Chapter 1:- Family Dinner

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Nisha's POV

It was as if that that they all are bitten by a snake.  "Hello to earth people!!" I broke their trance with a snap of my fingers. "OMG!! Congratulations darling." Samaira said or I should say that she practically shouted, "easy girl you are going toake us deaf." Karthik said with his finger on his ears, "shut up!! Karthik." Samaira chided him to which he laughed and gave me a hug, "congratulations Nishu!" He said. 

"Congratulations!! Nisha."  Avni said while clasping both the hands together and gave me tight hug. "Congratulations! Miss designer, I am so happy for you babes." Avinash hugged me while I am hugged him back. "Thank you so much guys!!" I said with a big smile on my face.

"Nisha, now that you have gave us such a great news then what about the party?" Avinash asked with a naughty smile. Avni slapped him on his arms mumbling a small shut up. "Avni it's okay! He is right that, that party is indeed is needed so, Nisha where the party tonight?" Karthik asked with a raised eyes and naughty grin. 

"Fine, I am giving you all a party at my parents place what say?" I asked them with my raised eyebrow. "Sounds like a plan, Nishu done call aunty and ask her to make some delicious supper."  Samaira replied and everyone else nodded at that.

I fished my phone out of my pocket and dailed my mom's number she answered the call after few rings."Hello!! mamma." I greeted her with beaming voice afterall I am talking to her almost after two days in rows. "Nisha, how are you my fella, what happened why did you called anything a miss?" She began to bombarding questions on me.

Happiness and rage of tension was clear in her voice, "Maa!! Maa I am fine, don't worry! And I had called you to inform you that today, Avni, Samaira, Avinash, Karthik and me are coming to our mension for dinner and I am thinking to invite Sameer as well." I told her while chuckling at her reaction she becomes very hyper sometimes tipical mother India.

"O!! Wow thats great dear at what time you'll be here and what  you want me cook?" She asked happily. "Mumma that's for you to think and for me to know, and we are leaving from here right now so will be there in sometime, and mumma can you please call dada bhai and bhabhi also." I said gathering my thing to leave while my friends were at their heels to leave.

"Why?" She asked me, did I forget to maintain that me and my dada bhai (big brother) don't leave with our parents in their mansion it's not that, that either of us having any sort of issues with our parents but you can say that we both become independent.  As soon as, dada bhai handled our family business he started leaving in the penthouse apartment at top floor of the office building so he won't get late ever and  after that when I started my own fashion house, I did the same ofcourse like other parents even my parents were not agreed with this decision of mine, but eventully they agreed when they saw that I started coming late at home due to lots of work at my office.

So my father gave me the permission to shift at my penthouse apartment at the top floor at my office building it's has been six month seen I have last visited to my parents so this was best thing to do and give them a good new.  "Nisha are you still there?" I was snapped back from my trails of thought when my mom shouted at other line with a panic in her voice.

"Huh! Mom I have to give you all a good news, so I want each and every  member of our family there okay!"

"Okay dear!! But what kind of good news is this?" She asked with a hope in her voice. I might say that she is thinking that I am finally ready for shaddi business but my poor mom she going to be heartbroken after knowing my good news.

"Mumma don't assume anything its nothing what you are thinking okay!" I said her till we reached to our parking area and settled ourselves in my Macerdees.  "Okay baby!!" She said in a grumpy voice.  "Aacha, Maa listen I will only call up dad bhai and will invite hime for the dinner party. It's been long since we talked.

"As your wish bacche, come soon we will be waiting for you, byee." She said before hanging up the call. "Byee mumma love you." I said and hung up the call. After a while, I dailed my dada bhai's numbr on my phone and waited for him to pick it up but as usual his phone seems to busy on some sort of business call which really irritated all of us. No I am not complaining about his work but he always do this to us he always ignores our calls due to his work which is not right.

So, I disconnected the call and dialed another number which belongs to my sweet bhabhi (sister in law) the call was answered in few ring only as soon as she answered I bombarded questions to her without taking a single breath.  "Hello bhabhi how are you and how's my champ doing and where is mister busy bee? I want to talk to him but has always his phone is coming busy where is he, is he home or some where else?"

I was on and on like an radio when she stopped me,"Shh! Easy tiger, take a breath how much do you talk baby easy, I will answer you question one by one. First of all I am good and secondly champ is all good and your dada bhai is at home only but busy in his meeting, I will give him the phone to talk to you so wait." She said, "Yes bhabhi please give him the danm phone, I want to talk to him."  I said her while Avi started the Mercedes pulled it on the busy roads of Mumbai.

"Ohh!! Anything special, that you can't say it to your bhabhi." Though, I can't see her face but the smirk was visible in her voice. "Yes!! Very special and I will tell you the special news at the dinner party tonight at our mension." I said with grin we talked for more than  fifteen minute and then finally she gave the phone to dada bhai.

"Hey princess, how are you??" He greeted me as he always do he is such sweet heart. "Hey!! Dada bhai, I am fine you say how are  you and how is your work going on?" I asked him mokingly about his work. "Everything is going as smooth as butter princess and sorry for not answering your call." He apologized as usually but I really love my big bro he is alway there to support me whether I am right or wrong he is there with me everytime, I need him.

" It's okay!! But your apology will only be accepted when you meet me at 8.30 pm sharp at mansion. Don't forget to bring my favourite thing along." I threatened him, I was the only one who can do this to him and apart from me Sanyukta bhabhi. 

"Okay! I understood princess I'll bring it for sure." He surrendered to me, we talked on my whole way to mansion where my friends were busy with each other as soon as I finished my call we pulled in fornt of big gates where watchman was standing as I lowered my car's door glass as soon as he saw me, he immediately opened the gates for us now we drove the long drive way and stopped in front of a fountain which was situated infront of  the main door of mansion.

We all slid out of the car and rang the door bell, a few moments later my mom opened the door and engulfed me in hug after greeting her we entered in the house walking down to the baramda we entered in the drawing room were I saw my father sitting on sofa with his laptop on coffee table, along with my twin brother Samar.

As soon as Samar caught the sight of me he got up and hugged me tightly as we met after a long time.  As broke the hug with Samar, I greeted my father of course even he was very happy to see me after almost six months we settled down on the couches and we were having talks like every family has while my big brother and bhabhi came along.

Bhabhi was seven months pregnant with her first child as soon as they approached us I rosed up from my seat and hugged my dada bhai tightly after that carefully hugged my sweet bhabhi.

At 9: 00 pm.... 

Dinner was ready now and everyone was there even Samar's fiancee was there Sanjana Singh one of our classmate really a sweet girl, I really appreciate my brothers choice for their life partners both choose exactly what everyone need in their partners.

As soon as dinner started our dinning table was filled with giggles and laughter.  Everyone was pulling eachother legs, it was such a fun we really enjoyed our dinner after along time, I had a satisfaction of dinner after dinner was over and desserts were severed to us, I gave them my good news everyone was very happy for me and proud of me specially my dad for the first time in my life, I saw tears in his eyes and I was happy that it was the tears of happiness and pride.

After dinner and small celebration, me my friends and dada bhai, bhabhi decided to stay at mansion itself because was too late to go back and we all were too tired to go back to at home so we stayed in mansion.


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