poking a sleeping beast

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I explained the process of aura bonds and their importance. Since I was the one who brought this information to this tribe Olivia made me responsible for looking over the aura testing. I quickly pulled one of the girls out of Luvosky's aura seeing she struggled to adjust. "No good," I tell him. He frowns as the medics quickly check the girl over. I quickly run over to another girl pulling her away from the panda. "Enough," I murmur. I watched the others succeed in matching the only one who stayed out of this was that girl Ayame. Her eyes are fixed on Kogen and I wanted nothing more than to gouge her eyes out. "She does not show any signs of aura shock Mother!" I nod patting the medic's shoulder. "Alright, we will swap the two," I order. He nods and walks the girl over to Luvosky. The others went to their tables to talk and get to know each other. I watched Luvosky and this panda I believe his surname was woo. I can tell the girls are scared "Don't feed that fear." I warn them. The girls nod I notice the Daisy chains around their necks and smile 'Are these the girls from before.' I smile at them "You girls are strong enough to be part of Troy's troops, don't fear somebody for their strength." I explain. They nod "C..can you hold our hands?" the girls ask. I understand they are scared "I cannot it will interfere with the bond, I am however right here watching over." I assure them. They turn to the men and I smile at them both. "again." I order. I watch as the girls flare their auras but these guys were so overpowering I can see why they give up so easily. "If you feel like you are about to die, fight it." I coach the girls. "You aided my home when it was in shambles, you faced fugitives out in these woods, don't give up so easily." I remind them. The girls flare their auras harder Luvosky smirks as her aura starts latching onto his wrist. I smile seeing the other girls' aura do the same. I nod watching them both gasp for air. I clap "Well done." I praise "You boys need to protect these girls for me you hear?" I look at the men. They nod "Yes, Mother." they both answer. I nod turning my head seeing That girl Ayame is not where she was before. "WHAT!? THE LEADER TOOK A CONCUBINE!?" I turn my attention to the voice. I frown seeing Ayame chatting with the men of the five families. "AND AUDREY AGREED!?" They ask in disbelief. "Yes, Mother is very understanding." She giggles. I can feel my anger start to boil over. Kogen grabs me to stop me from starting an argument. Olivia steps up and shakes her head "Audrey has not accepted such an arrangement. This child is just looking for trouble." She clears up. The men nod "I thought as much." they chuckle "Audrey try not to get into trouble." Kogen asks me. I huff "Kogen, if you don't kick this girl off the Island I am going to bury her with Ozaies." I threaten already over her bullshit. He nods setting me down "I know that one can challenge the leaders for their partners!" Ayame huffs. I turn to Olivia "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Olivia warns. Ayame stomps up to me "I challenge you to a spar! If I win You need to leave Kogen to me!" Ayame Ignores Olivia. Kogen grabs my wrist wanting to stop me from accepting her challenge. I weighed the danger of fighting a woman who has her aura and has trained with Troy's troops. "Are you too scared? then that means you default." Ayame taunts me. I pull my wrist from Kogen's hold. "Audrey, ignore her taunts there is no way I'd agree to leave." He tries to calm me down. I smile at him "I am simply going to talk with her, there is no need for physical warfare." I assured Kogen I was not going to start anything. 'I was not going to start anything but if she started something I sure as hell will put an end to her idiocy.' I smile at Ayame. "Can I ask why you want to take Kogen from me? Or rather can I ask why you believe you can take Kogen from me." I correct my question. She frowns "I can be a better wife to Leader Zer! I have the strongest auras in my team and I am more qualified to run a tribe!" she answers. I nod "Is that it?" She frowns "What do you mean is that it!? What else is there!?" she demands. I sigh "You won't declare your undying love and loyalty to Kogen? You won't promise to care for his every need?" I shake my head "Man, I forget other than shallow girls there are also power-hungry ones in the world." Ayame frowns "Of course I like the Leader! he smells amazing!" she bites back. I grin "OH!? can you tell me how he smells?" I ask ready to see what she has to say. 'Before you said I smelt disgusting and now you say he smells good?' I watch her face turn red before she answers. "He smells of grapefruit and clove! He smells wonderful!" She finally spits out. I can't help but burst out laughing at her mistake. "So you like my pheromones?" I ask seeing her confused face. She frowns "What!?" she asks. I nod "Oh sweet summer child. Hija de estupidos." I giggle. "You seem to be catching the scent of my heat after Kogen leaves home." I grin widely at her. Her eyes widen as she realizes what I meant. "that day you went to my home and said I smelt disgusting." I poke her forehead "That scent was Kogens, How can you say you truly want to be Kogen's wife?" I ask pushing her away. She frowns before shoving me back. I grin 'Oh I have been waiting for you to do this.' "Audrey" Kogen warns. I turn to him and smile "It's alright honey," I assure him. 'I need to hold back.' I look at the girl "You are just some lowly nobody! How can you think you deserve to be the leader's wife!?" she grabs my hair. 'Ah, she's done it.' I hold my smile and slam my open palm into her throat. She lets go of my hair and backs away gasping for air. I fixed my hair making sure the beads did not get messed up. "Do not put your hands on me." I hiss. She frowns lunging at me. 

Olivia steps in front of Kogen as he tries to stop Audrey. "Let her, that girl has been stepping on Audrey's toes long enough," she warns her son. "If you keep holding Audrey off it will only encourage the others to step on her toes." Olivia watched as Audrey stepped to Ayame. "Those who listen to my warnings will see why I discouraged them from getting close to you." she turns her eyes to the girls who'd found themselves a partner before looking back at Audrey. "You think you are scary!? You have no aura to speak of!" Ayame lunges at Audrey her aura flared to add damage to her attacks. Audrey steps aside watching Ayame stumble to a stop. Ayame turns to Audrey who holds her hands behind her back. "Why won't you fight me!" Ayame shouts in anger. "You are too scared to fight me! that's it!" Ayame starts jumping to conclusions without realizing Audrey is using her as an example. Audrey steps away from Ayame's punch. Audrey's eyes are fixed on Kogen who watches the altercation. "If this is the best you can do, I suggest you go back home." Audrey taunts. Ayame frowns getting back on her feet. "You are nothing!" Ayame shouts throwing another punch at Audrey. Audrey does not move this time ready to let Ayame hit her. Ayame grins ready for her fist to connect to Audrey's face. Audrey's third eye snaps open with her anger. "You are worthless, Your intentions only taint my forest." She hisses. Ayame stops moving gasping for air as her body is squeezed under Audrey's gaze. Her eyes widen 'A third eye!?' Ayame panics. Audrey smiles holding her hands up "Ah, how I miss feeling the forest's aura." she whispers. Ayame looks at Audrey angry she is unable to move. "Let me go! what spell are you!?" "Spell? oh no honey, your body refuses to move under the pressure of my aura." Audrey corrects. Ayame's eyes widen "Your... aura?" she asks. Audrey smiles at her. "Si, exactly my aura," she answers. Ayame gasps as her body starts getting squeezed harder. Her eyes widen as she makes out the animal that is coiled around her. 'A N... Naga!?' She panics as Audrey looks at her "I do not accept you as a concubine, there is no need for a disrespectful bitch in my house." she scoffs. 'T.. the only Naga left on this Island is..' Ayame screams as her bones start getting crushed. 'The heiress Ezra... Audrey..' Ayame struggles in the tight grip of Audrey's aura. She gasps "I... I apologize." she tries to back out of her challenge. "No, Ayame you seemed very sure of yourself. Now, prove to me that you can stand without dying." Audrey refuses her apology. Ayame screams desperately as she coughs up blood. "You've bothered me for too long, You've tried to shake your nasty ass in front of my husband." She huffs. "Girls like you who do not understand the sanctity of a marriage shouldn't step foot on my Island." she scoffs. "Mother! Thats enough!" Talia quickly steps to Audrey. She looks at Talia and the others who are watching in horror. Audrey turns to Ayame "This is my win, I want you off this Island right now, Medics can treat your wounds on the way to the docks." She hissed. Audrey was so focused on the fight that she did not realize the forest's aura came back in a resounding roar of birds chirping. Kogen walks up to Audrey and pulls her into his arms. "Audrey, she gets the point," He scoffs at the girl sitting on the ground struggling to breathe. Audrey rubs her face into Kogen's chest "I can feel your aura again." she whispers gleefully. He looks at her and chuckles "Yeah, I can feel yours." he tells her. She hugs him tightly as she checks the Island. "Dad and Grandpa are not back yet?" she asks. He shakes his head "No, but they are safe." He explains. Audrey sighs "I should have been more harsh with rejecting these girls." He laments. Audrey sighs "This girl would not care." She grumbles. He sighs knowing she was right. Audrey calmed her anger and just as soon as she was able to feel her aura it vanished. She frowns looking at her hands 'Why!?' She looks at Kogen who is looking out at the forest. Audrey follows his gaze and shudders seeing the curious blue glow that used to cover the forest. 'Audrey!' She turns to the mountain. "Grandpa Ash?" she murmurs. 'You can finally hear me!' He sobs Audrey turns to the mountain fully. "What is it?" Kogen asks. Audrey looks at him "I can hear Grandpa Ash again." She answers stepping closer to the mountain. 'I don't mean to bother the ceremony! I just felt your aura poke me awake.' He answers. "My aura?" Audrey asks. He chuckles 'We can talk later! you go have fun.' He assures her of that before going silent. Audrey sighs a bit sad that again her aura is gone. Kogen looks around the forest feeling Audrey's aura mixed in with the aura of the forest. 'what is going on? it's like she is everywhere and not here at the same time.' He looks at Audrey who steps back towards the main event where the other four girls trembled in horror at what they had just seen. To them, It looked like the entire forest woke from its slumber just to fall on Ayame. Like the forest became a large serpent and crushed Ayame into the broken mess on the floor. They turn to Olivia who smiles at them with an 'I told you so' look in her eyes. "Alright! let's get back to our regularly scheduled program!" Audrey claps her hands. 

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