After the party, Audrey seemed to think my warnings were nothing but talk. She kissed my neck sucking on the skin and teasing my restraint. The girls are dozing off after such a hectic party. The snow did discourage Audrey from taunting me. I stopped warning her about the trouble she was starting for herself. I missed the way she would tease me, I missed the feeling of her curious hands. Once we are inside the house walls I stop trying to hold back. I put Audrey down knowing the girls needed to be put to sleep. She looks at the already sleeping Astrid and gives me a taunting wink before walking away. I quickly kick my shoes off and follow after my teasing wife. I see Leo and Idris have already brought the cribs down and are ready for the girls to sleep in. Audrey carefully lays Astrid down having to get on her toes just to reach the matrice at the bottom. I watch her stand on the ball of her feet before gathering a few blankets. My eyes fixed on the hourglass figure she's gained after her pregnancy. I feel impatient to feel her soft skin and taste her again. Audrey turns to me a shy smile replacing her devious one. "Alright, it's Tabitha's turn to get tucked in." she reaches behind me. I sat down so she could reach the sleeping child much more easily. I hold my arms above her sides in case she stumbled or missed a step. She quickly steps away with Tabitha in her arms. "Shh." she hushed the angry Tabitha. "It's okay Tabby mommy is just going to put you to bed," she whispered. I recalled the first time Audrey was faced with being a mother. The pain of losing Iris like that still hurts but seeing how much different Audrey is now. Before she panicked and cried from fear and now she was handling the girls so well. At first, all I could do was worry about her health and see her as the mother of my children. I do not dare touch her unless she started it but, I forget Audrey was my wife before the girl's mother. I stand up and walk over to Audrey. She is a person of her own not just my wife and my children's mother. She looks at me after tucking Tabitha in for the night. 'This is my wife.' I quickly lift her over my shoulder. 'She's taunted me enough and is now trying to get away from the consequences by taking her time with the girl's bedtime.' Audrey giggled "Hmm I guess the Jig is up." she whispers. I set her down impatiently pulling out our futon. Audrey walks over to me as I toss our pillows down. She wraps her arms around me hiding behind me as her fingers start unbuttoning my shirt. I peek back at her seeing her brown eyes fixed on me. Her hands moved down quickly freeing the buttons on my shirt. She slips a finger into my pants as she unbuckles the belt I wear. I grab her wrist wanting to be the one to touch her. I want to be the one to witness her descent into maddening pleasure. My resolve wavered seeing how predatory her eyes looked. She unzipped my pants giving them a tug demanding I remove them. I take a deep breath recovering my resolve. I grab her wrist and turn to face her. She steps back her eyes examining my exposed chest. I can see in her eyes what she wanted from me. I cup her face with one hand "Audrey, what is it you want?" I ask looking into her eyes. She grabs my pants "Take them off." she orders. I chuckle "why?" I ask testing her desire. She smiles "Kogen, Let me suck your cock." I am startled by her bold demand. I hide my surprise with another question. "Hm? Is that all you want from me?" I want to understand what she wants. "I want to listen to your voice." She steps closer pressing her body to mine. "I want to lose myself in you. I want to feel your body heat, your body weight. I need you to crush me under you." she was not shy about what she wanted. I let go of her wrist allowing her to do as she wanted. She did not hesitate to pull my pants down. My cock almost poked her eye out as she freed it from its tight restraints. She licks her lips before licking the tip of my cock. I watch her as she gives my cock a few careful strokes. Her tongue was the first to taunt me. I let out a pleased huff as her tongue slides against my cock. I watch her lick my cock like it's a popsicle starting from the top down to the base before moving back up to the tip. She doesn't give me a chance to brace myself as she swallows my cock only leaving about a third of it out. I grab her hair startled by how quickly my cock was plunged into the warmth of her mouth. She starts tracing my cock with her tongue before she frees my cock. She twirls her tongue around the tip sending tingles down my cock. I lock eyes with her as she teases the tip. I huff unsure of how long I could let her tease me like this. She swallows my cock down just before the base once again robbing a grunt from me. I close my eyes already familiar with her path I waited for her to free my cock. 'once she does I need to pin her to bed.' I gasp feeling the tip of my cock dip deeper into her throat. I open my eyes seeing Audrey press her lips and nose to my crotch. I groan curling my shoulder as her tongue traces my cock carefully and less recklessly. "Audrey." I gasp feeling her throat squeeze my cock as she swallows some saliva. She starts freeing my cock but the way her throat felt was too good for me to let her just stop. I pull her back against my crochet feeling her throat clasp around my cock. Audrey puts her hands on my thighs as her eyes start to water. 'Fuck this feels good.' I start moving my hips fucking her mouth. I let my voice out in ecstasy my knot swells slightly. I groan letting her hair go she sits on her legs and looks at me. Her brown eyes filled with ecstasy as I pointed to the bed. She did not argue with me simply did as I ordered. I noticed a wet spot under where she had been sitting. I smirk 'She came from being fucked in the mouth.' I watch her undo the Kimono she is wearing. She did not remove the fabric from her body I suspect it's due to shyness.

A Nagas tale
ActionFollow the hard-headed Audrey as she discovers a new world and a hidden truth about her life. "A tall handsome worrier? yes please!"