Today is May 20th, the gathering has progressed well with the younger ones testing their might. The first few days consisted of each of the younger men challenging each other. The women although they had managed to activate their auras seemed to want to test how well they matched with their partners. Two couples changed pairing after much testing and spars. Audrey would manage to come to the ceremony to watch for a few hours before my mother would force her back to the hospital. I'd fight my mother for Audrey to stay but I would rather Audrey heal properly than risk making anything worse just to watch these spars. Today marks the last day of the gathering and the wedding ceremonies will take place today as well. This morning Audrey showed up again this time she carried with her a small box. I watch the girls rush over to Audrey "Oh my! It's mother!" the women cheered quickly leading Audrey to the table they set up to chat. 'So they are already calling her that.' I smirk "How is the recovery coming?" they ask her worriedly. Audrey laughed nervously "I am doing a lot better! Mother-in-law said I might be able to go home tonight!" Audrey chirped gleefully. "Oh! Have you been in the hospital this entire time?" they ask curious about her well-being. Audrey nods "Y...yeah, I've been recovering from a pretty bad fight." she answers nervously. "A... A fight!?" They ask startled by her answer. Audrey laughs "L.. let's not worry about what's already done." she turns their attention away from herself. "How is everything going with you girls?" she asked. My eyes are fixed on her nervous smile. The girls all at once answer how things have gone and the changes they've made. I look around at the section of the forest we are using this time around. The trees are thicker and darker than the area we used the year before by the river. The small blooms of wildflowers create a contrast between the darker trees and the rich green grass. "Audrey." I turn my eyes to the chief's wife who steps up to the girls. Audrey turns her eyes to her I can see her eyes narrow slightly. "Hello." she greets distantly. 'oh, I forgot to tell Audrey about Ivonka wanting to talk with her.' I watch Ivonka bow her head to Audrey "So, do you think this year the birthrates will be better?" I turn to Leon. I shrug "If these couples manage to create strong bonds, I believe there might be." I answer. He nods "I trust in your word. If you trust Audrey then I shall also trust her." He chuckles. I nod understanding how much he trusts in me. I turn to Audrey but find she is gone. I take a step towards the group before Leon pats my chest. "I believe Ivonka wanted to gift something to Audrey," he assures me. I don't see Ivonka around either so I decide to trust in my friend and his wife.
The chief's wife, I didn't bother to learn her name, apologized for her previous discretion. In front of all of these girls, she admitted her attitude before was not right. I did not say anything to her simply waited to see what she wanted from me. That is usually what happens when somebody apologizes to me. They seek forgiveness just to ask for something. When the ask did not come I nodded "I appreciate the apology." I answer accepting it but not forgiving it entirely. She smiled at me understanding that I was happy with the apology but she would not get off that easy. "Come with me. I've been meaning to give you a gift." she holds her hand out to me. I turn my eyes to Kogen seeing him talking with the chief I agree. I follow her down the path to a small wooden cabin "Kogen had this built for the occasion for anyone who needs to change any ruined clothes." she tells me. I look at it and then turn my attention to her "So, what are we doing here?" I ask she takes my hand before leading me inside. She asked me to remove my clothes which I felt a bit uncomfortable with especially with the number of bandages on me at the moment. She glanced at me not willing to take no for an answer. I relented removing the loose-fitted dress Kogen had given his mom for me to wear. I dropped the dress on a chair off to the right of me. I hear her gasp from shock or horror the sound fits both. I turn to her finding her green eyes fixed on my bandaged body and the sack attached to my right side. "Oh my god, what happened to you?" she asks. I shrug "hm crazy religious fanatics with guns." I answer her question. She frowns "This is such a bad fit." she whispers before shaking her head "I will make this work though." she quickly pulls out a rather long dress. She quickly helped me into the dress but I felt how tight it was around my ribs where the sack was made to keep any remaining blood in my lunges out. I feel her start to adjust the cloth before settling on a not-so-tight fit. I could still move without squishing the sack on my side. " what is this for?" she asks poking at the sack carefully. I sigh "My lunges took a good beating so there are some areas that are not fully healed." I explain. "Not fully healed?" she asks. I nod "There is only so much one person can do before they need to rest, So the best They could do was create an extruding lunge for me to hold any bleeding away from my actual lunge." I explain it the way Kogen's mom explained it to me. "So you are still bleeding internally?" she asks. I nod feeling the resistance my lunges give me when any blood tries to take over the space. "Why are you out here instead of resting?" She asks. I smile "I wanted to see Kogen, He looks handsome in his formal wear." I tell her. She scoffs before giggling at my words. "You call that beast handsome?" she asks. I nod "What I find handsome may not be the same handsome for you." I scoff at her question. She giggles before nodding "I can agree with you there." she giggles. I turn to her "I never got your name by the way." I point out. She seemed startled but nodded "I'm Galvin Ivonka." she introduced herself to me. I nod "Ivonka, it's a nice name." I mutter as she drapes a long cape over my shoulders. "this should cover any exposed bandages." she offers. I look at the dress. The green fabric underneath the white lacey sheer fabric looked beautiful. The flowers and leaves made with lace are so delicate and very thoughtfully placed. I look at Ivonka who seemed proud of her pick. "Did you make this?" I ask. She nods "Uhm yes, it took me a little while to make it." she smiles. "When did you start it?" I ask she turns her eyes away from me. "I started it in November when I found you and Kogen out in the market," she explains. I tilt my head not recalling ever seeing her around during any of our outings to the market. "You looked so comfortable while he carried you." she seemed rather shy telling me this as if confessing to a crime. "You two stood out so much." she giggles. "We... stood out?" I ask curiously. She nods "Its not normal for somebody to carry their partner like that all the time." she answers. I feel my face heat up 'I felt it was odd when I didn't see anyone else doing that.' I cover my face. "I never liked Kogen since he and Leon saved me from a trafficking ring." she tells me. I lift my eyes to her startled by the information. "A trafficking ring?" I ask she nods "Back then, We were still in our early years mm I believe I was still only 120 years old." she tells me. "I witnessed my previous husband die at those people's hands." I feel a bit startled "Then, I witnessed Kogen kill them all single-handedly." she frowns. "He was... a monster in my eyes seeing him kill so many without remorse." she mutters. I turn my eyes away from her 'he saved your life and all you could think of was how monstrous he looked?' I shudder 'w..wait that's normal,' I sigh realizing my brain chemistry is not the same as theirs. "That day while watching you two I felt I might have misjudged him." she states. I shrug "I can't say much." I mutter remembering how scared I felt when he was fighting Grandpa that one time. "How could you accept him so easily?" she asks. I sit on the chair feeling tired from standing for a while now. "I honestly can agree my way of processing things isn't the same as yours." I answer leaning back on the chair. I close my eyes "I am aware I tend to dive into things head first without any questions asked." I smile "A lot of it has to do with how I was raised and a lot of it has to do with a childish fantasy." I chuckle. "A childish fantasy?" she asks. I look up at the ceiling "Growing up my mother never really cared for me. Every time I looked into her eyes all I saw was hate and disgust." I tell her. "I always wished I'd find somebody who did not find the sight of me disgusting or unworthy of love." I sit up and laugh nervously. "It's silly to get attached to just those childish wishes. But, Kogen never saw me as disgusting and always seemed to find my life worth saving from the dangers we faced on the way to the village." She grabs my cheeks tightly. I flinch in pain from how tightly she held my cheeks. "Thats not a childish wish!" she seemed ready to cry. "everyone is worthy of love," she scolds. I look at her startled but laugh at how mad she got. "It's not funny!" she protests. I free my face from her hands and shake my head. "I don't find that funny. I just find it funny how everyone around me finds that simple wish so heartbreaking they'd get angry for me." I answer. "huh? you aren't angry?" She asks. I shake my head "I always felt it was useless to be angry at somebody for not having enough in them to love me." I explain. She seemed surprised by what I said. "I have found people that hold enough space in their hearts to love me." I stand up and pat her shoulder. "I am no longer drifting through the world finding my place. I have found the one person I can call my home." I grin before pointing to the door. "Should we go?" I ask. She shakes her head "No! wait I didn't do your hair and makeup!" She stops me.
I watched over each couple as they exchanged their vows and gave my blessings. I watched each one of them hoping Audrey was well enough for us to exchange ours. I looked around the gathered people some of the villagers came to witness these ceremonies. I don't see Audrey in the crowds which creates a pit in my stomach. 'Did she not feel well? did she go back to the hospital?' I feel worry quickly consume my thoughts. I give my blessing to the last couple and prepare to end the ceremonies since without Audrey there were no more couples to join in marriage. My mother walks into the venue quickly followed by the elder and Audrey's father. "Where is Audrey?" Her father asks looking around the venue. "Did she run away? cold feet?" some of the village people whisper. I frown feeling crushed that she would run away right now. "She will be here." I turned to my mother who smiled assuringly. My eyes searched for her holding to that hope that she would. 'She didn't seem skittish a while ago... did something happen to her?' I feel worried about her I take a step to go search for her. "Ivonka!? where is Audrey?" I look over at Leon who is ready to scold his wife. She quickly smacks him before pushing him out of the way. I shudder seeing Audrey quickly rushing back into the venue. My heart starts racing seeing her dressed beautifully. Her hair is made in a half-tied half half-loose style. Her dress is long in a sage green color with white lacy flower decor. She wears a cape over her shoulder and her face is done in light makeup. I watch her father quickly grab her left arm while the elder takes her right arm. "Audrey slow down! You aren't going to miss out." The elder starts. "Not a chance." she huffs. Her brown eyes lock with mine only for her face to flush. My vision blurred as I watched a beautiful dryad grace my presence. I quickly wipe my eyes "My how my demon child has settled down." I hear my mother chuckle. I look at her seeing her smile at me before taking her spot. Audrey's father gave me her hand before taking his spot. The elder gave me a firm glare before taking his place next to Audrey's father. I feel Audrey squeeze my hand I look at her. She looks up at me with a large smile on her face "Sorry if I made you worry." she whispers. I smile at her glad she did not get hurt or run away. My mother takes Audrey's free hand "I Olivia Zer, as matriarch of the bear tribe, Accept Audrey Ezra as part of our tribe." This ceremony is much different from the others. This is one tribe accepting a new member into it. I turn to Audrey's dad and the elder "I Loki Ezra Accept Kogen Zer as part of the Naga tribe." Audrey's father did not hesitate before firmly shaking my hand. The elder glares at me not saying anything making this tense. 'Come on you stupid old man.' I don't look away knowing he is testing me. He chuckles before taking my hand "I Thoren Ezra, Elder of the Naga tribe, accept Kogen Zer as part of the Naga tribe." he finally gives in as he shakes my hand. I turn my eyes to Audrey who seems ready to cry. I give her some time before completing the ceremony. "I Greet my father and grandfather-in-law." I start seeing the elder smile. "I Kogen Zer, vow with this life I will protect Audrey and the family we will create." I do not leave doubt in the air. They both nod taking a step back as Audrey's protectors. "I greet my mother-in-law." Audrey starts with a bright smile "I Audrey Ezra, vow with these hands and these arms to nurture my children and the home we will create." Her vow left no doubt in her intentions. My mother smiles and takes a step back as the one woman in my life that I should care for. I turn to Audrey who turns to me with a tearful smile. 'Finally" I flinch hearing her voice my thoughts. The elder clears his throat catching Audrey's attention. She giggles "Oh right." she turns to one of the girls who was holding the box Audrey came with. She looks at me "C..can you kneel?" she asks. I do as she says getting down on one knee. She gets closer before clearing her throat. "I..." her voice is shakey so she clears her throat. "As the heiress of house Ezra, I accept Kogen Zer as my protector and husband." I feel a bit thrown off by this as she sets something on my head. I look up at Audrey as she takes a step back for me to get up. I didn't know what to do now. "I Kogen Zer accept the role of protector to my wife Audrey Zer." I hear the elder whisper to me what comes after. I smile 'They have their own tradition.' I take Audrey's hands "I Kogen Zer Accept the role of protector to my wife Audrey Zer." I repeat before the elder lets out a holler "May the Naga and Bear tribe ever flourish within this forest!" I flinch as Leon and Ivonka start throwing flower petals. Audrey giggles before stepping closer I lean closer ready to seal the deal. She beats me to it quickly closing the gap between us. I chuckle at her eagerness. I wrap my arm behind her knees before lifting her off the floor. She gasps quickly wrapping her arms around my neck. 'Finally all mine.' I feel so elated as those within the tribe cheer. I pull away only for Audrey to pepper my face with endless pecks. "Finally mine," she giggled as she kissed me again. I find it exciting to hear she also feels the same.

A Nagas tale
ActionFollow the hard-headed Audrey as she discovers a new world and a hidden truth about her life. "A tall handsome worrier? yes please!"