That night Audrey and Kogen lead the group into the village. The street is lined with soldiers on guard as the visitors get escorted to their accommodations. Olivia stood nearby with the twins watching what was cause for alarm. Her eyes land on the nine Leviathans walking into the village. Thoren spots the girls and is ready to run to her. Kogen quickly approaches him "Do not get near them." He warns. Thoren frowns "Stupid demon child." he huffs. Audrey glares at him which makes him step back in line. "For tonight there is food made at the house you will be sleeping in. We will discuss whatever you risked your necks for tomorrow." Audrey informs them as they get to the house. "You can head to the barracks I will guide you to the office after," Kogen adds. Aurora opens the door and smiles "Oh Grandpa you made it out!" she giggles. Ammar sighs "Yes, Aurora now let us in." Helen steps up "Did you apologize to Audrey?" She asks fixing her clothes. Ammar turns to Audrey and gives her a bow "I apologize for not putting an end to this scheme." he offers his apology. Audrey nods "General Ammar, I understand how pushing Thoren can be, I do not fault you for it but I will not allow danger to roam my home freely." she answers. He nods "I understand." He answers Aurora smiles "Alright! Grandpa come inside! They showed us how to make venison stew!" She leads Ammar and his group inside the house. Thoren is next but he offers no apology simply giving a snarky "I have nothing to apologize for." Audrey didn't care much as he walked into the house. "I am sorry Audrey, We should have found a way to smooth things over the spell." He lowers his head. Audrey nods "You should have," she answers as he walks into the house. "Helen, As I talked with you two, the nine are not allowed out of the house unless they are with Their guards." She nods "I understand Audrey." she pats Audrey's arm before entering the house. Audrey sighs "How stupid could one be." she mutters. Kogen shrugs "It's Thoren I believe he can be worse." He answers. Audrey giggles "Hm, good point." she agrees. "Do you think the smoked deer is still good?" she asks worried they had left the deer in the pit too long. Kogen shrugs "We can check it once we get home." Audrey nods "Yeah, I was looking forward to it." She sighs "Also I want Astrid and Tabitha to eat what they want even if it is the day after their birthday." Audrey mutters. Kogen nods "Astrid likes deer meat huh." He smiles thinking of his daughter. Kogen walks back to their home where Olivia is waiting for them with the girls. "Oh! you two are back, I wanted to ask why you evacuated everyone into the mountain but I bet there is a good reason." She sighs. Kogen sets Audrey down letting her fill his mother in to what has just happened.
After four days, Kogen agreed I should meet with the others and try to assess the situation with them. Olivia agreed to take care of the girls while I was out. That took a massive load off my shoulders since I didn't want to take them with me. I did not know these people and I was not about to put my children in harm's way. I walk up to the tea house my favorite neutral venue for meetings like this. I step into the building and find all but two people there. General Ammar and Ryan Whome are currently talking with Kogen. I sit down between Dad and Thoren finding this was the safest place. I look at the eight people sitting around me one of which I know is not an ally in these conversations. "Good morning." I start "Tch you took your sweet time!" The twink spits. I Ignore him and give a smile to the group that seems nervous. "Good morning, Madam Ezra." One of the men speaks up. I smile "You can call me Audrey, formal titles are a bit ... uhm stiff." I allow formality to be dropped. "Good morning Miss Audrey." The other man greets stiffly. I turn to the girls and smile "Have you chosen which tea you would like to try?" I ask. The girls look at each other and shake their heads. I smile "Do you like floral teas? I recommend the Chrysanthemum tea," I recommend the tea I have grown obsessed with. The girls nod but do not try to order looking at the tea options I look at the list 'Rose, Jasmine, Lavander, and Chrysanthemum.' Hm, maybe they don't like floral teas.' I turn my eyes to the other options. 'Black tea, Oolong tea, pu-erh tea,' These are the ones I like mainly. I look at one of the girls who starts whispering to the guy. "Hm," he clears his throat "My sister has asked to try the Rose tea." He tells me. I feel my chest get tight "Sure, any snacks you like in particular?" I ask hoping the girls would speak up. The girls quickly whisper to him instead of telling me outright. He nods "Can we get some Dango and the milk cookies?" he asks. I nod getting up to put the order in. 'Thats odd, do they not like me enough to talk to me directly?' I shrug as I order with the daughter of the owner. My hair prickles as I recall how I used to be in the other world. "Oh, Miss Zer are you here with friends today?" I snap out of my thoughts and smile. I nod pointing to the table. "Yes, please send out a few extra cups and an extra serving of milk cookies too," She nods "We will be right there ma'am." She answers. I set the money down and head back to the table. I sit down ready to get to know these people. "So, I am not very politically inclined I'd rather meet the people we are trying to create an agreement with." I start earning a glare from all three of the men. I hide my flinch recalling the way Mother used to pinch me if I so much as uttered a word around any man. I sigh "I understand your first request was aid with the parasite's causing havoc in your country," "How long will this untrained bitch keep talking!?" The annoyance hissed out. I turn to him startled by his outburst. My first reflex is to shut up and apologize for speaking. "To think such a useless woman has control over such a strong army! that's absurd!" he continues. The tea is served with the snacks I'd ordered. "Thank you and I apologize for any disturbance we might cause." I offer my apology to them instead of these people. She smiles "Oh do not worry Miss Zer, We understand you are doing your best." she answers before walking away. I sigh feeling a headache start to form in my head. My body started to grow stiff as the fear I used to fall into as a young adult tried to stifle me again. 'This man's talking kind of triggers my PTSD.' I take a deep breath. "So setting that aside, I hope to meet you all personally, hopefully, we can create friendships." I try my best to control how inadequate I feel around this old man. "Tch, How unladylike." he scoffs at me. I clasp my hands together and knit my knees together feeling like I was about to crumble back into that pathetic girl. I frown trying my best to stay calm. I look at the others and see nobody is answering me. I frown "Alright, if you seek to ignore my attempts at forming friendly connections, I will take my leave there is no point talking to a fucking wall." I hiss. Dad puts his hand on my shoulder "Audrey, I understand this seems like a bit much but they have different customs you are not used to." He tells me. "Hm customs? I'm sorry was I made aware of such insulting customs?" I ask. He sighs "Audrey, please let us do the talking." He sighs. I sit back down and cross my arms. "Fine, do the talking but this is only hindering their chances." I hiss. My eyes scan over the five girls who seem so uncomfortable. I feel my skin start to crawl and anger heats my chest. I listen to Dad ask the same questions only to get immediate responses from the men. 'This feels like the old ages when women were to stay silent. I remember mother always saying women are meant to look pretty not speak their opinion.' I frown feeling the fear and helplessness turn into rage. So, I tone them out uninterested in whatever they have to say. 'Haaa I wish I could cuddle up with the girls and take a nap.' I look out into the buzzing village 'I can't believe they still have such a misogynistic way of life.' Ash grunts I nod "It's crazy." I mutter. "Sorry Audrey did you say something?" I look at Dad and shake my head. "Pay no attention to me. You men seem so interesting in your own world let me be in mine." I huff. He sighs "How can we try to get along with anyone when you are being so huffy?" Dad asks. I look at him ready to throw a bitch fit over what he just said but I raise a brow "I can't with this if you are ready to stop being such fucking babies about talking to a woman let Helen know. I have better things to do." I stand up. "Better things?" Thoren asks. I nod "I need to go around the Island to make sure my barrier is still stable, important shit nothing like trying to coax toddlers to talk." I scoff as a rift opens behind me. I step into the rift and step out into the forest. The rift closes and I let out a deep unsettled breath. I try to calm my nerves 'hm good you should not let yourself be disrespected like that.' Ash scoffs. I nod taking another deep breath. I walked up to the sealing stone seeing it was still stable. I step closer to Don's scale which is resting near the sealing stone. 'I don't trust those people.' Ash grumbles. I nod "I'll put up barriers around the sealing stones again, I know I am already keeping the forest's aura hidden but I'll have to use my aura to create the barrier." I lift my hand "That won't be necessary." I turn seeing Yuri step out of a rift. I back away from him "I've been putting up barriers around these sealing stones under Kogen's orders since these people got here." he groans. I watch him dig out five decently deep holes before putting a stone inside and covering them. I watch the barrier form around them. "He warned me that you've been on edge for a few days now." he sighs. I look at the barrier "This is the last of them, so you should head home before Kogen gets angry." He waves me off. I shake my head before sitting on the ground. "To be honest, I didn't come here with the thought of putting up the barriers," I sigh not wanting to be near those people. "Hm are they causing you some pain?" he asks. I shrug "Just a little bit of PTSD nothing a little distance and fresh air can't fix." I mutter. He looks at me before looking out at the forest. "PTSD? You Mother?" He asks. I chuckle unable to answer him with words. I touch my chest feeling a lot better than before. I sigh falling back onto the ground "Ugh Yuri!!! Can you help me kick these people off the Island?" I ask. He chuckles "I would but Kogen is currently talking with their leader and Ammar." He tells me. I sigh not ready to face these men again. "Are they a handful?" he asks. I nod "Yep, they won't talk to me because I am a woman! I asked so much wanting to learn about them and not one fucking answer! But OOOO let Dad ask the questions and they are suddenly the most chatty bunch of men." I grumble. Yuri chuckles "The world can be like that, Not everyone lets a woman manhandle political affairs." he answers. I scoff sitting up "I wasn't even trying to be political! I just wanted to get to know these people! ya'know What they like to eat? If they had a preference for snacks or tea!?" I throw up my hands and watch Yuri as he walks around the barrier. "They did not talk to me once! The women did not tell me! they whispered it to their sibling! like what the fuck!? I asked you I am letting you talk to me! ME! Not your brother!" I hiss. Yuri nods "I hear in The countries of Lograin and Highrun the woman cannot speak around other men that are not family members." he tells me. I look at him and frown "What? Are they fucking dolls?" I ask he looks at me startled "That would be stifling." He answers. I nod "Alright, good talk." I get up ready for round two. I have more information about them that I did not have previously. "Grandpa Ash, are they still at the tea house?" I ask. 'Yes, they are do you want me to open a rift?' He asks. "Yes, please." I answer. He opens the rift and I step back into the tea house. I shake off any dirt I might have stuck onto me. "Oh, Done throwing a hissy fit?" The man sneers. I look at him before flipping him the finger. He flinches in annoyance. I asked the girl if they had any privet rooms. She nods "Yes, do you want to rent one?" she asks. I nod "Yes, please." I answer turning to the table. "Ladies if you do not mind joining me in this other room." I ask. They look at their brothers before following me away from the men. We step into the room and I can feel the girls take a breath. "Finally!" they all sigh. I turn to them startled by how different they seem. "I thought I was going to kick Dad in the face!" The shortest of the bunch bursts. I smile 'Like releasing a full stomach from a tight pant.' I watch them start talking with each other. "I swear! I wish Edgar ordered the tea I wanted!" The girl with white hair scoffs. "We can order whatever you girls like." I hand them the menu. Their eyes turn into saucers once they realize I was also in the room. "Oh! My our apolo..." "No need to be formal." I giggle. "I want to know the people who are trying to create a connection with my tribe and formality is not my thing." I shake my head. "Haaa I swear if Dad would have told me about your old world customs I would have reserved a room just for us to talk shit and snack." I grumble. The girls look at each other before bursting out laughing. They take the menu and order some oolong tea and some crackers along with some cookies. I did not stop them knowing they had not gotten what they wanted before. "So can I ask for your names?" I ask after sending our order out. The girls light up "My name is Priscilla! I am the oldest! You can call me Prissy." she offers her name. I note her vibrant smile and bright blue eyes. "I am Victoria! I am the second oldest! you can call me Vicky!" I look at the girl that spoke up. I noticed her dark molasses-colored eyes and her white hair. "I am Jeniffer I am the third oldest. You can call me Jenny." I strained to hear the girl who introduced herself. She was shy but she was a beauty with pale skin and mesmerizing emeralds for eyes. "Hi! I'm Nina! You can call me what you like!" The next girl introduced herself very shortly. I take note of her sunkissed skin and blue eyes. "I'm Judith the youngest of the bunch." the last girl speaks up. She twirls her black hair in her finger while her blue eyes watch me intensely. I smile at the girls "It's nice to finally get to talk with you girls." I sigh feeling I'd melt from how nervous I felt. "I want to apologize for my Dad's rudeness." Prissy starts I shake my head "he is a grown man, He can apologize for himself if he has the sack to do it." I tell her. "Do not apologize for somebody else's actions." She seemed a bit startled but smiled. "I see so Miss Helen was right." she giggles. I turned to the other girls who had started chatting with each other. "Hm did she say something?" I ask curiously. Prissy nods "Yes, she said you do not hold the mistakes of somebody else over anyone's head." she tells me. I tilt my head 'Does Helen see me like that?' I feel bad now knowing I was holding a massive grudge over the entire Leviathan tribe. "I understand my family has caused your family a lot of trouble and I simply wish to apologize for my lack of involvement in the situation." she seemed ready to grovel if I so much as told her to do so. "I hate the custom at home!" I jolt my attention to Nina. "I understand Nina but we cannot disrespect the tradition." Jenny tried to hush her sister. "Audrey how can we get rid of this custom!?" Nina asks. "Is it a problem?" I ask. She nods "Yes! I'm sick of my brothers dictating what I can and cannot eat when we are out! All of the servers outside of the castle are male so I cannot order my food!" She grumbles. I tilt my head "Is there a small population of women in your home?" I ask startled by that information. Nina shakes her head "No! We are not short of women! We can work if we are given the chance! But this stupid custom keeps us locked behind doors!" she grumbles. I nod "Well, as much as I'd like to help with that, it feels like it can be dangerous if we try anything off-hand." I can see disappointment paint Nina's eyes. I lower my gaze "As much as I wish I could help this is something you must discuss with your brother, and I cannot be much influence on that process." I answer knowing my limitations. She sighs "Yeah, It's always got to be Ryan's choice." she grumbles. I feel they all kind of wither with what I said. I look at the girls curiously "Can I ask why you thought I could change this custom?" I ask. Jenny raises her hand "I eavesdropped on the meeting between the family heads." she tells me. 'oh really?' I rest my elbows on the table and lean closer. "I heard my father try to push a political marriage between you and my brother Ryan." she tells me. I frown 'Me? marry Ryan? fat chance.' I wait for her to keep speaking. "Your father refused the offer sighting your choice." She murmurs. I sigh "I wish I could say I knew of a way to free you girls from this old practice but I am only able to speak my mind and participate in anything because I am allowed to by my peers and my husband." I tell them honestly. They look at each other "So, you aren't truly free yourself?" they ask. I giggle and shake my head "You mistake my words." I move away from the table as the tea and snacks are brought into the room. We wait for the young man to leave before we restart our conversations. "I am free because my husband and the men around me find value in me and the women they care for." I explain unsure if that was the proper way to say it. "Our customs are not harsh for women to be what they want but they also hold us responsible for any trouble we cause." I tilt my head unsure if I was able to answer them right. "I guess if I can say it in another way they protect us as best as they can while letting us be who we are and do what we want." I frown not liking how it sounds. I sigh "Gosh I'm no good with words." I grumble.

A Nagas tale
ActionFollow the hard-headed Audrey as she discovers a new world and a hidden truth about her life. "A tall handsome worrier? yes please!"