Chapter 25: Who I really am

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Rosalie Pov

An other week has passed, and all of us decided to stay at Maya's apartment. You can say all week was and grows at the same time specially when it came to Fuuto and Serina. Don't get me wrong or anything I am glad they became a couple but seeing them sucking each other's faces and Fuuto being the pervert 'guy' he is, it's kind of disgusting. I mean can't they be like Maya and Iori, cuddling together and from time to time they share kiss. It's kind of cute of them. I kind of feel like a third wheel every time they decided to go out enjoy ourselves. Why can't I have a guy with me as well and going on dates like they do. Why can't I have a normal relationship with a freaken guy. Was I not meant to fall in love with someone? :(

"Hey Roe, Roe wake up" Serina said

"Mhhm Ser 5 more minutes" I said sleepy

"Come one I have to take you somewhere" She explained

"Where?" I asked

"Well I did promise you that I will tell you about me didn't I, and what better way than to show you where it all started" Serina said in her usual sweet voice

"Okay I'm up, wait is Fuuto coming. If he is, I call quiets" I said knowing what will happen if those two are close to each other

"Nope, just you and me" She said

"Yaaayy. Let's go come on" I said while exited the apartment

"Coming, I will just leave a note for the others. There done. Now LETS GO" She said and we both began walking

We hailed a cab and the ride took about 2 hours max. The cab stopped at a mansion with two cars parked at the front.

 I gasped at the place I am being lead to by my best friend and also ever since we began walking to the mansion, a short of vibe came to me, it's kind of strange but I think I saw this place somewhere before

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 I gasped at the place I am being lead to by my best friend and also ever since we began walking to the mansion, a short of vibe came to me, it's kind of strange but I think I saw this place somewhere before. My mind must be playing tricks on me or something.

"Ser" I said with an unbelievable voice

"Yes Roe, hey are you ok? You look pale" She said

"Your rich?" I asked

"Yepp. Haha sorry I didn't tell you but I am not the only one rich here, you as well are rich" She explained

"WHAT!!" I yelled

"Let's go inside, I will explain everything okay?" She said giving me a smile

I nod 

We entered the mansion and Serina guided me to the living room or a meeting room or something, whatever rich people call it

 As I saw the room, my legs moved on there own and made my way to the piano, sat on the chair and without knowing I began playing

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. As I saw the room, my legs moved on there own and made my way to the piano, sat on the chair and without knowing I began playing.

 I closed my eyes and played, the feeling was relaxing. I couldn't believe it myself, I was actually playing the piano and I had never played. My fingers moved on there own, hitting the right keys, making the melody fill the room. The melody died and I saw Serina clapping with a huge smile on her face and a guy with golden hair with unbelievable beautiful golden eyes smiling.

"You are as amazing as always I see, you truly a Volkov heir" He said

"How did yo...." I tried to ask but Serina interrupted

"Roe there is something I haven't told you. This is my little half-brother Lev Leo Mark Volkov Affini and also your half big brother, and me as a half older sister" She explained

'WHATT!! These people are my half sibling' I thought as other thoughts ran through my mind

"I know you are angry with me that I didn't ..... tell you the truth before, you see it wasn't a quiescence at all. I was actually following you, I..... I wanted to see my little sister again and also I wanted our family as whole again..... like 11 years ago" Serina said crying

"Serina has nothing to do with it, I was the one that talked her into it. My reasons are the same as Serina. We decided that we would contact you when you turn 18 years old but after we heard about you being kidnapped.....GOD it was to much so we decided to approach you now. I swear he is going to pay for what he has done to you" Lev my older brother said angrily

"He shouldn't have gone after you, we tried to protect you from all this by sending you away but it didn't work, he still found you. We are here to help you Roe, we can be family again together. We will face it together" Serina said angry but then she calmed down when Lev hugged her.

"You mean my abusive ex-boyfriend kidnapped me and treated me that way because of him having issues with you" I said angrily

"Roe you are part of the Volkov family, if he has an issue with one of us, he has an issue with the whole family. it's how it works" Lev explained

"You see The Matsumoto Family had been holding a grudge ever since we Volkov rose and gained power in countries all over the world and he promised that he will do anything to bring us Volkov to ruin. That must why he sent his son, so he can keep track on you" Serina continued explaining


Serina busted into tears falling o her knees while Lev tried to stop her from crying. When they both looked at me, I could see the pain they felt on their faces.

"I'm going to leave" I whispered but before I turned to the living room door to get out, the door was opened and

"You are not leaving Rosalie, you are part of the family like it or not, and family stick together in good and bad" was heard

When I turned at to wear the voice came from, I saw a man in a suit 

"I think it's time to tell you about our family my daughter" He said

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"I think it's time to tell you about our family my daughter" He said

'WHATT!!" I thought

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