Ozaies pulls his arms out of the water, creating earthquakes and large waves. He frowns, seeing no movement from the Island he had tracked the Naga to. "Ashthoren! Do not try to play dead!" He shouts angrily that his brother refuses to answer his threats. The small beings trying to catch his attention were of no interest to him. He swats at the man who cuts his skin repeatedly. "Pests must be killed." He scoffs as he throws Kogen towards the Island. "Ashthoren! Do not tell me you are waiting on these punny pests to fight me!" He laughs disappointed by his sibling's cowardes. Kogen quickly grabs a tree before jumping back thrilled to see how much his power level differed against this beast. The Island shakes violently "Get out of the way!" Blake connects with the members of the 12 leaders. Kogen lands on a ship turning back to the Island. Ozaies slams his hand on the barrier unhappy with the wall protecting Ashthoren. "Everyone! out of the ships! seek high ground!" Ammar shouts as the waves become too big for the ships to handle. Blake remains connected the sound of chanting creates a static around Kogen and the others. "My Nest, My home, I offer as a haven to thee Medusa my goddess!" Audrey's voice sounds calm but underlying anger makes the hair on Kogen's body stand on end. He shoves a young man toward the Island wanting to get him out of the way of the dangerous current. Kogen steps back once he steps onto dry land. His eyes fixed on the blue aura swirling around the base of the volcanic mountain. The sound of crackling thunders around the Island as a woman's torso crawls out of the cave mouth. Her hair is made of snakes alive and hissing. The three eyes on her face cause shivers in Kogen's body. The Naga uncoils its body from the outer base of the mountain. "Ashthoren! Are you too weak to fight me in your physical body!?" Ozaies roars in anger. "Ozaies! I will not grace you with my physical form!" Ash roars out as the Naga slams her palm into the beast's face shoving it away from the barrier. "Do you believe you can strike me down without a physical form!?" Ozaies laughs grabbing the woman's arm. He tries to push the woman away but gets bitten by one of the snakes on her head. Ozaies backs away startled by the extra mouths. "Using cheap tricks!?" Ozaies growls in anger. "Tricks? That is all I'll need to return you to the depth you came from!" Ash's voice shifts into Audrey's Ozaies frowns hearing it. "Ashthoren! You are male!" he shouts in anger thinking his brother had lost his mind. The Naga pulls itself onto the edges of the Island dropping her palms onto the ships with The Highrun and Lograins insignias. Ash does not speak quickly throwing his tail at Ozaies and wrapping his tail around him. "You must be senile to think you can win with just your aura!" He rips the Naga's tail away from his body. Ozaies throws the Naga away from him towards the Island. Ozaies couldn't help but notice the Naga's eyes remained closed. Inside Audrey held onto the sword allowing Don and Ash to use her body to filter the aura out. She keeps her eyes closed chanting silently as they keep him off. 'If he is not sealed away! it will only cause trouble later down the road!' Ash had warned Audrey who simply wanted to push him off enough to send him away. 'Ozaies has always envied our ability to connect to our people! He envied the rewards our hard work gave us!' Ash told Audrey. She frowns 'So a lazy older brother who simply wants things handed to him?' She opens her eyes annoyed that this trope was not simply for the mortals like her siblings. Loki and Thoren had taken up the responsibility of resealing the stones around the island. She looks at the page with the sealing spell Blake held for Audrey. Her skin starts turning red as Ash's aura starts to burn her from the inside. She needed to use up his aura before Loki and Thoren finished the resealing. She takes a deep breath as she peeks back outside. "Tell me Ashthoren! did you think I would believe this is you!?" Ozaies slams the naga against the barrier. Audrey lets out a pained scream as her back gets burnt by the barrier. She shakes her head "Guys! What the hell are you two doing!?" she shouts. 'It's hard to control a body fusion with somebody else!" Ash shouts. Don groans 'This woman you fused with us is not complying!' Don grunts in anger. Audrey's eyes widen 'Medusa hates men!' She frowns 'shit I should have thought of that!' Audrey takes a deep breath "Let me take over." she mutters 'are you sure!?' Ash asks. Audrey shakes her head "No, but at this rate, my body will get suvied from the inside out." She answers Ash looks at Ozaies and takes a breath 'Go crazy.' he chuckles. Audrey nods 'I will create an armor plating!' Don offers as Audrey takes over. She feels the weight of this thing crushing her against the barrier. She takes a deep breath "Medusa! We can work together!" she shouts as she shoves her hand against the aura in front of her. Ozaies pushes Audrey against the barrier as she slams her palm into his face. He groans annoyed the barrier is not falling. "Get the fuck off of us!" Audrey growls slamming her head into Ozaies making him stumble away from her. Audrey falls into the water finding her body heavier than her usual one. 'You know how to move in a snake's body, Medusa, please.' She grabs a ship from the water and slams it against Ozaies arm as he reaches for her. He growls "Who the hell are you!?" He demands. Audrey grabs his arm preventing Ozaies from pinning her again. "You are not Ashthoren!" Ozaies demands. "My name is Medusa." Audrey shudders as the voice speaks. "Medusa? ha! The child of envy!" He chortles in amusement. Audrey's grin reflects on the Naga. "We are no child of envy!" Audrey slams her tail onto Ozaies instead of wrapping him she lets her tail heavily fall on his face. The impact held more weight as the bone armor Don offered slammed against his body. Her tail slips off scrapping his skin with sharp bone. Ozaies reaches for Audrey's tail only to get punched in the face. He grabs her arm angry that she was treating him lightly. "If you are truly seeking to kill me child I suggest you take me more seriously!" he roars. Audrey pulls her arm away "You sound like a tantrum pron toddler." Audrey taunts. He growls throwing a punch making sure his full weight was behind the hit. His eyes widen as Audrey moves out of the way. She wraps her tail around his neck she climbs onto his back tightening her grip on him. "I do not envy." Medusa mutters. Audrey looks at the spell in front of her. She stabs her nail into Ozaies's back. He roars in anger struggling to pull away the tightening tail around his neck. 'Medusa! hold him off while I get the spell started!' Audrey gets a confirming chuckle. "I protect," Medusa corrects. "Those against the envious." Audrey keeps scratching the spell onto Ozaies's skin. He roars reaching back to Audrey. He grasps the bone protecting the Naga's body angry he rips the tail apart once more throwing them against the barrier. The Island shakes violently Kogen rushes his men towards the mountain town. The large waves that crash against the Island are becoming too dangerous for them to weather. Olivia runs into the hidden town following the wisp of Iris. Her eyes fall on the bruised Audrey standing at the center of a magic circle. "Audrey!" she runs over to her worried seeing the blood on her body. The water that rained down was weak but it was washing away the blood she was still spilling. "Elder!" Olivia turns her attention to Sienna who is holding two screaming children. 'How long has it been since they ate!?' She wondered quickly running to her grandchildren. The men all gather inside the volcanic mouth Aurora and Helen watching in horror as Audrey gains a cut on her side. Her eyes are fixed to a spell as she chants it. "Audrey!" Kogen runs in after everyone makes it inside. His eyes spotted the blood on the ground. "Quick! everyone that can use water spells! wash away the blood!" Kogen orders. His eyes find Audrey locked inside the magic circle. His eyes widen seeing the number of bruises forming on her skin. 'her aura glands are burning!' He quickly runs to her side 'Can my aura protect her!?' He wondered flaring his aura around her body. She does not react but the bruising slows down. 'Release the soul I guide!' A deep green aura pushes away his aura. "What was that!?" He looks at Audrey as she looks at him. Her brown eyes change from their usual brown to dark golden eyes. She turns back to the spell keeping her chant going. "Blake! what is going on!?" Kogen turns to the awe-struck man. "Audrey is channeling the demi-god Medusa eldest sister of the gorgons." He mutters. Kogen turns to Audrey as she holds Don's sword "What about Ash and Don!?" He demands. Blake looks at Audrey. "I am not sure!" he answers worry filling his eyes as he looks at Audrey. Kogen frowns as the Island shakes once more. He turns his eyes to the walls around the hidden city. "Audrey! It would be best if you let me help!" he shouts at her. Audrey turns her eyes to him not moving from her place. 'The stones have been resealed!' Ash shouts to Audrey letting her know that she was limited to the aura that had seeped from his body. She nods turning her eyes back to the outside. She slams her shoulder into Ozaies's stomach pushing him deeper into the ocean. Kogen frowns. 'Why do you always try to do everything on your own!?' He walks into the magic circle feeling the rush of Ash's aura rip at his skin. He takes a breath before taking Audrey's arms. "Audrey, I do not know what that god you summoned is but Let me help." His voice was not demanding. He seems to plead with Audrey to let him help her. 'Back away!' Medusa hissed unhappy with his approach. Audrey shakes her head "He is the father of my clutch, he is the main protector of my nest." Audrey breaks the spell. Kogen grabs the sword the anger in his chest intensifies with Ash's aura. He groans as Ash's aura starts burning his skin from the inside. He rests his forehead on Audrey's head. "I am not sure what I can do, but I offer my body as a buffer for all of this aura." he tells Audrey. She looks at his hands seeing the burning that's creating red veins through his body. The pain has decreased in her own body. She takes a deep breath before turning back to the fight. Ozaies wants to drag the large Naga into the water. His efforts only got him puffs of broken aura and bone. Medusa was known for her petrification ability. Audrey had deduced that the best way to seal Ozaies was to engrave the spell on his skin before turning him to stone and sealing him away. She and Medusa struggled to get this much larger being to give them the back. 'I have the spell halfway done.' Audrey groans as Ozaies again rips her tail in two. She falls back into the shallower water her eyes on Ozaies wondering how she could get access to his back once more. She needed to pin him down if she wanted to get the spell done. Ozaies grabs her reforming tail and pulls her into the deep ocean. "Kogen." Audrey gasps freeing her arm from his and grabbing his shirt. Kogen seemed startled as Audrey locked lips with him sucking in some air from his lunges. She pulls away her chest full of air as the Naga is pulled into the depths the pressure of the water only making it harder for her to keep the air. The world had long gone dark and the depth of the water did not make it any easier. Audrey's fear of death by suffocation threatens to send her into a panic. She looks down at Ozaies doing her best to calm her fears. 'like spear fishing.' That voice reminds her. 'Don. can you... turn into a weapon for me?' She asks. The fear apparent in her voice the deeper she got. 'A sword?' He asks. Audrey nods 'Anything I can use to pin this asshole down.' Her voice trembles. The bone starts fading as it shapes into a large sword in the Naga's hands. Audrey can feel her lungs scream for air she gasps as Ozaies stabs his nails into her tail. The water is quick to invade her lunges. 'Audrey! We Naga have gills!' Ash scolds her for being so scared. She gasps for air and is shocked by how it did not affect her. She feels silly now for that show of unintentional affection. She sighs 'Don, you are such..' She grumbles before coiling down along her tail. She noticed Ozaies was giving her his back. 'this is it!' She quickly lunges for him wrapping her arms around his neck before using her tail to coil around him. He groans in anger "How are you not dead!" he shouts. Audrey can't see very well in the depths they are in but she can see the silhouettes of trench walls around them. She rips her tail free from his grip before swimming with all of her force. He slams her against the wall behind her. She frowns as he gets free from her grasp. She looks up at the dim light coming from above. Her physical body is already at its limits with how badly burnt she is. She recalls that day at the lake the way she was able to hide her aura from everyone around her. She looks at Ozaies who has decided to let her sink. She takes a deep breath 'like spearfishing, with no sudden movements. if you attack, do it quickly. Do not thrash, do not call attention to yourself.' She takes a deep breath locking her eyes on Ozaies. 'That is not a god, that is not an enemy.' She tells herself. 'that is prey, that is our dinner.' She starts swimming around Ozaies avoiding the jagged edges of the trench. Her eyes spotted underwater cave windows. 'So you wanted to ambush me with your underlings?' She wondered as she picked up several auras around her. She holds the sword to her side waiting for the perfect time to stick. "Ashthoren! Have you gone and died off!?" He laughs after losing Audrey's aura. She watched him as he looked up with a prideful grin. "Now all that is left is to destroy that precious little tribe of yours." he starts climbing up the trench walls. Ozaies's confidence in his win exposed his back to Audrey as she prouled. She quickly stricks him wrapping her arm around his neck "What is this!?" He demanded unable to feel any aura around him. Audrey thrashes her body turning him back to the depths of the water. She quickly swims to the bottom and lifts the sword halfway up his back. She waits for the bottom to greet them before she stabs the sword into the back of his neck severing the nervous system. Ozaies's roar awakens those who sleep in the depths. 'Medusa use your snakes to keep him still!' Audrey shouts as she wraps her body around Ozaies. She shoves Ozaies against the sea floor with one hand. She releases the sword and starts scratching the rest of the spell on his back. Audrey can feel Ash's aura start to waver letting her know she was racing time. Ozaies struggles against her hold despite the sword to the spine. She groans Medusa's snacks let go of his shoulders as he flares his aura. Audrey can see his aura quickly degrading the sword in his neck. She finishes the spell before pulling the sword out of his neck. 'I need to get him in full view!' She quickly swims up her eyes focused on Ozaies as he tries to recover from the damage Audrey caused. 'Medusa, open your eyes, we will wait for him to look at us.' She instructs. 'Alright,' she answers opening her eyes for the first time since she was brought here.

A Nagas tale
ActionFollow the hard-headed Audrey as she discovers a new world and a hidden truth about her life. "A tall handsome worrier? yes please!"