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The concert that night had been absolutely explosive. Billie had literally set the stage ablaze with her overflowing energy. Ellie, as usual, was everywhere with her camera, capturing the moments of grace and vulnerability of the singer, the way she shone under the spotlight, buoyed by the cheers of the crowd.

There was something different about Billie that night. She seemed more... present, as if she was giving herself entirely to the moment, and Ellie couldn't help but be captivated. Every movement, every expression she captured through her lens seemed infused with a new intensity.

After packing up her equipment at the end of the concert, Ellie met up with Kate at the hotel. They were heading to the party organized by Finneas to celebrate the end of the Australian tour, and Ellie, being her relaxed self, had opted for a comfortable outfit with a black tank top and a sweatshirt draped over her shoulders. Kate, on the other hand, had decided to dress to the nines in an elegant dress that contrasted sharply with Ellie's simplicity.

"You look stunning" Ellie complimented with a smile. "Your boyfriend would definitely be jealous to see you out like this."

Kate burst out laughing as she grabbed her bag. "Yeah, I'm sure he would've made a scene if he were here!" She turned to Ellie. "You, on the other hand, chose comfort, huh?"

Ellie shrugged with a smile. "It takes a lot more to make me put in an effort."

Kate stared at her for a moment before nodding. "Can't wait to see what 'a lot more' means."

They left the hotel to head to the party. Finneas had sent them the address earlier in the day, and they arrived a bit late, Kate taking forever to get ready. Upon their arrival, the atmosphere of the party was already lively. Laughter, animated conversations, and soft music in the background all contributed to a relaxed ambiance.

Ellie and Kate made their way around the room, greeting team members. Finneas, as welcoming as ever, quickly came over to them, all smiles, accompanied by his girlfriend, whom he couldn't stop complimenting. She was indeed lovely, and Ellie didn't hesitate to tell her so.

"So, where's Billie?" Kate asked innocently after a few exchanges, even though it was a question that lingered in Ellie's mind too.

Finneas, instead of directly answering Kate, looked at Ellie with an enigmatic smile. "She's with Zoe, but she shouldn't be long."

Ellie remembered that Zoe was Billie's childhood best friend, and that thought made her smile. They probably had a lot to catch up on. The evening continued smoothly, and after a second drink, Ellie felt perfectly at ease, even a little more confident than usual.

At one point, a girl from the team approached Ellie and started talking to her with a certain charm. She even made some subtle advances, with barely veiled compliments and discreet gestures. Ellie, although amused by the attention, remained slightly distant, smiling at the remarks while staying polite. This light game of flirtation distracted her a bit, until she felt a hand gently resting on her hip.

Surprised, Ellie turned to see Billie, still radiant, smiling at her. Behind her stood Zoe, but Ellie focused all her attention on Billie.

"Hey Ellie," Billie whispered as she moved closer. "I've been looking for you everywhere."

Ellie grinned widely, her heart racing a bit at this simple but effective statement. "I was just over there, chatting. You made a pretty low-key entrance, it seems."

Billie shrugged. "You know me, I don't like big shows outside of the stage."

Zoe quickly greeted Ellie and moved away to talk to someone else, leaving the two young women alone. A light conversation flowed between them, free of the awkwardness from before. Perhaps the alcohol helped make things smoother, or maybe they had both decided to move forward without overthinking it.

"Did you take any photos tonight?" Billie asked, playing with one of her rings, a gesture Ellie had often noticed.

Ellie nodded. "Yeah, plenty. I have several of you... amazing, as usual."

Billie blushed slightly. "You have to show me those someday."

Ellie raised an amused eyebrow. "Someday? You mean like after the tour?"

Billie burst into laughter. "No, well before that. I'm not that patient."

The conversation continued, light and fun, and the tension between them seemed almost forgotten, replaced by the natural bond that had always brought them closer. Kate joined them a little later, and they all gathered around a table to start a game of Uno.

As the game progressed, Zoe shared some hilarious childhood stories about Billie, making everyone around the table burst into laughter. Ellie, although entertained by the stories, couldn't help but sneak a few discreet glances at Billie. She seemed at ease, smiling, but there were moments when their eyes met, and something passed between them, something unspoken.

In the middle of the game, Kate shot a conspiratorial glance at Zoe and leaned in to whisper something. Zoe nodded with a smile before turning to the others.

"I'm going to take Kate to the bathroom, she's not feeling too well, probably too much alcohol," she said.

Ellie, a bit surprised, straightened up. "Oh no, do you want me to come?"

Kate shook her head with a smile. "No, no, stay here. Just make sure Billie doesn't cheat while we're gone, she's the worst player."

Ellie nodded, amused, and watched them walk away. Once they were alone, Billie and she exchanged a smile.

"So, you're going to keep an eye on me, huh?" Billie joked, playing with her cards.

Ellie leaned back in her chair, taking a sip of her drink. "I shouldn't have too much trouble."

A new silence settled in, but this time, there was nothing awkward about it. On the contrary, it was a quiet moment where the two girls simply felt good in each other's presence. Ellie felt her heart calm, even though a part of her remained aware of the attraction that connected them.

"I'm glad you're here," Billie finally murmured, breaking the silence.

Ellie, a bit surprised by this spontaneous confession, turned to her. "Me too."

The words were simple but heavy with meaning. Maybe they didn't need to say everything, didn't need to analyze it all. They were here, together, and that was enough for now.

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