Chapter 2: The Plan

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Rosalie Pov

The day of her parents request passed and also the concert, so Rosalie began packing things up so that in two days time she could go back to Japan. While she was packing her stuff she received a phone call from her father

"Hi dear are you finished with all the packing?" Dad said

"Almost, I still have some clothes I need to pack though" I said

"Okay then make sure you don't leave anything important that you might need behind" Dad said being the parent he is

"Of course, don't worry dad I'm not a kid anymore" I said while packing more stuff

"Yes sweetheart I know that... " He said when he heard me sight

"What's wrong is everything okay? " He said sounded worried

"I'm okay, it's just I'm worried about how school will be with 'normal people' around me. I just don't want people make a fuss about me being there you know and also people trying to befriend me because I am popular and all that stuff" I said sadly

"I know you hate those things dear, I guess we have to figure out what to do about this kind of situation, maybe.... " Dad said trying to think at the same moment but was interrupted when his wife told him to pass her the phone so that she can talk to me

"Hi dear I heard what you said and a great idea came in mind, how about we give you a new look, how does that sound?"She said proud of her self

"New look?"I said confused

"Yes, and I have a plan. You see if we change the way you dress and also giving you a new hair style and people might not notice, also two of you brothers are quite handy for this kind of things since they are quite good when it comes to fashion and hairdressing" She said explaining

"I guess that will work, but... "I said in a low voice

"What is it dear you can tell me you know, we are family now. I know you don't know me to well and I won't be offended if you don't trust me... "She said but stopped since I interrupted her

"No, it's not that it's just I am afraid what my brothers will think about me, you know about me being famous which I am not bragging about it, it's just I want them to treat me normally you know like how normal sibling treat each other" I said

"I don't think you have to worry about that because you see, we never told the boys that they have another sister since we didn't want them to do something ridiculous so they can meet you which they would have if they knew and also dad told your sister to not say anything about you so you are in the clear. Of course the two boys that I was telling you about will know since they will be assisting you" She continued and after I sight

"Well I guess your plan will work" I said

"Of course, I will call you back once I made the arrangement with the boys okay dear" She said happily

"Thanks I really appreciate it... mom" I said giving a smile although they couldn't see me

"Anything for my lovely daughter. Take care dear, bye" She said

"Bye" I said ending the call

You can say I was quite relieved after the call since I was worried about being treated differently from others. The day passed as well and the next day mom called giving me the details about my flight and where to meet my two brothers.

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