1... 2... disaster

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It's been two weeks since Grandpa asked me to read the logs of my great-great-grandfather. I sit in Kogen's office feeling a bit shocked by how long this government has been around. '1 million years ago..' I looked at the book curious how the book was still holding up. I turn to Kogen who is still working before looking at my scrap notebook where I wrote down the most attention-catching information. 'The Phoenix tribe and the Thunderbird tribe came to offer an alliance to protect the ancestor's tomb. I refused at first not trusting the phoenix for their betrayal. I saw them as enemies so I did not feel the need to form a pact. It's been a year of long wars with the Leviathens tribe. Two of my three sons have died leaving me with no choice but to ally with the Phenoix and the Thunderbird tribe. They would mediate between the leviathans and the nagas creating a force to enforce rules on those who seek to cause trouble.'  I tap my pencil on the paper. 'The Leviathans? and the Pheonix?' I looked at the tribes. 'Enemies?' I wondered as I looked over the logs which mostly went over their day to day which was interesting to read about how they used to live within the barrier around the Ancestors cave. I wanted to ask questions about these two tribes. "Audrey." I look up at Kogen "Are you tired?" he asks. I shake my head "Nope just... have a lot of questions." I explain deciding sitting here breaking my head over information I did not have was pointless. I walk over to Kogen and sit in his lap "Hm do you want something to do?" he asks. I nod "Sure, why not." I answer taking the papers he hands me. That evening while I set up the table for dinner Grandpa came back. "so what do you think?" he asked I sat on the catwalk and sighed "Well I read it, and I am a little confused about something." I hand him the book. "Oh? what is that?" he asks. "Why does my great great great grandfather have such a dislike for the Leviathan tribe and the Pheonix tribe?" I ask. He sighs looking up at the skies "I wish I could answer that kiddo." he chuckles. "Don't you have the older logs?" I ask. He nods "I do but they are so worn out that some of the information in them isn't legible." he explains. I sigh understanding his predicament. "well, here are the last two books for you to read." he puts his hand on the top log "Take care of these for me please." He begged me. "I will Grandpa don't worry." I whisper he smiles "Alright, I will be back for them in." "Four weeks?" I ask he chuckles "Yes I'll see you in a month." he ruffles my hair before walking away. I look at the books 'I wonder how much things changed after the government moved in.' I stand up and walk back into the dining room. "Grandpa looked sad." I look at Yyvonne and nod "Yeah, he did look sad huh." I agree feeling his depressing air. She asked to sit with me while I read the second book. I set down some pillows and sat down opening the book made with a dark purple pattern. I read the first few logs finding just like before it explained what they did in the day nothing remarkable. I kept reading through their logs 'The government.' came up a lot. Complaints about how the new residents had started to disrespect the land and did not try to co-exist with the wildlife. After watching over the lands and tending to the five seals of Theo for over 39, 900 years. He was discovered by the government and threatened with violence. When his wife gave birth to the eldest a daughter and then a young boy. The eldest daughter was very curious about the world outside of the barrier despite the warnings to never set foot outside. She did as she was warned not to do. The elder learned of her escape and quickly chased after her but was too late. He found government workers discarding her body in a shallow grave. My heart ached for my great-great-grandfather. He took her body and buried her within the barrier just above the ancestor's cave with the rest of the Naga tribe. He increased his time around his wife and son to make sure that did not happen again. Great great grandfather lost his life at the age of 40,000 years old when his son Null was only 80 years old. He tried his best to save his deranged wife from attacking some of the government personnel. Great great grandfather did not lack power but refused to create conflict between him and the government to save and guard our tribe. I close the book unable to hold back my tears. 'w...what the fuck is wrong with people!?' I set the book aside not wanting to get it wet. "Are you alright?" Kogen kneels in front of me. I want to say that I wasn't but what fault does he have in my tribe's tragedy? I believe that he brought an end to the tragedy in my tribe by killing the leaders who once ran this district. I hug him tightly wanting to stop the hurt I felt. He hugged me unsure of why I was crying but still, he did his best to comfort me. "If it's a lot I won't ask you to tell me." He assures me. I nod hugging him till the tears stop. Once the tears stopped I wiped away the tears and took a deep breath. "Do you want to eat?" He asks. I nod just hoping I could accept the logs I had just read. The next morning I wake up in a pool of drool yet again. Kogen had decided the best way to distract me was with a nice cuddle session. I hear Kogen and Yyvonne talking away in the kitchen as had become usual. I sit up in bed and sigh unsure if I'd be able to handle reading anymore if the next book was as sad as the last one. I decided to avoid reading the book for today not wanting to end up an emotional wreck like last night. I follow my morning routine of washing up, making my hair, brushing my teeth, and eating. "I have the day free today." I drink my tea with a full stomach. "Oh? do you want to do anything?" I ask. He nods "I wanted to check on the kids that decided to stay in the village." He tells me. "Alright! we can go check on them!" I agree happy to hear that they have chosen to stay. Yyvonne had to go to her lessons so it was just me and Kogen. I waited for Kogen to wash up and get ready watching the world outside. 'I don't think I would be able to remain sane if my daughter got hurt like that.' I sigh. I touch my stomach 'If I have my own children I would go through hell and high water just to keep them safe.' I look at the skies 'I wonder if Grandpa could show me the grave sights of my family.' I rub my stomach as a small cramp creeps past the medicine. I frown not happy with the pain. 'I find it very odd that I haven't gotten pregnant yet...' I tilt my head 'I mean I'm not asking for a kid right now but, we've gone at it nearly all night since the wedding. You would think something would happen by now.' I pat my stomach 'Could there be something wrong with me?' I tilt my head "Are your cramps bothering you?" I look up at Kogen. "HM? Oh no I just realized something." I get up. "what is it?" he asks. I nod "Well I'm a little surprised I haven't gotten pregnant yet." I explain honestly. "Do you want a child?" He asks curiously. I nod "Well ideally at some point but, I ask 'cause we've been going at it like rabbits." I explain as we walk out of the gate. He nods "Well I did ask my mother to give me a contraceptive medicine for you." He answers. I look at the ground as I walk before looking at him. "Do you want any children?" I ask. He nods "At some point, but right now I feel you have a lot already stacked on your plate." He answers. I nod understanding his reason. "Hm, I get it but next time please let me know about anything like that. I thought I was sick or something." I wanted to be upset but I trusted he was simply looking out for me. "Alright, I'll be sure to tell you about anything like that in the future." He agrees. I smile "Alright, thats a promise!" I chirp as we walk to the area where the bears have started to set up their homes. The girls quickly came up to me and started chatting with me. Willemina, Talia, and Arnie stayed in the village since they fell in love with the area. "How has the village been for you girls?" I ask they nod "Oh it's wonderful! I love walking the shopping district!" Arnie chirped. "I've been enjoying the tea shops the leader recommended!" Talia pokes her favorite thing to do. "I feel this would be a safer place to raise my cubs!" I turn to Willemina who rubs her stomach. My eyes widen "Are you expecting?!" I ask. She nods "Yeah! I am just about a month in, and the matriarch said I am expecting triplets." she seemed over the moon. 'Triplets?' I feel anxiety prick my neck. 'Will she be okay? The ancestor said the aura bond would protect them from their children but, how exactly?' I hug her tightly "I wish you the best!" I hoped that would keep my anxiety at bay. 'I talked such a big game but, I didn't think about how the process would happen.' We sat for a few more hours talking about the items Willemina was getting and the tips her mother shared with her. "So has Mother and the leader had any luck?" they ask. All eyes were on me as I thought of the answer. I shake my head "W... well I am currently going through physical training with the elder so Kogen and I have decided to hold off until after thats done." I lie not wanting them to feel like I was chickening out of motherhood. "hm that must be sad." I look at Talia who takes my hand. "I'm sure you and the leader will succeed in birthing heirs." she assures me. I smile at her feeling a bit awkward. Willemina showed me to her house and started showing us the baby clothes and items she got for her babies. I squeal seeing the tiny clothes and shoes they got for the baby. The prick on my neck has turned into full-blown static all over my skin. 'what if I fucked up? how does it work for an aura bond to protect the women.' I smiled at the girls but inwardly I felt nothing but panic. That night I couldn't help but worry about Willemina. 'Baby? aura bond? how?' I wrote in my notebook. I circle 'Baby.' worried that I didn't get enough information before blabbing. I sigh laying my head on my notebook 'What the hell...wait! I can ask the ancestor!' I sit up "Careful." I look at Kogen as he sets my plate down. "You should put that away so we can eat." His eyes scanned the book before I shut it. "Right, I should think about this another day." I answer stuffing my notebook back into my bag. 'I need to look for Grandpa.' I watch Kogen sit down followed by Yyvonne. "So what did the girls say?" He asks. "Hm Talia and Arnie are both happy with the village and how safe it feels." I reported what they had told me. "Willemina is currently pregnant with triplets, she's still only about a month in." I feel the static prick at my skin again. "Did they say something to you?" He asks. I look at him and shake my head "No nothing, they were curious if we were going to have children but I told them we were putting it off for the time being." I answer. He nods "Thats it?" he asks. I nod stuffing my mouth with the zucchini and squash salad he made for us. He nods after I say nothing else. "Alright, Will you come with me to the office?" he asks. I shake my head "I was actually gonna ask Dad if he could show me the cave." I answer not wanting to waste time twiddling my fingers while Willemina is possibly going to face a bad situation. He looked at me for a little while before nodding his head. "Alright, be safe out there." he tells me. I smile "I will." I assure him before going back to eating my food. That night Kogen cuddled me extra tight smothering me with his pecks as I fell asleep. 

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