Kogen had so many meetings and I was left to my own devices. Idris and Leo were appointed to keep me company while Yyvonne congregated with her classmates who were here. I sit in the house we had been given to reside in while we were here. The sand around us reminded me of those days I spent hunting down the scales in the other world. I felt bored just watching the sand fly by and the number of books Kogen got for me was already too many for me to keep up with. I walk over to the new bookshelf added to the house. I look at all of the history books and novels wondering which to read. A knock rattled my door catching my attention. "Come in!" I call out knowing my door was not locked and that it was Idris at the door. "Audrey. I brought" I turn to Idris seeing the plate of fruits he carried. "Oh! nice!" I turn and walk over to him. "Are you bored?" he asks noticing the scattered books and papers in the room. I shrug "I will find something to do, don't worry." I answer not wanting to bother him with a new task. "Oh! I noticed that you and Leo have been hanging around a lot, Who is taking care of the filing?" I ask. He nods "Kogen had some of Yuri's men take over for us while we babysit you." He answers. I frown "You don't need to babysit me, I am a grown adult." I huff. He chuckles "We have not seen you act like one since the first day we met." he retorts. I groan turning to Leo who is bringing over some drinks. "Idris quite stressing the child out!" he scolds. I frown 'Child! babysitting me!?' I want to get angry but as of the last week, I've been catered to hand and foot. I clean the coffee table putting away the history books I was studying and the papers I'd used to take notes. Idris and Leo set the food down "Listen, Audrey, Don't take our teasing to heart, we understand Kogen can be a worry wart especially now that you are." Leo points to my stomach. I sigh "If you like we can take you out into the city market to look around." Leo offers. "That sounds fun!" I answer ready to leave this instant. Leo chuckles "Give me a few minutes and eat before we leave. I will need to let Kogen know we are heading into town." He explains. I nod understanding the need for telling Kogen our whereabouts. I sat and did as they said knowing it would probably take a little while. I ate the fruit salad I have been hyper-fixated on since we got here. 'I missed papayas and kiwis!' I stuff the fruit into my mouth enjoying the different variety of fruit. In the forest the fruits we have mainly consist of stone fruits like Plums, Peaches, Cherries, and blackberries. I savored the mangos that revived the memories of the days I spent with my grandmother. Those summer days my mother would drop me off with my grandmother to spend time with my older siblings. Those days when the abuse stopped if only for a few hours. I savored each fruit like it would be the last time I'd ever taste them. I look at my now empty plate and decide to get dressed for my outing today. Although my outfits were very limited to similar styles I had long skirts and sports shirts for the heat. I change into white cargo caprice pants and a white sports shirt. I pick my hair up into an updo so my hair won't stick to my skin with the sweat. "Audrey, if you are ready we can go!" Leo calls out. I grab my bag to ensure I have everything I need inside. I rush out of the door remembering my headpiece I pull it out of my bag and slip it on. I followed Leo and Idris out of the house once I had my shoes on. They helped me onto the car before getting on themselves. I had fallen asleep on the way here so I made sure to look at everything on the way out. I watch how these high-end buildings change to older-looking buildings made of stone and wood. 'It's so odd the difference in building from government homes to the civilian housing.' I look at the high walls protecting the area. 'is this like a castle city?' I look back at the walls seeing the way they separate the older-looking houses from the more neatly built newer buildings. "Is this your first time seeing a city?" they ask I shake my head "No, It's just I am always shocked at how much of a village our home is," I explain. "hm well it's a larger village than that cluster of buildings you used to live in." Idris sounds butt hurt. I tilt my head "You mean the military base? It's a base set up for my father's research so yeah it's smaller than the cities in my original world." I answer. They look at me curiously "That was a military base. With how unprepared they were?" they ask. I nod "Well Like I said it was a small base mainly created for archeological research." I clarify. "It was never meant for full-on wartime attacks." I shrug. They nod "I see, so what did the cities in that world look like?" they ask. I suck at using words to describe some things so I decided to draw out the way the city I lived in looked like. This kept me silent for the drive to the shopping area. I showed them the drawings of the skyscrapers and large buildings that I used to live in with the cars and the traffic lights. "Hm, this seems more advanced." Leo mutters. I nod "Yeah! We have found a way to make self-driving cars but don't ask me how they work, I never had the brain to learn anything about tech development." I answer. "I wonder what sort of brain you have that would make you useful." Idris mutters. I glare at him before stuffing my sketchbook away. "Enough of a brain to know you have no room to question my abilities!" I scoff already annoyed with his sarcastic remarks. "Boss! We are here!" The man announces as he parks. I had been so busy with drawing that it made the drive faster. I watched Idris and Leo get off before I followed. "Come back in about an hour?" Idris asks Leo. Leo shakes his head "Make that three." He corrects before leading me towards the market. I followed him closely to make sure I did not get left behind. He showed me the clothes shops and walked me through the shops finding that the clothes were very nice and made with high quality materials. He decided to use me as a dress-up doll handing me set after set of clothes to try. I settled on three outfits that looked so cute. A pink sundress with Orchid patterns, A set of Jeans, and a cute sage green crop top. The last set is a purple pencil dress. I stand in line waiting to pay for my clothes. "Well, how irresponsible to be shopping instead of doing anything productive like studying the archives." I turn to the annoying voice that greets me. I see the blond girl from before "Leader Norsta." Leo and Idris bow their heads in greeting. "I see some people have manners." She smirks. I tilt my head wondering if she really wanted to pick a fight here. I am next in line so I decide to ignore her jabs and pay for my clothes. "that's 350 Dile." The man gives the price. I pull out my coin back and hand him the money. "To think you dare to ignore me!" the girl barks. I take my bag from the man and the receipt. "Audrey." Idris panics. I look at him before turning to the girl. "Good afternoon." I offer a short greeting before walking out of the store. Leo and Idris quickly follow after me "Audrey! you are being rude!" Idris starts. I shrug "She didn't greet me and instead insulted me so I owe her nothing." I explain as I walk to the next store. I look at the cute items in the window wondering if I really need to check this out. 'a toy shop?' I notice the baby store just next to the toy shop. I quickly walk overseeing the cute outfits on the window. "Hey! Hey! you stupid country bumpkin!" the girl shouts as if I'd listen to her. I walk into the store and start browsing the area. I gush over the many cute baby outfits "Audrey, you are upsetting the leader." Idris urges me to greet her at least. "oh! look at this one Audrey!" Leo joins me in looking at clothes. He holds up a very cute pink ruffled dress. I melt at the idea of a chubby baby girl wearing the dress. "Oh, it's so cute!" I take the dress Leo hands me. I hold the dress in my hands and feel my heart swell. "Oh! these would go so cute with the dress!" Leo walks over handing me small white sandals. "Okay! I can't take too much! I still don't know what my baby will be." I tell Leo. He chuckles "Here how about we get one outfit for each gender for the time being." he offers. "Th..." "What do you mean a baby!?" I jump seeing the fuming blond stomp closer. "Who in their right mind would impregnate a filthy thing like you!?" she huffs. I tilt my head unsure if she was ready to insult Kogen like that. "Here Audrey, lets go check out the boy section." Leo leads me away from her. I haven't argued since I came here to enjoy myself and not fight. I start looking through the options seeing so many cute shirts and outfits. The small shoes all looked so cute too. I spot a onesie set with bears on it. I pick it up and show it to Leo "How about this one!?" I ask. He chuckles "A bear huh?" he asks. I nod watching him look through the shoes. "Idris! what do." "Listen to me!!" the woman shouts snatching the outfit out of my hands and onto the floor. I look at the outfit on the floor doing my best to ignore her. "Audrey, here take this I think a smaller size would be better for a newborn." Leo pulls me away from the girl and hands me a new set with some shoes. "How about we go and pay?" He offers. I nod as he puts his hands on my shoulders and starts leading me to the pay counter. I pay the woman and take the bag she gives me. "I hope you have a healthy pregnancy." she offers me a blessing. I smile at her appreciating her words. "thank you." I turn and walk out of the store. "You are really pissing me off!!" The woman shouts slapping my bags out of my hands. Instinctively I lift my hand ready to throw a punch at her face. Leo quickly grabs my arm and Idris steps between us to stop what is about to happen. "Audrey, calm down. Stress is not good for the baby." Leo reminds me. I bite my lip and relax "What's going on here?" I hear Kogen's voice. "Sir!" Idris greets him, quickly grabbing my bags off the floor. "Aurora I hope you haven't been making trouble." A woman speaks up. Kogen walks up to me and takes my chin. "What have you been up to?" he asks. I look at him and huff my annoyance out. Idris hands Kogen my bags. "I found some cute baby clothes." I tell him. He nods "Oh, is that what you came out here for?" he asks. I nod "Yeah! I didn't think I'd find so many cute things!" I answer forgetting about the blond woman. "Do you want to see!?" I ask "You stupid bitch! How can you keep Ignoring me!" the woman shouts. I turn to her my smile dropping "I suggest you fuck off unless you want me to report you to the general." Kogen speaks up. "Aurora, I don't think you should be." "I don't care! report me, you stupid oaf! She has been ignoring me since I found her!" she shouts. I frown "You insulted me without a proper greeting and you feel you are owed a proper respectful greeting." I state. "I am being patient with you out of respect for the general but you make it hard for me to respect you personally." I add. "You act like a child who is not given attention like a spoiled brat! If you so wish to be respected and greeted with as much you should offer the same respect." I take a step closer to her. I feel calm but my aura seems to reflect my intolerance for her attitude. The other woman quickly steps in front of the blond and Kogen grabs my arm. I scoff "You ask who would be my baby's father when you've worked with him for years, You call me filthy when you lack the respectability to be considered anything else other than filth." I spit at her. She shoves the woman away unhappy with my words. She lunges at me but I simply grin watching her get stuck in mid-lunge. Her eyes widen as my aura wraps around her body keeping her away from me. I squeeze her body slowly making my hold tighter. "I will only tolerate so much disgusting behavior. If you are a leader of the twelve tribes you must understand how to interact with others instead of acting like a spoiled princess of the Pheonix tribe." I lecture her. "Audrey." Kogen pulls at my arm to stop me. I pull my arm free and walk up to her. I grab her chin and grin "I believe the Phoenix tribe has enough heirs to take over if one dies." I threaten as she starts gasping for air. "So watch that attitude princess." I slap her cheek before turning back to Kogen. I let her go once I got back to him. "Audrey! you can't go around." "What high horse are you on!" she shouts trying to gather her breath. I turn to her "High horse? me? oh, none sweety. I simply can't stand a spoiled brat trying to create trouble for no reason." I answer. "I've never seen somebody master aura manipulation like that in a long time." I look at the other woman. Her eyes fixed on me filled with nervousness and curiosity. I take a deep breath "Anyways! I came here to enjoy my day! I want to look around! I want to shop and eat and explore!" I look at Leo who nods. "All alright, we can go to a few other shops that sell clothes." He offers. I shake my head "Is there anywhere they sell cooking ingredients?" I ask. He nods "This way." He points before leading us in that direction. "What are you looking for?" Kogen asks. I nod "I want to see if I can find masa! or corn flour to make Masa! I want to see if there are any chilies I can get my hands on!" I listed off the things I needed to make tamales. Walking down the stalls I noticed the dried chilies "Oh my god!" I gasped quickly picking the few chilies I needed. "guajillo and chille ancho!" I cheer asking the lady for some of the chilies. "If you want I can order in bulk and have them shipped home." Kogen offers. I stop and look at him "Really!?" I ask my mouth watering with the smell of the dried chilies. He nods "Whatever you want, I can get them shipped to the Island." he offers. I nod "Please!" my plee earns me a chuckle. "Alright, you go wait with the others." he sends me to Leo and Idris after giving him the list of chilies. I sit on the bench watching Kogen make the deal with the lady and her husband. "Good afternoon Madam Zer." I turn my eyes from Kogen to that woman from before. I nod "Good afternoon ma'am." I greet not really knowing her name. She smiles "Call me Helen." She introduces her name to me. I nod "Miss Helen," I answer. She sits with me and I watch the blond stomp off to a store. "I want to apologize." "Don't." I stop her. "You have nothing to apologize for, it is Aurora's behavior and she needs to apologize for it." I inform. She chuckles "Ah I see, then It's nice to meet you, Madam Zer." she offers. I nod "It's nice to meet you, Miss Helen, you can call me Audrey by the way." I offer her my name. She nods turning to the blond who stomps right back with some food before sitting at the lady's feet. I turn my eyes back to Kogen watching him walk back to us with a successful shop. He smiles at me showing off his protruding fangs. I return the grin only to hear Aurora gag exaggeratedly. Kogen drops his smile and settles for a grin. I frown unhappy that my cute husband was forced to stop smiling. "Aurora Will you shut up." I grumble before getting up and walking over to Kogen. I put my fingers at each end of his lips pushing them up in a smile. "Don't worry about what that bitch has to say! I like your smile it's cute." I assure him loud enough for Aurora to hear. He chuckles "Only you would think so." He answers. I frown before pinching his cheek "Am I not enough?" I ask. He smiles again before hugging me. "I never said that." he answers. I nod "Well, you didn't say otherwise either." I answer. He laughs at my petty anger "Is there anything else you want?" he asks. I nod "I want to find corn flour or corn meal and hominy! I want to make some pozole and menudo for the winter! oh my gosh, that sounds so good." I feel my stomach growl at the mention of menudo. "Alright after we get you something to eat." He leads me to a nearby restaurant. They had so many Indian dishes and I was over the moon with all of the options.

A Nagas tale
ActionFollow the hard-headed Audrey as she discovers a new world and a hidden truth about her life. "A tall handsome worrier? yes please!"