everything so seriously that one could think they were planning a gala reception.

"It's really going to be a memorable party, huh?" Billie murmured as she approached Ellie.

Ellie smiled and shrugged.

"With them, it's always memorable."

Late afternoon approached, and the apartment was practically ready to welcome the carefully selected guests by Joan. Their friends were mostly trustworthy people, used to their dynamic and the intimacy of their group. Ellie felt a little more relaxed, even though the idea of having Billie here among them still seemed somewhat surreal.

She discreetly watched Billie, who appeared to be getting more comfortable. Maybe she had overthought the situation, as usual. Perhaps this party would be just the chance to see Billie in a different light, away from the spotlight.

As they finished the last preparations, Billie shot Ellie a conspiratorial glance.

"It's going to go well, you'll see. And besides... I really can't wait to have this party with you," she added with a wink.

Ellie smiled, reassured by the lightness that Billie brought with her.

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