Land HO!

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'Audrey Leviathans have stepped onto the Island!' I'm woken by Grandpa's alert. I peel myself from Kogen's chest sticky from our nightly activity. I shiver feeling Kogen's cock slip free from me. He groans "Go to bed." he huffs. I shake my head "Leviathans." I mutter before pulling myself free from his arms. I grab my clothes ready to skip my shower when I hear Grandpa groan 'They come with your father and Thoren.' He grumbles. I frown knowing what this could be about. 'why on the morning after the girls' birthday!?' I sigh "Alright, keep an eye on them, warn me when they are near the village." I grumble. "what is it?" Kogen asks. Just then the communication spell pops up in front of Kogen. "Kogen! these fucking Idiots!" Yuri grumbles. "what is it, Yurii?" He demands. "General Ammar and the others have come to the Island, with a pack of Leviathans!" he scoffs. I sigh "Alright, where are they now?" I ask. Kogen looks at me his eyes moving slowly up my body. "They just left the city on a wagon, they will be at the village in a few hours." He tells me. I sigh "alright, Yuri thank you for the heads up." I walk out of the room and head to the bathhouse. 

Let's go back to a few hours ago! Thoren and Loki both dismounted the ship they came in with. They had offered Ryan a chance to try and plead his case with Audrey. Little did they know the entirety of the Main Leviathan house would join them. This family is made up of three brothers and five sisters along with their obnoxious father. "Man! why is it so foggy outside the island shore?" Thoren mutters. Loki looks out at the fog blocking the port a bad feeling weighing his gut. "Dad, do you think we did the right thing by bringing them here?" Loki asked unsure of his choice to follow in his father's lead. "Of course Loki! I've learned that Nothing will get solved by walking on eggshells." He answers. Aurora and Helen both looked at each other unsure of what was about to go down. "All I am going to say is," Helen speaks up putting her hands together in prayer. "I hope you rest in peace Elder." Aurora does the same giving a deep bow of respect. "I will remember you as the most Audatiouc man in this world," she adds a small obituary. "Oh, you girls make it sound Like Audrey would have me hung," Thoren laughs Aurora sighs "Come on Grandpa I know of a good cafe in the city where we can have some breakfast before going to the beheading." She leads Ammar with her. Thoren and Loki stay with the Leviathans waiting for the bags they brought with them. "We can head to the village once we get our clothes but anything else can get shipped to the village." Loki offers. Yuri had noticed this and sent his men to inspect everything they brought onto the Island which held them up for a good five hours. After which Yuri called the already alerted Audrey. Kogen gave him orders to send a team of men with the group to watch over them. Now back to the present, Ryan and his siblings watched the forest in awe. The way the aura blanketed the forest creating a soft mist in the air was something they had never before seen. He had heard a lot from this forest especially the way this place was alive, unlike the other continents. This once volcanic Island went from a bed of volcanic rock to a forest always amazed Ryan. His eyes spot wisps of aura hiding within the trees which felt hostile. "Wh... what are those?" He asks Thoren nervously. Thoren looked out at the forest a nervous smile on his face. "M...My the forest is not happy." He murmurs. "The aura feels heavier than normal." Loki points out. Thoren looks out at the wisps that seem to slowly draw closer. The man driving the wagon stops. "S..sir..." He murmurs. Thoren looks at him curiously. "what is it, boy?" He asks. "T... The mazes have activated again." He points at the tree with the marker for Ez was again in front of them. "what!?" Thoren takes the reigns. "We can get past this maze this is our home after all." He takes a deep breath before flaring his aura. "Audrey can't play her tricks on us," he answers with a smug grin on his face once the path cleared up. They get to the main gate and find Audrey, Kogen, and their troops blocking the way into the village. "Audrey! My sweet!" Thoren gasps as the wagon is suddenly back at the start of the path. "Oh, I wish I'd stayed with Yuri," Aurora whispers. "I think we fucked up." Loki murmurs. He points out at the wisps that are now much closer. A connection spell pops up in front of Thoren. He answers "I will give you three hours to get those bastards off my island before I put you next to Ozaies." Audrey's one warning sends a chill down Thorens back. "Now my forest Nymph this is our Island not just yours, and you refused to speak with us over the spell so we.." Thoren frowns seeing she disconnected. "Audrey! you can't be bitter your entire life!" he shouts hoping she could hear him despite their distance. He sighs "Dad, I think you'll only make it worse if you say that to her." Loki sighs. Aurora connects a spell to Kogen "Uhm Audrey, do you mind if we come into the village?" She asks for permission. "Aurora! hi! yeah! I don't mind you and Helen coming in." she agrees. "Thank you, my dear," Helen answers. A rift opens leading to Audrey and the others.  Aurora and Helen quickly rush into the rift and tackle Audrey in a tight hug. Thoren tries to walk into the still-open rift but it shuts. He steps back as wisps burst towards him. Loki walks around the wagon reaching for some trees but finding a wall. "I think she's trapped us in a walled maze." he sighs. "Does she intend for us to find a way out of it like rats!?" Thoren demands. Loki nods "I bet she's testing us." he sighs. A spell connects to Thoren "Dad is right, Grand... No Thoren, If you truly intend to bring parasites into my nest I suggest you show me how much to truly desire to disrespect My nest." she scorns. Loki sighs "Audrey, please stop being so difficult." He begs only for Audrey to cut the connections. Ammar chuckles "My mother once said there is nothing more dangerous than a woman scorned." he sighs. Ammar gets off the wagon and starts trying to find his way out of the maze. Loki sighs doing the same They notice the wisps are now standing at the walls taking the shapes of who they are. Loki shivers seeing the best fighters in the family line waiting for an order. "Dad, I think it's not just Audrey that is mad." He whispers Thoren nods "F...for the ancestor to drop the veil like this." He murmurs. Ryan and his siblings felt so unwelcomed and so small in this maze that seemed to change constantly. Outside of the maze Audrey and Kogen had allowed the people back into the village after seeing the small number of people. The village is buzzing wanting to know what happened for the evacuation orders to be set at such an early hour. Audrey and Kogen kept a row of men preventing anybody from leaving the village. Darius and Hector stuck with the front lines. Darius who had been allowed within the mountain now had a lot of questions. After an hour he noticed Audrey shifting on her feet. He finds a spot and sits down offering her his lap. Audrey did not refuse simply sat letting out a relieved sigh. "I didn't know you could activate the maze-like that." He tells her. Audrey shakes her head "I didn't do it, Grandpa Ash is pissed off." She answers rubbing her feet. "So he copied your spell?" Kogen asks. Audrey sighs "Not copied I just refreshed his mind on spells during the war." She explains. Kogen takes her feet and starts rubbing them for her. "It seems his mind is a bit foggy from the amount of isolation he's been living in." she explains. Kogen nods "I guess being alone would make somebody crazy." he chuckles. Audrey nods "Yeah, Thoren is the perfect example." she answers. Kogen laughs hearing Audrey singling out Thoren like she did. Darius crouched in front of Audrey "Can I ask you about what is in that mountain." He asks. Audrey turns her head to the main road. She nods "Sure, ask away it seems they will be taking their time through the maze." she answers. Darius sits down and starts asking her about Ashthorens body and the city inside the mountain. Another three hours passed and the sun already set when Thoren and Loki broke out of the maze. Loki's clothes are torn and he is bleeding from his arm. Thoren just like Loki did not come out unscathed. Ammar walked out after them looking a lot better than the two Nagas. Thoren gasps looking at Audrey who is being carried by Kogen. "Why are you so angry!?" he asks. The nine others walked out also worst for wear. Ryan looks at Audrey and Kogen his eyes wide. 'I can't.' "This useless girl cannot be the one behind the maze! She has no aura!" Ryan's father shouts. Audrey frowns lifting her hands the men behind them quickly set up the barrier with quartz to protect the village. Kogen had warned Yuri so he had long activated the barrier around the city. "ready." Darius tells Audrey. She smiles at their visitors "What you have just seen is not my anger." she points out. Kogen releases the spell from his body letting out a delighted grunt as his aura flows freely. Ammar steps back flaring his aura to endure Kogens overwhelming aura. As his aura falls to the ground around them the aura around them floats freely in the air and gathers around Audrey. Her third eye opens as a large Naga wraps around Loki, Thoren, and their guests. Kogen turns to Darius who is shaking on his feet in utter horror of the combined auras around him. Kogen looks at his men who knew better than to stay outside of the barrier. "Darius, get in the barrier." Kogen orders. Darius looks at him and nods quickly running back into the barrier. "A... Audrey." Loki grunts out pushing at her aura as it squeezes him. "W... W... why don't we talk this out?" he asks. Audrey nods "If your bodies could handle defying Ashthorens anger, I will only hear you out if you withstand my anger." She tells them. Thoren groans as her aura squeezes his body tightly. "This idea I will assume was yours Thoren." she turns her eyes to him. He laughs nervously "Now! Now Audrey why do you assume it's my..." He grunts as her grip tightens. "You are the only one who is crazy enough to try and step on my toes." She tells him. He huffs "Wh... when did I ever?" he struggles to ask. "When you tried to get me to marry somebody else." she states. He chuckles "I... I guess you got me." He answers. Audrey nods turning her eyes to the nine people who have been sent onto their knees and palms. Audrey had felt it before their auras were almost non-existent. Her eyes follow a man with short blue hair as he struggles to crawl towards Audrey. Kogen flares his aura to stop him from getting any closer. Audrey turns her eyes to the girls who started throwing up. Their faces are pale as Kogen's aura pushes them towards their death. "P... Please!" Ryan shouts. "Listen to us." he drops his head to the ground. Audrey puts her hand on Kogen's arm "Put me down honey," she instructs. Kogen sets her down keeping his eyes on Ammar a man he respects but feels angry for letting this happen. Audrey walks up to Thoren "I will show you what you bring into my forest." she walks past Thoren and Loki letting them move slightly. She stands in front of one of the girls. Thoren steps up to her and his eyes widen seeing the worm-like roots writhing in pain from Kogens overwhelming aura. Ryan starts throwing up followed by the rest of his family. "This is the danger you bring into my forest Ezra Thoren." she scorns. "Honey, is Yuri near?" She turns to Kogen. He nods "He should be here in a few minutes." He answers. Audrey frowns "Grandpa Ash open a rift." she turns to the mountain. A rift opens and Yuri walks in with a scoff "You are such an impatient woman." He grumbles. Audrey nods "Take these things with you." she points at the writhing roots. He nods "As you wish." He sighs a few of his men rushing to gather the roots. Kogen resealed his aura letting the girls breathe. Audrey's aura kept them on their knees to avoid any accidents. "What are these!?" Thoren demands. Audrey walks up to Ryan "This is what caused your illness." she points at the roots under him. "Parasites?" He asks. Audrey looked at the older man who had not thrown up. "I assume you are aware of what these things are." The man frowns turning away not answering Audrey's question. She smirks "Thats fine you old sack of shit." she scoffs. "Audrey get away from them." Kogen warns. Audrey nods walking back to Kogen. "Father what are these!?" Ryan demands. His father did not answer. Audrey turned to Yuri and gave him a nod. Yuri nods "If I must." he sighs. Audrey kept her grip on Thoren and Loki as Yuri explained what they had just seen. Kogen kept his eyes on Ammar wanting him to understand the massive mistake he had allowed to happen. "aura eating roots." Ryan whispers in utter shock. His eyes traveled to Audrey who seemed to chant to herself quietly. He noticed then how the aura of the forest had vanished. The world around them went quiet once she revealed her aura. "I would like to study the other effects this parasite has on a body if it is allowed to fester but it seems today is not the day I can get my hands on a living host." he sighs. Yuri turns to Audrey as she lets out a hiss of syllables. Glowing letters fly at the nine guests in front of her slapping themselves onto their foreheads. The group screams as their bodies are shocked as the spell settles into their bodies. "Audrey! what are you doing!?" Ammar demands. She smiles at him "If you are to stay on this Island they will be your responsibility General Ammar, Loki, and Thoren." she speaks their names and three more runes rush for them. The three are forced to their knees as the spell shocks them. "What is this spell, Audrey?" Loki questions through gasps. She nods "You bring danger into my nest, So I will put the weight of their actions on you." she pulls out her notebook. She opens the book to a page and turns it to them three. 'Prisoners guard.' The spell is read in the Naga language. "A prisoner's guard!? Audrey that would kill all of us if so much as a rule is broken!" Thoren hisses. Audrey nods "It's a nasty spell, but it's a necessary evil. I have five simple rules for you to follow." she holds out five fingers. "Rule number one Neither of you is allowed near the ancestor's mountain. Rule number two Prisoners are only allowed within the village and the city limits. Rule number three There will be no spell-casting of any kind. Rule number four if anyone so much as starts a disturbance in the village it's over. The last but most important rule." she looks at Thoren and Loki. "None of you are allowed within or around my home." Thoren's eyes widen "What!? but that's not fair! I came back quickly so I could see the girls!" He protests. Audrey crosses her arms "You chose to step on my boundary and so this is your punishment." she turns to Ammar. "And you will gain this punishment for not stopping his stupidity." She explains. Ammar nodded understanding Audrey was not comfortable with what they had done. "I understand Miss Audrey, I have already failed my first promise to you." he answers. Audrey turns to Thoren who is ready to start complaining. She glares at him which makes him back off. "Oh, Alright, I promise to follow your rules my little hatchling." he gives in. Audrey turns her gaze to Loki who chuckles "Alright, I will follow these rules." he gives Audrey a smile before turning to the nine guests. "I've given you three people each, Thoren you will look after the senile old sack of bullshit." she tells him. "What!? but he's annoying!" He huffs. Audrey nods "And so are you. I trust you can handle old and crazy." she scoffs. Thoren gasps "You said I was fun and healthy before!" he wants to argue. She nods "That was when you did not try to step on my toes." She tells him. He frowns but gives up. "who else." he grumbles. "The youngest man and woman." she tells him. Audrey releases the group letting her aura float back out to its place. Thoren gathers the three people he has. "Loki you get the two middle-aged men and woman." She tells him. "Ammar I will leave the leader of this bunch to you along with the last two girls." Ammar nods "Alright, where will we be lodging?" He asks. "Aurora and Helen have gone ahead of you to get the house ready." Kogen speaks up. 

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