I slept alone tonight since Kogen insisted Yyvonne sleep in her room. I look at my arm is now fully covered by Kogen's aura. 'w..what is this? how come it does not feel like before... like I was going to die?' I sigh letting my arm drop onto the futon. 'I should ask him again tomorrow.' I turn over and fall asleep. My skin tickles as somebody touches it. The heat coming off this person's hands sends goosebumps across my skin. I gasp as the hands move up to my breasts teasing my stiff nipples. I look around myself finding nothing but darkness. The only thing I can see are the hands that are large and calloused. There is a small scar on the right hand I remember seeing on Kogen's hand. I shiver as the thought of this being Kogen excites me. The darkness gives way to him half dressed showing off the scars he wore. He moves his hands down to my thighs caressing the inside of them. I gasp reaching for his hands but he uses one hand to pin my wrists above my head. He says nothing and simply starts kissing my neck before running his tongue along my skin. I feel myself melting as he kisses my skin and tastes me. I shake my head as his free hand finds my shamefully bushy crotch. I so want him to touch me to show me what it feels like to be loved. 'You are gross.' The constant reminder shows its face. I squeeze my thighs together trying to stop his advance. "N... no wh..I'm gro..." I flinch as he shuts me up with his lips. He pushes his leg between my thighs keeping them open enough for him to search. I flinch when his fingers graze my clit. I want to fight and protest against him touching something so gross as me. I open my mouth both gasping for air and trying to protest. He slips his tongue into my mouth as he starts rubbing my clit. I arch my back and press my breasts to his naked chest. The odd feeling slowly turned into a pleasurable sensation. My mind starts melting as the pleasure starts to override every protest in my mind. Kogen frees my mouth feeling my protests dissipate. He continues to kiss my skin moving to my breasts. My mind felt like mush and the protests I wanted to say came out as pleas for more. I flinch as I feel several jolts shock my body before a wave of euphoria fills my body. I feel my body want to stiffen as this wave of pleasure drowns the neighsayers. I look at Kogen as he grabs my thighs and pulls me to him. I blush watching him reach for his pants. 'yes! yes!' I ignored the voices calling me Gross, disgusting, and undesirable. I embraced the emotions I had been pushing away. The emotions that I thought of were like a wildflower fighting concrete. Are flames hot and devastating, Quick to scorch every inch they touched. My emotions set my heart alight with bright flames and scorching affection. 'Kogen. Please.' I demanded desperately wanting to feel a cool relief from this heat that burnt my body. I open my eyes seeing I am in a dark room with the first light of the morning poking through. My body feels hot and my breathing is labored. I feel heavy as I lay on my futon looking up at the ceiling of my room. 'w...what was that?' I sit up worried about what I would find. 't..that felt too real.' I look around my room but find I am alone. I look down at my crotch hoping I was wrong. The feeling between my thighs is off-putting for this early morning. My lower stomach is warm and achy. I look over at the calendar Yyvonne had given me from her last outing. 'it's the second week, my period shouldn't be here till the third week.' I swallow the lump in my throat 'I need to go take a shower.' I get up and quickly get some clothes. I run to the bathhouse taking advantage that Kogen and Yyvonne like to sleep in on the days they don't have to get up. After a nice wash and a scary confirmation of what happened I walk into the dining room where Kogen and Yyvonne are already seated and waiting to eat. "Are you feeling alright?" Yyvonne asks I turn my eyes to her and nod. "yep! I just thought I should shower before heading out today." I answer walking over to my plate of food. I keep my eyes down ashamed to admit I had a wet dream. "Is there anything you want to check out while we are in the village?" Kogen asks. I look up at him and shake my head "Hm I just want to explore." I answer honestly. His eyes are examining me as if he was aware of the dream I had woken up to. I give him a nervous smile "Do you have any shops you recommend I look at?" I ask wanting him to stop looking at me. My eyes finding my aura is now draped around his shoulders and moving down to his other arm. 'wha? why is it?' I check myself to see in a similar fashion his aura has stuck to my neck and the top portion of my other arm. 'what is this?' I want to ask but I feel too ashamed to ask anything. "I can show you a few spots." he answers. I look at him while he eats wondering what this is. 'it's like slime... sticking to everything it wants to eat.' I sigh and eat up. I waited for Yyvonne and Kogen to get ready while brushing my hair out. It's gotten about an inch longer since I came here I measure my nearly butt-length hair. I look up at the sky 'I wonder If Aaron and Milton are okay.' I felt guilty thinking about how they would react to me going missing. Yyvonne pulls me away from my thoughts with a quick tackle. I turn to her seeing she is all cleaned up and ready to go. "Audrey what are you thinking of?" she asks curiously. I smile fixing the hair she messed up. "Hm about old friends." I answer honestly worried about them. She giggles as she grabs my arm which is now elbow deep coated in Kogens Aura. "I feel like you've been thinking about Kogen more than your friends." she giggles. I blush not realizing she could see it too. "I have been thinking about my friends..." I fight her accusation. She giggles poking my face "Audrey you don't need to be shy about au..." Kogen covers her mouth before lifting her onto his shoulder. "Are you ready to go?" he asks. I look up at him the strong scent of pine tickling my nose. He offers me his hand for me to use. I look at his hand the image of that dream flashing into my mind. 'rough but gentle' I close my eyes and grab his hand 'Stop it.' I scold myself as he helps me up. He does not let go of my hand as he leads me out of the house. I noticed he was wearing a choker around his neck. 'he wears jewelry?' I wondered before he let go of my hand. I look at my old shoes that are odd looking next to Kogens and Yyvonne's shoes. I put them on and start following after the two. I do as I did before hopping from one track to the next. I found it fun this time around as I felt less unsure. I stop when Kogen stops at the gate. I watch him close his eyes, my eyes taking in the way his brows are dot-shaped. 'his brows remind me of a cute rottweiler.' The scar I had seen before looks old like it's been there for a long while. I have an urge to touch it curious if it would be swollen or sunken into his skin by now. I hear Yyvonne giggle on his back I turn my eyes to her. She looks so cute hanging on his back like that. 'hehe so cute, I wonder how he would look with a baby.' I turn my head away from them and shake my head 'Stop! stop! stop!' I lightly pat my cheeks. I gasped seeing Kogen's aura already covering both my arms. 'oh no! Why is it!?' I panic looking at my hands 'Am I sick?' I wonder 'Is it because I've been living in his aura for this long?' I look around the area. I try to hide the panic that is swamping my thoughts. "Audrey." I turn to him seeing him holding his hand out for me to take again. I smile nervously and take his hand thinking he is going to walk at my speed. He quickly puts his arm behind my knees. I yelp quickly grabbing hold of his neck. I bump my nose against his neck catching a thick whiff of his scent. 'uhh crap he smells nice.' I quickly cover my nose. "S..sorry d..did I hurt you?" I ask in my panic. His eyes turn away from me "No, your nose is too small." he teases. I nod "Right, my nose isn't as big as most." I mutter turning away from him. 'his nose is a proper size for his face, it's nice.' I agree with myself as he walks out of the gate. I shudder feeling that shiver from before but the air feels less heavy around me. "so what do we need at home?" I ask curiously wanting to distract my mind from the current situation. "I need to buy more rice, flour, and salt, mm if I can find some extra spices it would be good." he gives me a list I would normally make note of. I giggle at how cute it feels that such a big and scary-looking guy is going out shopping like a housewife. 'A husband is an accessory.' I remember what the chief's wife said and looked at Kogen. He peeked at me "whats got ya laughing?" he asked curiously flashing me a smile full of teeth. 'woah... he looks hot.' I gasped realizing I was gawking when he dropped his smile. 'I chose too good of an accessory!' I shake my head "It's nothing." I answer waving my hand in front of my face to get him to lose interest. "Hm it seemed like you are having fun." he answers not showing me that smile again. I turn away 'I can't tell him he sounds like a housewife, can I? Ugh, I wanna tell him his smile makes him look hot.' I crush on him mentally and shake my head 'I should stop.' I sigh looking down at him. 'I'll admire him to myself safe in my mind where nobody can judge me.' I decided that was the best. "Hm keeping the fun to yourself." he chuckles sounding a bit hurt. "Kogen!!!" I turn to the voices calling for him. Kogen scoffs his teasing smirk fading. I spot two men rushing for us they are wearing the uniform I'd seen Kogen use a few times before. It's a button-down shirt in navy blue with black trouser pants and a bear head embroidered on the shoulder. "Sir! We fou..." A bald guy stops his approach. His eyes are fixed on me or better to say his eyes are fixed to my shoulders and arms. "Sir! What's on the agenda today?" A guy with a ponytail asks. I turn to Kogen "Tch can't you two find fun on your own?" He grunts. The man with the ponytail shakes his head "Sadly Idris lost a bet so here we are." He answers. "A bet?" Kogen questions his eyes moving over to the bald guy. "god damn it." he grumbles embarrassedly. I turn to Kogen who chuckles "thats what you get for betting on stupid bullshit." his laugh rumbles against my frame as I lean on him. 'woah... his laughs...' I turn away from the three trying to hide my admiration. 'gosh his laugh is hot!' I gasp seeing my aura lurch downwards on his chest. 'w..what the hell! we aren't in the barrier! wh..why is it moving!?' I hear the two men laugh nervously. "So the rumor was right." The bald guy sounds disappointed. I turn my attention back to them. "This kid? there is no way." they shake their heads. I shiver slightly as a cold breeze passes by. "If you're going to be loitering around don't make a fuss." He sighs not arguing with them anymore. I look around at the run-down houses those people are out again playing cards and a few other board games. Kogen moves his arm for a better hold. Startled I held onto his shoulder. "So what's your deal?" I look at the men that are now walking behind Kogen. I wonder what they meant by 'my deal.' I blankly look at them both "Are you sure you want to get yourself into this?" they both ask skeptically. "W..why not?" I ask not knowing what else to answer. "well kids your age normally go for somebody more..." they look at each other. 'more what? conventionally attractive? hm? So dumb! Kogen is handsome!' I retort in my mind annoyed they also were jumping on that bandwagon. "Audrey... hehe" I turn my eyes to Yyvonne who took a spot on Kogen's free shoulder. "you're thinking again." she giggles. I shrug "And? What's so bad?" I ask annoyed. "So really why are you with the captain?" they ask curiously. I turn to them again "Tch, what I find attractive and what others find attractive is none of your freaking business." I hiss at them already over their skepticism. "hm is it his height?" The bald one asks. I shake my head 'Although he is tall I wouldn't say I am attracted to the vertically inclined.' I think to myself. "hmm his face?" the one with the ponytail asks. 'hm yes his face is handsome and good to look at but is it really something shallow like that?' I look up at the skies thinking. "hehe." I hear Yyvonne giggling. I shrug "Hmm his muscular body!" the bald one declares loudly. I shake my head 'Although muscles are nice to look at sometimes they aren't the best for cuddling.' I think as they wait for me to answer. "hmm, are you really interested in the captain?" they ask. I blush 'Can't answer that! we are just roommates! thats it! just... roommates.' I look at Kogen who seems to not be paying attention to our conversation. "hmm I'm lost." the one with the ponytail sighs. I look at Kogen wondering what really attracted me to him. The memory of his worried eyes when I was plunging to my death reminds me of when my heart started being dumb. I turn my attention to the front wondering if what I felt was attraction or if it was just a trauma bond I created. "Is she not gonna say anything?" They wondered if I was done with them. 'yes, yes I am done with you two.' I flinch as snow falls on my nose. I look up as the grey skies cry snow for the second time today. I lift my hand catching some snowflakes. 'A flower that grows in concrete, stubborn and resilient.' I lower my hand looking at the small melting puddle of snow.'No, it's more like a wildfire, too hot to stop too fast to keep it at bay,' I smile 'False love made from a trauma bond? I don't care. I trust myself' I feel my hands start to get cold from being wet. I wipe the water on my clothes and tuck my hand between Kogen and I. 'A love born from a trauma bond or not I don't care.' I sigh content with my choice. We get into the shopping district which is packed with people. "Do you want to walk?" I look at Kogen who is watching me closely. "Yeah! sure." I agree. I want to stretch my legs that was the entire point of coming. He sets me down and leads the way thankfully this place had cleared out the snow. "So where are we going to get the list?" I ask following behind him. "Just follow me." he answers as he leads the way. I did my best to keep up with him although his strides are bigger than mine. "So are you shy or are you not really that into the leader." the two quickly sandwich me between them. "Who is the leader?" I ask trying my best to avoid their question. "Who!? The leader!" The bald guy hisses. I nod "Uhm I don't think I've ever met a leader." I answer just wanting to get them off my back.

A Nagas tale
ActionFollow the hard-headed Audrey as she discovers a new world and a hidden truth about her life. "A tall handsome worrier? yes please!"